Nine Heavens

Chapter 1954 Aunt and nephew in Honglou

Chapter 1954 Honglou Aunt and Nephew


"How is this possible? When you lie to others, even you believe it is true, how can you do it! I can't do it!"

"So, just follow me! Don't think about anything now, let's concentrate on eating. It doesn't matter if they guess it!"


"Because daddy told me to say that. Dad lied to them, not us. If we talk about the truth, we'd be wronged!"

"Oh! That's right! I also didn't think so, but Miss Sister is amazing!"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I be your little sister, master! Hee hee... eat!"

Lian'er pointed to a bed of fairy vegetables and spiritual fruits, and said with a smile.


This time, Xiaobai also laughed, one person and one bird were chatting, while gnawing delicious food.

As for the movement and movement outside, it does not exist. That kind of comfort is not to mention today.

Ling Yao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng squatted in the corner, envious to death, wishing he could lie down with them and enjoy himself, but of course this was not the time.


True Monarch Cheng Shifeng coughed twice as a reminder, and then wanted to speak.

But as soon as he showed up, the white-faced tiger king next to him spoke angrily:

"Hmph! Look at you, you are not as big as your eyeballs, yet you have the face to be called Xiaobai, and it's almost like Milier!"

The reason why the white-faced tiger king is so angry is precisely because Xiaobai has the same nickname as his beloved.

"You, why are you here!?"

Hearing the white-faced Tiger King's voice, Lian Er and Xiao Bai were both taken aback.

Lian'er sat up, the spirit fruit in her mouth fell out, Xiaobai dropped her buttocks and stared at Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, and the white-faced tiger king.

"Of course I found out that you were lying, so I came to ask you clearly."

Seeing the funny appearance of one person and one bird, Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, couldn't help but want to laugh, but he tried his best to hold back and replied with a serious face on purpose.

"No way, it's only been three days since they found out, young lady!"

Xiaobai looked back at Lian'er with a bitter face.

"Huh? What did I teach you just now, she was talking nonsense, we didn't lie at all!"

Lian Er was surprised for a moment, then calmed down, her eyes flashed, and she confidently reminded Xiao Aibai.

"Yeah! I know Xiaobai, it's a lie, even you have to believe it, so that you can deceive people!"

Xiaobai summoned up his courage, straightened his chest, stared at his round black eyes, and said sonorously.


"Sneeze! Haha..."

How about it, as soon as Xiaobai said this, Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, and the white-faced tiger king were all teased, laughing out loud.

"Don't laugh! We are not lying. Dijun told us to say that Dijun was killed by Yunzhou Yunjun's infinite cloud calamity elephant!" Seeing the appearance of Cheng Shifeng and the white-faced tiger king, Xiaobai He jumped up in a hurry, flapping his wings and shouting.

"Xiaobai! My brother! You are mad at me!"

When Lian Er heard Xiao Bai's words, she thought to herself, it's over, her deception has completely failed, she picked up Xiao Bai, grabbed her face left and right, and shouted.

"Didn't you say yes, don't pull your face and wings again, where did I go wrong!"

Xiaobai's chubby face was stretched out by Lianer, Xiaobai was very worried about the beauty problem, so he hurriedly yelled.

" are such a stupid bird, you are not allowed to be called Xiaobai from now on, just be stupid!"

The white-faced tiger king buzzed and laughed happily.


Xiaobai turned his head with great effort, looked at the white-faced Tiger King stretching several feet, and asked.

"Because my name is Xiaobai!"

The White Faced Tiger King replied immediately.

"Impossible! You are so old, and you are also called Xiaobai. Besides, you are called Baihui, which is almost the same as Old Hui!"

Lian'er looked up and down the white-faced tiger king, and said.

"Hmm! Stop talking nonsense, I can become smaller!"

The White-faced Tiger King really likes the nickname Xiaobai, and in order to prove that he is suitable for this nickname, he instantly became the size of a small milk cat.

Then he raised his head and asked Xiaobai:

"Will this fit?"

"Wow! You have a trick, okay! I don't like the name Xiaobai for a long time. If you like it, you can continue to call it. I will change my name to Meimei in the future! Look at me, am I getting more and more beautiful? !"

Xiaobai saw that the white-faced tiger king had turned into a little milk cat more than a foot long, which was quite cute, so he said.


Hearing this, the white-faced tiger king laughed again, thinking, it's still called Meimei, and it's almost the same as Pangpang. But the white-faced tiger king thought so, in order to protect the unique registration right of his name, he praised against his will:

"Not bad! You are the most beautiful bird I have ever seen, Xiaobai!"

"Hee hee! Thank you Xiaobai for your compliment!"

Meimei listened to the words of the white-faced tiger king, and was very useful, so happy that she jumped on Lianer's palm.

"Hehe, Lian'er. Actually, as soon as we heard you say that your robbery golden pagoda was robbed by Yun Zhou Yunjun, we knew it was your father who asked you to come back and tell him that he passed away!

His intention was not to let the Langyuan Xianmen know the news of his death and make the whole sect sad, but to let us Langyuan Xianmen perform a big drama of the emperor's death for Yunzhou Yunjun. "

After the white-faced Tiger King and Meimei had finished speaking, Cheng Shifeng, the Spirit Demon Monarch, looked at the blushing Lian Er and said.

"Wow! It turns out that the purpose of taking away the urn of robbery is not to collect money for the catastrophe, but to use it to inform you that he is still alive. Is he obviously cheating his daughter? Dad is so annoying!"

Lian'er suddenly realized, a pair of big eyes, shining with aura, shouted.

"If your father wasn't like this, would you perform so realistically?"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of spirit demon, said with a smile.

"But, what's the use of that, don't you all know that Meimei and I are acting in a play now? It's a joke for people to see, hum! When Daddy comes back, we must settle the score with him!"

Lian'er was very angry and pouted.

"Of course it works. Lian'er cried loudly, and with the angry look we had when we first heard your news, someone in Yunzhou must have seen it, as well as us people from Langyuan Xianmen. This is exactly what your father expected !"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, reminded Lian Er.

"Oh, Lian'er understands, only if Lian'er cries realistically, and all uncles and aunts cooperate well, can they fool Yun Zhou's bad guys!

However, why did daddy insist on doing this? At that time, he wanted to ask daddy, but daddy didn't seem to want to talk about it, so Lian'er didn't ask. "

When Lian'er heard this, she didn't cry for nothing and lose face, she was happy again for a moment, she tilted her head and pondered for a while, and asked.

"Specifically, my aunt doesn't know either. It's obvious that your father wants Yun Zhou to be convinced that he has fallen, and then seems to want to do something in secret. It is estimated that only he knows what it is."

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng heard Lian'er's question, pondered for a moment, and shook his head slightly.

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