Nine Heavens

Chapter 1961 Real Space Shuttle

Chapter 1961 Real Space Shuttle

"Boom! Boom!"


Suddenly, Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo heard two loud bangs from the infinitely distant burial cave, and then heard two falling death cries of two death cloud birds.

"Ha ha……"

"Since the two young immortals have also come, I will give each of you a volume of the divine book of the universe to be a weapon of the universe, so that you can cherish it. When you walk out of the death tower in the burial cave, you must go to the gate of waves. The person I was looking for is also looking forward to you!

Don't say too much, I wish you good luck, and I will go! "

Afterwards, Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's brothers and sisters, who were descending rapidly, stabilized suddenly, and found a volume of the Immortal Book of God and Universe appearing at their feet.

The two brothers and sisters stepped on the fairy scrolls of the universe, shuttled through the more vast and terrifying hurricane roaring in the burial cave, and the environment where death and evil spirits were raging, they didn't feel any discomfort at all.

The two brothers and sisters were still in shock, and they were overjoyed by the sudden appearance of the life-saving magic scroll, so they couldn't help but lower their heads to look carefully.

Of the two volumes of divine books, one was pure and flawless, shining for thousands of miles, and appeared at Liu Qian's feet. A scroll of myriad colors, in a pitch-black world, infinitely gorgeous, at Liu Xiaoluo's feet.

Brother and sister Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo were inspecting and heard the sound of Zhenzhou coming from outside the burial cave. There was an inexplicable person helping them. The two adjusted their figures and thanked immediately:

"Thank you immortal for your help! Immortal's great kindness, we brothers and sisters will always remember it in our hearts, but if you dare to ask the immortal's name, you will have a place to go when you repay it in the future!"

Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo were lingering in the terrifying hurricane vortex in the burial universe, their fairy robes fluttered, they clasped their wrists and held their heads high, looking for fame, but they couldn't see each other at all.

" don't need to be polite, these two volumes of the book of immortality should naturally belong to you, and only you can control it and understand it!

It's just that you don't know what Guling Immortal Physique yourselves are. I have something urgent to do, and you have a chance encounter with God, so farewell! "

Hearing the words of thanks from brother and sister Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, the people outside the burial cave, after laughing freely, left with a roar, and there was no more sound.

Because of the light of the divine scroll, the brother and sister can clearly see everything within thousands of miles of the Burial Cave.

I saw that the space where countless rounds of hurricane vortexes circling turned out to be an infinitely condensed and extremely hard solid existence, and in such an existence outside, there were even more condensed and hard whistling black stars, evil clouds, strange mountains, and strange veins... It is speeding and shuttling at an incredible speed.

This also includes the tiny brother and sister Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

Seeing all this, brother and sister Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo couldn't believe it, but they couldn't believe it.

In such a hard space, it seemed impossible in the mountains of the Mortal Realm, but in fact it was like being in the air. After some travel, the two brothers and sisters came close to each other again.

"Who is that person, how do I feel that person is him!"

No matter how bizarre, even terrifying, what he saw before him, no brother and sister were interested in people outside the burial cave that helped him just now. Liu Xiaoluo looked sideways at his elder brother who could rarely see clearly. Handsome face, guessed.

"It's him! Sister, don't worry this time, he really didn't fall! We finally didn't do the stupid thing of killing our own father!"

Liu Qian said with certainty.

"However, this is too unbelievable. How could Dad, in such a situation at that time, have the ability to come here so quickly, and even think of helping us?

Where did he get the magic book that can fly, and why did he say what he said just now? Could it be that he has been paying attention to us all the time? Did the seven inexplicable uncles also know Daddy? The seven inexplicable uncles told Dad that we are here. Or did we meet by chance..."

A series of questions came to my mind, and Liu Xiaoluo asked them one after another.

"I don't know, but listening to Daddy's voice, he was able to penetrate such a terrifying space in the Burial Cave, which shows that he not only recovered the magic power of the fairy god, but also became stronger than before. Otherwise, he would not have come here.

The reason why our brother and sister can come to this burial cave is because we have been living in the realm of death. If the guess is correct, although the environment of the death domain outside the burial cave is better than here, it must be similar, but in comparison, the evil spirits of death are weaker! "

For a series of questions from her younger sister, Liu Qian had a hard time straightening it out, so she had to forcefully answer her younger sister.

"As long as daddy is fine, I'm really worried that our brother and sister will be used by that person in a daze, and we will do something we regret!"

Although his father is safe, Liu Xiaoluo still feels very painful when he thinks of Yun Zhou Yunjun. Although the brother and sister have been living in the realm of the dead universe, their five spirits have never been killed, so their five essences are still good-hearted and kind-hearted!

"This is lucky, but I have been unable to figure it out. There are tens of thousands of dead cultivation spaces in the dead domain, and each cultivation space imprisons a young emperor of the universe, but apart from our brother and sister, those emperors and young The five spirits of the main righteous spirit were all swallowed up by the seven spirits of death!

Why didn't Mr. Yun treat us like this? It stands to reason that if the two of us, brother and sister, lose our spirit and five spirits, we will completely become his God of Death and be at his mercy!

Not only can we use our brothers and sisters to go to Ten Thousand Universes to slaughter the spirit immortals there, even if we go to Daddy's fairy sect, including Daddy, it will be more thorough! Because we have lost the five spirits and spirits, we don’t have any memories of the world of the five spirits and the thoughts of good karma.

Such a choice that is more beneficial to him can be easily done for him, but it is really puzzling that he didn't make such a choice! "

Liu Qian frowned thinking, and said. The two brothers and sisters were talking while continuing to pay attention to the situation in the burial cave.

"I couldn't figure it out before, but just now when Dad gave us the divine book, what he said seemed to make me understand something suddenly. A strange scene suddenly appeared in my mind, but I still couldn't explain it clearly! "

"Oh! What kind of scene?"

"It's like we, brother and sister, are reading the mysterious scrolls together. We, the two of us, seem to be in a space where divine scrolls are flying everywhere, listening to the sounds of nature, and creating divine books!"

Liu Xiaoluo focused on the scene that flashed in his mind just now, and said.

"It turns out that my younger sister also has such illusions. Recently, I often have illusions similar to my younger sister in my mind. It seems that in our distant past, we have different selves from our present. The self that appears in my dream mind is not what I am now. It's just like when I was a child!"

"Yes, brother! Me too!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoluo said excitedly.

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