Nine Heavens

Chapter 1955

Chapter 1955: Waves of the Heavenly Coffin

"Is aunt here to call Lian'er?"

Cheng Shifeng shook her head when she saw the true lord of Lingyao, Lian'er didn't intend to ask in detail, she looked up out of the window and listened to Mi Tianluo's voice to ask.

"It wasn't originally, my aunt just wanted to ask about your father's situation, but it seems that you don't know much, since the heavenly camp is calling, let's go together! You see, the sky is full of shadows, everyone has gone. "

"Well! Well, I miss my mother and the others very much. We haven't seen them since we came back. There are also big sisters, Tianling sisters, and little devil turtles..."

"Okay, when we arrive at the Tianzhang camp, anyone can visit if they want, and everyone will be there soon!"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng interrupted Lian Er's words and said with a smile.

Then, the aunt and nephew, with Meimei, one on the white-faced tiger king and the other on the colorful silk, also joined the team of Langyuan Tianying.

After the Eternal Sky seal of Lang Yuandi was opened, two most conspicuous existences appeared in the sky, one was the "Lang Yuan Equal to the Sky" red flag of thousands of stars, and the other was the Lang Yuan Doutian military tent floating most of the sky.

Doutian army tents are surrounded by the thousands of stars red flag of "Lang Yuan Qi Tian", stretching for hundreds of millions of light miles, there is one general for thousands of miles, and one handsome man for thousands of miles.

In addition to the main force of the four spirits of the Langyuan Xianmen and the magical inherent forces of the ninety-nine and eighty-one techniques, most of these Langyuan fighting armies are the emperors of the Langyuan Xianmen since the Zhou Dynasty. Jun Liujuan, Cheng Yuanfang, the real lord of the sky wolf, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, and various inhuman elemental powers created and built by the god of swords and gods, Zhanxuanzi.

The supreme and evil power of the emperor of the universe is inside his black jade skull, let alone people who are not in Langyuan Xianmen.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, at first relied on the night souls of the common people in the world to travel, and established a huge spiritual army.

However, it was later discovered that this method of summoning a spiritual army is very limited, and it consumes a lot of soul power. At the same time, it is okay to fight against the ghosts and ghosts of the universe, but it is not strong enough to fight against the heavens and immortals.

Therefore, through the practice of Qixiang Dafa and Nine Dragons Fireworks and Jade Seals, with incense as the five essences and Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade God Light as flesh and blood, hundreds of millions of Hongxiang fighting spirits were created and trained to become a unique army of strange fragrances.

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang has always valued his Sirius, Demon Eagle, Demon Lion and Mitian Demonic Beast Team. And after a long period of time, the three major monsters have formed a giant formation of nine generations and four battles between demons and immortals.

The nine generations are the descendants of Sirius, Demon Eagle, and Demon Lion. They have evolved continuously, and they have evolved into nine terrifying descendants of wind, cloud, thunder, lightning, ice, fire, gold, light and sound. Yuan Lang and Qi Mu Lang and Qi Yuan Lang's wife control.

The Four Jue refers to the mutated species evolved from each generation of the three great celestial monsters. Although they are young, their strength is even more unbelievable. At the same time, you can travel freely in time and space.

These four decisive forces are led by a pair of sons and daughters of Sirius Zhenjun, and Qi Mulang and Qi Yuanlang's respective sons.

This is the force of the Nine Generations and Four Dueling Immortals under the command of Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, also known as the Wolf Castle Heavenly Army by the Langyuan Xianmen.

As mentioned above, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, has already mentioned the power of the spirit demon heaven and earth hall, the heavenly birds, the earth beasts, and after infinite years, there have also been various extraordinary changes in the form of strength. The Demon Lord Cheng Shifeng and Wu Xiannan are in control.

As for Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, apart from his mysterious power of stars and stars, few people have seen it. He has practiced a mysterious star tactic for several universes. As long as the stars and swords roar, he can summon the infinite stars in the sky. Instantly transformed into countless starry heavenly soldiers and generals!

If the military strength of Siling Boy and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi has evolved like this, the ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon ball phoenix pills, the magic sword, the magical arrow, and the power of the dragon, sky and phoenix have also evolved to an unprecedented level. Say it in detail.



"How did you fall!?"

"Damn Yun Zhou, return me to Emperor Langyuan!"


After Cheng Shifeng and Lianer Lian Piaoran, the true master of Lian Ling Yao, melted into the Tianying team, they suddenly felt infinitely depressed and sad.

I saw all the people around Langyuan Xianmen, all in plain clothes and white silk fluttering, with tears streaming down their faces, chanting endlessly.

After listening carefully, it turned out that Emperor Zhou was all crying and mourning.


After hearing these voices, Lian'er looked around and saw the sad expressions on the faces of people thousands of miles away.

"Aunt Feng! They are so powerful, they can transform even better than Lian'er, why are they crying so sincerely?"

In such an atmosphere, Lian'er didn't like to speak loudly through her seven orifices, so she could only communicate with Cheng Shifeng through sound transmission.

"Silly Lian'er, they're not acting, they think it's true!"

"Don't they know that dad died in a fake?"

"Of course I don't know, the whole Langyuan Sect, except you, Meimei, Uncle Yuanfang, Uncle Song, Aunt Juan and me, other people, including your mother, Senior Sister Yaya, all sisters don't know! "

"That can't be done, I'll tell my mother right now, I can't let my mother be sad for nothing!"

"No! Lian'er! We need this now! It's also your father who deliberately did this. Lian'er is a smart child, and you can understand why when you think about it."

"Oh! But mother and the others are so innocent!"

"Everything will be worth it. Remember, no matter who you see in a while, you have to act as infinitely sad as you did when you came back, you know?"

"Okay, Lian'er understands, Meimei, you heard me!"

Lian'er nodded, then looked sideways at Meimei on her shoulder, and planned to give some advice.


Only to find that the bird was already crying with tears in its eyes.

"Hey! Meimei, it's not over yet, how can you cry!"

Lian Er asked through voice transmission in her mind.

"Look at the people around you, it's so touching! Woohoo—you guys also like plain clothes and white silk, let's go to the sky and continue to cry. Wow——"

It's good that Lian'er didn't ask, but this question made Meimei cry even more.


Cheng Shifeng and Lian'er, the true lord of the spirit demon, saw each other, took Meimei's suggestion, and immediately moved away from them. They were all dressed in white and plain silk, and flew to the sky silently.


Not long after, the aunt and nephew heard the sound of weeping all the way, and finally arrived at the Tianzhang camp, and they were drowned in the sound of infinite weeping.

Lian'er and Meimei could perform as expected, they ran straight and wept bitterly towards an area where fairy shadows gathered, where the supreme and evil nine beloved wives of Emperor Zhou were all there.

They actually knelt around a huge floating red sky coffin, wept bitterly, and cried out for their fallen husband.

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