Nine Heavens

Chapter 1959 Bell Death Lures Spirits

Chapter 1959: Bell Death Lures Spirits

"You are both Heavenly Spirits of the same river, but the experience is so different, are you willing?"

Zhong Xing waited for these Xihe elves to calm down a little, and then asked.

"Of course I'm not reconciled, I heard that the human world is very interesting and fun, who would not want to go to the lower world to experience it, besides, only in the human world can one be reincarnated and obtain a human body.

Although this heaven is good and the fairies are beautiful, but the primordial immortal gods, except for Empress Nuwa and the four beauty gods who have learned from Meizhou, are all fairy gods and demons, how can they be more beautiful than humans!

We have seen the beauty of the human race when the first batch of people created by Empress Nuwa, but unfortunately, they were quickly wiped out by the fairy gods at that time. After that, I heard that Empress Nuwa directly The lower realm created a second batch of people, but unfortunately we haven't seen them. "

A flower-head elf with a fish body came out of these Xiling elves, with chaotic circles of eyes on his head, and his eyes waved towards the lower realm of the rainbow, sighing.

"Then do you know what is the main reason why you are so unhappy?"

Zhong Sheng felt that the time was almost up, so he continued to ask questions.

"It's because Empress Nuwa was too eccentric, and only gave a wave flower on the north bank a seven-color fate soul, and it only shared it with its close friends!"

"It's also because Empress Nuwa's seven-color fate souls are too few! Why is the dissatisfaction river splashing!"

"It's all due to the war between the original immortals and gods, which made the first group of people extinct. Otherwise, the sky will also be the world, and we will naturally evolve to their appearance just like Zhong Death!"

"That's right! It's mainly because of the war between the primitive immortal gods. Those primitive immortal gods were so cruel that they slaughtered the first batch of people all over the heavens, especially the heavenly emperor. He is simply a murderer!"

"Oh! By the way, didn't Zhong Xing form an alliance with the first group of people back then? You know better than anyone else why!"


Hearing the words, Zhong Sheng cast his eyes on the West Heavenly Spirit River, which was already full of evil, and sighed in silence for a while:

"That's right! This evil lord knows it best! You should have heard the ancient legends of the Death Universe!"

"Of course I've heard it. It is said that there is no light or sound in the ancient dead universe. Everything is a dark and cold existence. There is no righteous spirit and aura, only the evil spirit of death!

However, it has been so many years since the death universe died out, what does Zhong Sheng mean by mentioning it? "

The Xihe Spirit with a fish body and a flower head was very active, and said after taking Zhong Zhan's words.

"No! The universe is destroyed, and the remnants are still left. Not all the evil spirits of death are dead, and there is still an evil spirit of death! He is the current Tiangong Tianjun of the heavens, and he is also Yunjun Yunjun. He is the son of the evil spirits of the universe. , called the son of death!"

Zhong Xing suddenly raised his voice, staring at these Xihe elves and said.


Hearing Zhong Zhan's words, and seeing Zhong Zhan mentioning Mr. Sui, their expressions changed drastically. The Xihe elves were shocked immediately, looking very terrified, and almost exclaimed in unison.

"Then, then Yun Zhou Yun Jun is the Death God of Death Zhou!?"

Hesitant and horrified, the Xihe elves were silent for a long time, and finally it was the elf with a fish body and a flower head who asked in a low voice.

"That's right! All the upheavals in the universe are caused by him, and the five human worlds you all yearn for, in fact, no longer exist.

Those people in the world are missing, but the accomplices of the dead son are acting rebelliously in vain, wanting to dominate the living universe with the dead son, and then slaughter us all, and restore the past situation of the dead universe! "

Zhong Zhan finally said what he wanted to say the most!

"No way! The Heavenly Realm army led by Zhong Sheng is based on the Eight Realms of Heavenly Demons, and has already occupied most of the heavenly realms, but we must treasure the universe! Otherwise, we will all be miserable!"

"Yeah! Zhong Ming, help me, lead the evil army of the heavens to fight against the heavenly palace and Yunzhou Yungong, kill that hateful son of death, and save Zhou Taiping!"


Zhong Sheng's words filled the Xihe elves with righteous indignation, and the words of hatred and murder of Mr. Death were heard endlessly.

"Why doesn't this evil lord want to!"

Zhong Death suddenly overwhelmed the clamor of the Xihe elves, and looked around the Xihe elves with a very emotional look.

Repeatedly hesitating to speak and saying:

"Things are not that simple, not to mention that the son of death is already the king of the heavens, the king of Yunzhou Yun, all the original gods who died and were imprisoned by him, all the so-called gods we can see today The Celestial Gods of the Celestial Realm and the Immortals of Yunzhou Yunzhou are all monsters transformed by the evil cloud of death in the universe of his death, and the Celestial Celestial Palace has long been his world!

And I mentioned before that you in Xiling Hanoi, the wave flower spiritual grass enlightened by the Nuwa Empress, after they descended to the realm, reincarnated as humans, and after they practiced again to ascend to immortality, they are all disciples of the son of death.

The son of death once divided his soul into the lower realm, turned into a real person who communicated with the world, and took the wave of Xiling River as his apprentice in the human world, and then experienced infinite years of human enlightenment, and now he has finally returned to heaven with all his essence.

Especially that wave, which has evolved into a Zhou Emperor, known as the Emperor of Waves! Their masters and apprentices sometimes sang together, and sometimes they deliberately fought against each other. The ultimate goal is to deal with us innocent immortals, gods and spirits. After slaughtering us, they are fighting each other for supremacy! "

Zhong Xing will explain to the Xihe elves the relationship between Di Zhoudijun Supreme and Evil and the relationship between Langyuan Xianmen and Yunzhou Yunjun's dead son.

"They are all big villains! We will never let them succeed! Just tell me, Xiejun, what we can do will help you and prevent them from doing whatever they want in our lifetime!"

Having said that, the Xihe elves realized that Zhong Sheng seemed to have a task for them, so they asked proactively.

"Okay! As expected of the spirit river elf of our universe, he is full of justice for the future of our universe!

In fact, there is no need for you to fight and fight with this evil king. As long as you do this and that, that and that are fine! "

Hearing this, Zhong Sheng nodded again and again, with an impassioned look on his face. After he sighed, the words that followed were all transmitted by soul thoughts, so he couldn't hear them anymore.

"Xihe Fifteen Spirits obey orders! Evil Monarch, take care, let's go!"

After hearing Zhong Zhi's explanation, the Xihe elves all looked excited, and then bowed together to salute, and then turned into a cluster of colorful stars, and disappeared collectively.


After the Xihe Spirit had left for a long time, Zhong Zhan waved his sleeve casually, and the Xiling River shattered in front of Zhong Zhan's eyes, turning into rain and fog and disappearing.


Looking at the Xiling River that still existed just now, and its spirit flowers and herbs, fairy mist spirit flower, river scale armor and other elf spirits, but it just disappeared!

Zhong Sheng felt very satisfied with this move, a strange smile appeared on his face, and then he smiled all the way and floated towards the evil palace in the heaven.


After he left, a colorful butterfly flew over from the corner of the far mountain and rock in Xiling River. She looked at the disappearing Tianling River and the elves in the river, and cried bitterly.

She is also a part of the Xiling River that disappeared just now. She is a butterfly fairy who lives in a spirit lotus. She is called Congcuo.

After crying bitterly for a long time, the lover flew away aimlessly.

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