Nine Heavens

Chapter 1956 Paint Void Universe

Chapter 1956: Paint Void Universe

Yun Zhou Yun Palace.

"Mr. Yun! Mr. Yun! Overjoyed! Overjoyed!"

The outer hall of the Yun Palace suddenly ran with a streamer and shot into a bird-headed fairy wrapped in mist and clouds.

The bird-headed celestial being dressed in pale white clothes, holding a black whisk in his hand, almost fell, came to Jun Yun and sat down, shouting.

"he died!?"

Yunjun Yunjun sat on the throne of the Yungong Palace, squinting his eyes slightly, and suddenly opened his eyes, shooting out cold lights, looking towards the Langyuan Dizhou area through the countless layers of clouds at the bottom of the Yungong Hall.

After a long time, asked.

"It's really dead! Hmph! What kind of thing is he, dare to fight against the dead son!"

This bird-headed immortal is an extremely flattering character. Following Yun Jun's line of sight, he also looked down and saw a sky coffin floating above the universe of Langyuan Xianmen. Immortal position" ten big characters of the color of life in the blue light spray, couldn't help laughing.

"This lowly rascal made me so disgusted, he finally died, a good death! a good death!

It's a pity that I didn't witness how he died under the infinite cloud calamity elephant and my sword power! "

"It doesn't matter whether the dead son can see it or not. Anyway, he is dead. This time, the rumors of the two universes of the sky and the universe of the earth and the universe have been broken. The remaining three boys It's not too difficult to deal with that sword god, Zhanxuanzi, one by one.

When they die, the universe of Langyuan is destroyed, hehe... Zhong Zhi will have no one to ally with, and the entire universe will belong to you, Mr. Death again! "

The Bird-Headed Immortal, with a pale face, but a single black eye with an evil glow in it, said with a flattering smile.

"Haha... That's natural. In order to restore the dead universe, this young master spared no effort in the long years of life and death to become the immortal god of the living universe, and then worship Yuan Jun as his teacher, devote himself to practicing the sword of the dead demon, and divide his soul into the world of life , and died as a disciple again...all for the day when the universe will be restored!"

Speaking of this, Master Yunzhou Yunjun gave another evil laugh, which was Ouyang Langlong's cold laughter.

"Huh? Oh haha...Congratulations again, Mr. Death, your death universe heart is actually at this very moment, with thousands of dead souls, souls, gods, wisdom, and obsessions, as well as disease essence and dead essence. You have regained your death universe." sound.

This is really double happiness! The Emperor Zhou below has just died, and all your death spirits will immediately return to the dead body. This is really good luck! "

"Haha... um! Good! But let's not publicize the matter of my son of death recovering the spirit of death. After all, the hundreds of millions of clouds and immortals in the bodies of the four emperors and gods of war outside are still those immortal gods of Yunzhou and Guzhou. The five spirits let them know the true identity of Mr. Benqi's death, and they naturally would not accept him.

We can't destroy them all now, we still need to paralyze their five essences, and continue to control the evil cloud of death for us to work for us!

And that Emperor Zhou, who is supreme and evil, can be described as a man of extraordinary wisdom. This son of death really can't believe that he died like this!

Whether his death is real or not, I still don't know the truth, you continue to observe secretly, if you find anything wrong, report it immediately! "

The son of death obsessed with death Ouyang Langlong's soul soul obsession entered his body, and immediately there was no memory of the master-student relationship between the real world master and the emperor of the earth, the only thing that remained was his love for him. The supreme and infinite hatred and anger of the emperor of the universe!

The son of death stared coldly at the coffin of the emperor of the universe, the supreme and evil flying fairy coffin, because at that time, the "Complete Book of Destruction", "The Book of Demon Realm Smoke" and the appearance of the two immortals did not see the universe with his own eyes. The situation when the emperor is supreme and evil is destroyed, so his heart is full of doubts.

"The Bird Head Immortal Qimu will abide by the law! Don't worry, Mr. Shi Shi, the Bird Head Immortal Qimu will definitely help Mr. Death restore the world of the Seven Spirits of the Dead Universe at all costs! Only in this way can we repay the kindness of saving lives in the past!"

Immortal Bird Head heard the order, and immediately said, turning around the mountain to go!

"You and I are both victims of the disaster of the universe, it can be said that we share fate and share weal and woe.

At that time, the lacquer energy universe, the imaginary universe, and the dead universe, our three universes perished one after another. God is better than you and me!

We help each other to make it happen, and we have already known each other very well since we live in the universe. Qi Mushen must not be polite in the future.

If we talk about the age of Zhou, I should call you Uncle Zhou. Before my seven essences were separated from the body, and the memory of the universe was not complete, and I used Zhou Bo in every possible way, I was already uneasy! "

In just a moment, the dead son not only changed his voice into Ouyang Langlong's voice, but also changed his appearance into Ouyang Langlong's, but his face was pale and bloodless.

Standing up, he bowed to His Highness Nianniaotou Immortal.

Immortal Bird Head was overwhelmed immediately, and hastily returned the gift, excitedly saying:

"Everything in the past was not done by Mr. Complete Death, I don't know, I have no reason to blame you.

Frankly speaking, the reason why the bird-head fairy of this lacquer order has always followed the dead son persistently, and helped him wholeheartedly, to protect your seven essences and finally return to the body in a comprehensive way, and to help the rebirth of the dead universe, is also for the bird-head fairy of this lacquer order to live forever in death Universe!

It is impossible for Qi Nengzhou to recover, but the wisdom of the seven elites of the son of death will definitely be able to reverse the illusion of the universe, and the dead universe will be reborn!

The Bird Head Immortal of this lacquer eye has nothing else to ask for, but I just hope that the rebirth of the dead universe will also be the day when I steal peace, so I am satisfied! "

Immortal Bird Head said very sincerely.

"Of course! Zhou Bo has worked so hard, and when the dead Zhou comes back to life, I will respect you as the dead Zhou Bo god! Enjoy the eternal honor!

It's just that right now, Zhou Bo has to work hard to do a lot of things, and I hope that Zhou Bo will understand, after all, looking at the entire universe, there are only two of us who have a tacit understanding! "

Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, wearing a nine dragon evil crown on his head, with red eyes and evil and strange eyes, said.

"The lacquer-eyed Bird Head Immortal will thank you in advance, Mr. Yun, please continue to deploy Yunzhou Celestial Soldiers and Generals, I will shoot them!"

The Bird-Headed Immortal replied with an unseeable strange glow in his pitch-black evil eyes, then turned around, and suddenly turned into a cloud of light, and then disappeared.

When Mr. Death was sure that the bird-head fairy had gone away, a sneer came out of his throat, and the Tianling whisk in his hand turned into a blood demon sword, swung the sword to cut through the clouds and fog, and looked intently at the sky above Lang Yuan Di Zhou.

The fairy coffin floating in the sky above Langyuandizhou is still there. In the eyes of the dead son Ouyang Langlong, it is simply a beautiful scenery. He likes it in his heart when he looks at it.

But there is another thing that he hates very much, and that is the banner of "The Waves Are Like the Sky".

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