Nine Heavens

Chapter 1960 Burial Cave

Chapter 1960 Burial Cave

In other words, Liu Qian, the son of Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme and Evil, and his daughter, Liu Xiaoluo, followed the guidance of the soul thoughts of the Seven Governments and occupied the king all the way, and finally arrived at the Death Tower of the Burial Cave.

However, the death tower in the burial cave is also located in the realm of the dead universe, and there is still boundless cold darkness everywhere. The two had no other choice but to inspect the burial cave by relying on the light of the protective mask of the righteous spirit that stimulated them.

It stands to reason that the two brothers and sisters are extremely powerful, whether it is the evil power of death, or the magic power of righteousness taught by King Qizhengzhan.

However, in the boundless darkness, the light of the protective energy outside them was still pitifully weak.

"Brother, is that the Burial Cave?"

The two brothers and sisters each stepped on the death cloud bird, slowly slowed down their speed, and stared intently at a huge monster that was tens of thousands of miles thick and hundreds of millions of miles long, like a giant dragon swimming in the sky.

The pitch-black giant is terrifyingly black. It tosses and moves, swaying endlessly, and at the same time releases a huge invisible force of attraction, forming a terrifying evil wind of black death.

Circling, whistling. The silent universe of death, but here is another big situation.

The brothers and sisters are thousands of miles away, and they all feel being torn apart by its tyrannical force, and feel that they are being horrified by it at any time, swallowing them right at the entrance of their hole.

Liu Xiaoluo's eyes were full of horror, and she asked her elder brother Liu Xiaochan who was closely guarding her side.


Liu Xiaoqian replied, Mouhong never leaving the swaying burial cave for a moment.

"This burial cave is so scary, don't the seven inexplicable uncles know, why are they willing to let us take risks!?"

The terrifying existence in front of him made Liu Xiaoluo wonder about Qizheng Zhanwang's intentions, but thinking that Qizhengzhanwang has always cared for their brothers and sisters, it is impossible to harm them. So a little puzzled, sighed.

"There must be something useful to us there, the seven inexplicable uncles are impossible, and there is no need to lie to us!"

Liu Xiaoqian, with a calm face and a youthful air, answered her sister calmly.

"But such a terrifying burial cave, we are already swallowed by ourselves before we get close. How can we control the power of its terrifying vortex and enter it safely? What will happen after we enter?"

The two brothers and sisters stopped their bodies, and looked at the huge monster with the help of the faint light of the body protector, not daring to take another half step easily.

"There must be a way. Since the seven inexplicable uncles asked us to come here, we must find a way to enter, find the Death Tower, and then go to the Death Tower to see what happened!"

Liu Qian calmly analyzed the howling changes in the burial cave thousands of miles away, and said confidently.

"Cut! What can you do? Do you think that the Death Tower in the Burial Cave is called for nothing? I don't know what kind of nerves you have come here! If you want to die, we won't stop you, but we brothers can don't want to die!

go to yours! The two of us brothers are leaving! Bai Sheng, let's go back and tell Mr. Yun that these two scumbags deserve to die! "

"Yeah! In vain, you are right. Mr. Yun ordered our two brothers to be their dead cloud bird mounts, and secretly monitored their every move. If they found that they had strong rebellious behavior, there was no need to ask for orders." , just kill him!

Now they don’t know why, they come to Death Jixin in the Dead Universe Realm inexplicably to seek death, we don’t even have the strength to go back and report.

well! We can finally escape the fate of being stepped on by the two of them or sitting under their ass all day long!

You two cosmic bastards, you just wait to be swallowed up by the burial cave and become living creatures! However, you are not alone! It is said that the death tower in the burial cave is full of dead spirits from the ancient universe, and you can be companions! Goodbye, two lifeless spirits! "

Liu Xiaoqian and his younger sister Liu Xiaoluo were talking, when suddenly there was an empty space under their feet, and the two death cloud birds that were stepping on, screamed, and flew over their heads.

The two death cloud birds taunted the brother and sister for a while, and then quickly continued to fly into the sky.


Because they didn't have the slightest mental preparation, the two brothers and sisters suddenly fell over and landed on their backs.

Liu Xiaoluo panicked, grasping wildly with both hands, trying to stabilize her body. However, in this realm of death, the two of them have nothing to fly except for the death rider of the death cloud bird.

And in a hurry, in the whirlwind of the hurricane in the burial cave, it was difficult to quickly balance the body, so the two brothers and sisters couldn't help themselves, and continued to land.

Liu Xiaoluo was so frightened that she shouted and called for her brother. But her voice was like a mosquito in the howling black whirlwind, and it couldn't be heard far at all.

"Sister, don't be afraid! Let's strengthen the external body protection first!"

Liu Qian was terrified at first, but soon calmed down. Thinking of her sister's safety, she quickly thought of sound transmission and said.

"Okay! Brother, be careful too, come and save me! I can't stop and land!"

At this moment, the entrance of the terrifying burial cave happened to be facing them tens of thousands of miles away, and the infinitely powerful devouring power enveloped them, making them unable to stop.

When Liu Xiaoluo heard that her brother could still contact her, she felt a little relieved, and quickly responded, and then added several layers of body protection around her body.

However, the rapid landing made her fear increase sharply, and she shouted anxiously.

"Sister, don't be afraid! Brother will be near you soon!"

Hearing the sound of her sister's terrified thoughts, Liu Qian tried her best to calm her thoughts and replied.

In fact, he also lost self-control and landed rapidly. The reason why I say this is entirely to comfort my sister.

The burial cave was tossing and moving so fast, the infinitely huge and terrifying hole suddenly seemed like a terrifying monster, devouring the two brothers and sisters in one bite.

"Oh hey! Quack! Quack! Bai Sheng, did you see that they were swallowed up by the Burial Cave!"

"It's in vain! What do you think their spiritual life is for? They are born to die! Either the teacher dies, or dies of illness, or dies in battle... Anyway, they are all dead! Look at them, what are they trying to do?" My son, I was swallowed by the burial cave and died!"

"Crack! Crack!"

"Bai Sheng, Lord Yun promised us that when we stop monitoring these two lowly living spirits, he will give us freedom, and we can be as loud as we like.

Now that this wish has finally come true, how do you plan to enjoy the years to come? "

"This! I've thought about it a long time ago. After Lord Yun's extermination of the Heavenly Evil Palace and Langyuan's Dizhou War, I will also choose a Dizhou, and if the sky is fixed, the tunnel will be established, and I will be called the Supreme of the Diverse!"

"Oh! Your ambition is really not small! You know, the fairy god that Jun Yun hates the most is ambitious! How could Jun Yun allow you to do this!"

"Then don't worry about it, anyway, I have already planned it, and I will wait for the day when the evil universe of death will unify the universe of life!"


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