Nine Heavens

Chapter 1958 West River Fairy

Chapter 1958: Xihe Fairy

"Xie Jun is saying that the big brother you have always held a grudge against, Du Mojian Patriarch, that is, the later Yun Jun, was swallowed by the evil spirit of the ancient dead universe!?"

The right envoy of Tianxie looked at Zhong Zhan who was wearing the shimmering heavenly robe, and asked tentatively.

"That's exactly the case, this evil lord's real big brother Du Mo, should have killed his teacher when he couldn't control himself when he was struggling in the process of falling into death and losing his life.

Then the Five Essences of the Living Universe were controlled by the Evil Essence of the Dead Universe, so they framed me for killing my mentor!

All of this should not be out of his original intentions. Thinking about it, even in the process of his five essences being completely swallowed up by the son of death, the seven essences of death were extremely tormented.

This is really a trick of good fortune, but so what, the appearance of Ouyang Langlong seen by the right envoy of the evil spirits should actually be the original appearance of the dead son of the universe.

The son of death is indeed terrifying, he can play with the entire universe of life and universe and the universe of the earth and the universe with only his own strength!

At this time, all the seven spirits of his divided soul and death have returned to his body. This is about to have a decisive battle with Sheng Zhou! "

Zhong Xing said with emotion.

"His movements are indeed fast enough! Not only is he commanding the entire Yunzhou Yunbing Yunjun, and the sky is densely covered with waves, but his main soul is also summoning all the heavenly soldiers and generals in the Tianjie Tiangong.

On the one hand, they are ready to reinforce Yunzhou at any time, and on the other hand, they are deploying defenses on the front line of our Heavenly Evil Palace! "

The right envoy of Tianxie took Zhong Sheng's words.

"This is already within my expectation, and this evil lord has also already dispatched the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms army to gather at the front line. As long as the heavenly lord makes any moves against us, he will never tolerate it!"

When mentioning the war, Zhong Zhan's expression immediately became cold and cold, and he said simply.

"As for Lang Yuan Di Zhou, we..."

After Zhong Sheng's words fell, the right envoy of Tianxie nodded deeply in agreement, and then mentioned a celestial evil palace force arranged by Zhong Sheng who planned to help the waves and the universe.

"It seems that Emperor Zhou is supreme and evil, and he is not a vassal. Before this evil king wanted to help him, he had two purposes. One is to form an alliance with him and destroy Young Master Death together! The other is to accept him and other boys as his subordinates." Powerful Celestial Warrior.

However, the fact that Taiyi, the bell servant of Eastern Time and Space was teased by him to return, is enough to prove that he will not form an alliance with this evil king, let alone become a vassal of this evil king in the future.

What's the use of helping such a person, helping him succeed is just to create a strong enemy for our future.

If it is so, it is better to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, let them fight to the death with Mr. Yunzhou Death, or simply hurt both, and it will not be too late for us to fight again! "

Zhong Xing paused for a moment and decided decisively.

"That's right! The evil king can get everything in the universe without any effort by doing this. It's really clever, and the right envoy of the evil spirit admires it!"

Hearing that Zhong Sheng didn't plan to help Lang Yuan Di Zhou anymore, he was in harmony with Tian Xie You Envoy's mind, so Tian Xie You Envoy was very happy and praised.

"Haha... Unexpectedly, the always serious Tianxie right envoy would also say words of praise, but the heavenly evil right envoy has changed a lot.

If Ben Xiejun remembers correctly, this is the first time you have said a word of praise to Ben Xiejun! "

Zhong Sheng heard the words, looked at Tian Xie Youshi with great interest, and laughed.

"Heavenly evil right envoy is born with a face that can't smile, and his speech is even more dull. He usually makes the evil king unhappy!"

The right envoy of Tianxie was very embarrassed when he heard Zhong Sheng's words, and said apologetically.

"Hey, I don't mean to blame you, I just want to make fun of you. In fact, I like your serious appearance very much. Youdao is full of hypocrisy.

By the way, the appearance of the two volumes of "The Complete Book of Destruction" and "The Book of Smoke in the Demon Realm" is no small matter. From now on, you two can only follow the second book, and ignore all other matters. I will hand it over to other evil palace investigators. .

As long as possible, snatch the second book at all costs, and then quickly bring it back to the evil palace in the heaven. By the way, who is in the hands of the two volumes of the Immortal Book of the Universe? "

"In the hands of Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixe, Tianxie Zuoshi and I saw that Lian'er kicked them into Yunzhou Yunjun's infinite cloud calamity, and was finally taken away by Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie Understand!"

"Kicked into the infinite cloud calamity by her?


When Zhong Sheng heard that Lian'er was so disrespectful to the two volumes of Shenzhou Xianshu, it was really unexpected, and he couldn't help but looked at Tianxie Youshi in surprise.

Seeing this, the right envoy of Tianxie had no choice but to say:

"Indeed, at that time there were two volumes of fairy books, Shu Xian, one named Lao Bai and the other Qian Se. They didn't seem to be angry when they were kicked and kicked by that Lian'er.

That Lao Bai is the book fairy of "The Complete Book of Destruction", and he muttered in his mouth: Flying is flying by oneself, and flying is also flying when being kicked by others, why bother to fly by oneself..."

"Ha ha……"

Tianxieyoushi, don't look at his serious face, imitating Lao Bai's way of speaking and voice, it is very lifelike, making Zhong Sheng laugh again.

"These two book immortals are quite interesting. Come on, then go, find the left envoy of Tianxie, and immediately go to the Eastern Star River Region to chase after the waves of Emperor Zhou. When will you get the two volumes of the book of the gods and immortals? When will you come back?" That's it."

Zhong Xing laughed enough and ordered. Then continue to walk along the banks of the Xiling River in the Celestial Realm, and the Heavenly Evil Envoy is gone.

While walking, Zhong Xing was thinking about the content of Tian Xie Youshi's return this time.


All of a sudden, the Xiling River in the heavenly world, the water drums and waves turned, jumping to the bank, a colorful and beautiful elf figure, some of them are transformed by the waves of Tianling River, some are formed of spiritual flowers and plants in Tianling River or on the river bank, or are immortals on the river. The fog is transformed by the flowers of the stars and the moon above.

"The evil lord summoned me to wait for the Xiling elves, what orders do you have?"

These Xiling elves asked laughingly.

"Do you still remember what happened to the wave that devoured the seven-color fate soul given by the Nuwa Empress and those spiritual flowers and plants?"

The number one evil god in the heavens, Zhong Xing, was tall and mighty, looked around at the elves, and asked with a mysterious look in his eyes.

"I know, I know, they have gone to the lower world, and they have gone to the world to be reincarnated as human beings!"

Hearing the words, the Xihe elves shouted and replied.

"That's right, but do you know? Today they are much stronger than you. Not only have they cultivated to become immortals, but they have already dominated a part of the universe called 'Langyuanxianzhou'.

And he is ambitious, set up the banner of "The Waves Are Equal to the Sky", and intends to compete with Yuntian! Look at you again, you have cultivated for countless years, but you are still some Tianlinghe elves, and you don't even have a physical body, alas! Poor, poor! "

Zhong Zhan nodded slightly, but then sighed loudly, complaining about these Xilinghe elves.

"Hmph! How can we compare with them? They devoured Empress Nuwa's seven-color fate soul, and we didn't get it!"

"Yes! It's not our fault!"

"They are really hateful, they don't care about us at all, they only care about the river spirits in a small area around them, devouring the colorful fate souls, and when we rush forward, even the smell of the colorful fate souls is gone!"


Zhong Shi's words caused the Xihe elves to complain.

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