Nine Heavens

Chapter 1963 King of the Golden Trinity

Chapter 1963 King of the Golden Three Universes

With the wish of alliance with the four directions of the galaxy and the surging heart of visiting old friends, the emperor of the universe continued to fly in the infinite galaxy with his drink and thoughts.

The Eastern Star River Region of the Universe.

Looking from a distance, it can be roughly divided into three rounds of time and space.

The outermost round is an infinite number of small brilliant stars, drifting and condensing to form a river of stars with huge whirlpools.

These huge vortex rivers, while each circling endlessly, are also circling and galloping counterclockwise at an incredible speed.

The middle round is the area where slightly larger medium-sized stars exist. The operation of the stars in this area is relatively stable, and it is covered with various magical buildings.

The innermost round is a star that is as big as the volume of the outer two rounds of stars. It is surrounded by azure spiritual energy, and the emerald life spirit wave can be faintly seen inside it, in a state of steaming clouds.

At this moment, the emperor of the universe is no longer shuttling between the rivers of the last round of small star vortexes.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he only knows that the head of the green rainbow phoenix, the mother of the little golden monkey Xiaoliu, led a hundred thousand phoenixes and returned here by controlling the seven-color Shenzhou.

However, the Di Zhou Emperor didn't know exactly which round of the three rounds of galaxy time and space they were in, and what their specific orientation was.

Therefore, Emperor Di Zhou was supreme and evil, so he had no choice but to wander around, throwing wine as arrogantly as possible, hoping to attract the attention of any "person" in the other party's Mingling World.

However, how vast is the southeast galaxy region, and no matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, no matter how powerful the sky is, in this vast galaxy, it is like a drop in the ocean, and the stars in the sky can be ignored at all .

Therefore, it is not that simple to attract the attention of the spiritual beings in the Galaxy Region.

However, the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, and he is by no means unprepared for doing things. Since the phenomenon of the universe is difficult to show, why not use his spiritual power?

Therefore, in the field of the outer wheel of the universe, the emperor of the universe, I gradually had this kind of thinking in my mind. At the same time, my powerful life five spiritual energy has begun to send out the five spirits, spiritual life, and spirit to the three-wheel galaxy. Can diffuse signal.

These five spiritual energy, spiritual life, and divine energy signals are transformed into countless Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit Immortal Sword Rainbow Divine Dragon.

These rainbows are majestic and roaring, and the spirit of the whole body is like lightning. In the flashing electric mist, there is the appearance of the emperor of the universe flying wildly, making the originally peaceful Sanlun Xinghe region become noisy in a short period of time, full of people everywhere. The supreme and evil figure of the Earth Emperor.

The emperor of the universe with white hair flutters around, stepping on a shuttle with hundreds of millions of light miles, flying inside, his figure also rises thousands of miles away, pouring wine freely, flying into the sky, and wandering into the universe river ...

In the Outer Wheel Galaxy Region, countless vortex galaxies are gradually being permeated by the supreme and evil spirit of the Earth Emperor.


"Is that white-haired maniac the ancient spirit, the Dark Eternal Spiritual Life Eternal Immortal?"

"It's not like, Jinjing Sanzhou King said that the Anzhou Lingming Zhou Immortals he has seen are all five-color gods, seven-color gods or nine-color gods.

This flickering white-haired madman in Zhou Yao's rainbow, with clear white eyes and intricate fairy rings all over his body, is not like what Jin Jing San Zhou King said! "

"That's the Human Race Ascension Immortal created by the Nuwa Empress of the Ancient Spirit Chaos Universe! Otherwise, only the Dark Eternal Ancient Spirit has a body with five essences, seven apertures and five parts.

Didn't the King of the Golden Essence Three Universes say that in the chaotic universe of the ancient spirits, all immortals and gods, no matter in the heavens or the lower realms, are in the body of demons and half-humans, so he is by no means the original gods of the chaotic universe of the ancient spirits. "

"You don't care what he is, the key is to find out what he is doing in our southeast galaxy region. We should go to the Golden Essence King Dougong of the Star City Immortal Kingdom and tell the Jin Essence Three Universe King!"

"It's not necessary, he has such a big battle, should we still report it, Jin Jing San Zhou King should have seen it like we did!

What we should do is nothing else, see what his purpose is, if we pass by, we won't be asking for trouble, just watch him fly away.

If he lingers on the edge of the Galaxy Region, he must have ulterior motives, maybe he is a spy of Yunxian who was born in Yunjun in the central part of the universe, so let's just kill him! "

"Hey! You mindless birds and beasts, Zhou Hua Zhou Cao, which spy is so heartless, it is a spy who made such a big noise, I am afraid that the three rounds of the galaxy do not know him. That person is obvious Are you trying to get our attention?"

"That's right! As expected of Minghui, the direct relative of the queen of the domain, she sees things and speaks unusually, young master of the Luxin clan, what do you think we should do?"

"How to do, of course do nothing, watch the fun!"


The sudden move of Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie broke the peace of the Sanlun Galaxy Region.

In just a few short hours, figures appeared in the center of countless star vortexes in the entire outer galaxy vortex.

As soon as they appeared, they pointed and talked endlessly towards the vast Transverse Divine Universe in the upper, lower, left, right, northwest and middle of the whirlpool galaxy, and the white-haired Jiuxian standing on the bow of the Transverse Divine Universe ship.

However, none of these figures are human-like, and those who shake their heads and talk are all in the shape of birds, earth beasts, spirit flowers, exotic grasses, ancient trees, vines, and so on.

Although it doesn't look very evil, it is not as comfortable as looking at people after all.

"Ha ha……"

"Is Uncle Liu really here!? Lian Er is here, Xiaoliu misses you so much!"

Just as these countless stars, vortexes, galaxies, and spirits were chattering while looking at the huge crossing Shenzhou, they suddenly heard a burst of joy and eagerness from Zhoukong from the Chinese Army's Xinghe Immortal City.

Then I saw that the young master of the city of the galaxy, the king of the vortex of the outer wheel of the galaxy, the king of the golden essence of the three universes, disregarded the reserve of the royal family, let go of the clothes of the human race, and revealed his body, in the form of a little golden monkey , Flying in the sky and flowing clouds, from Zhonglun Zhou Xinghe Immortal City, flew straight to the white-haired person.

What made the souls of the countless galaxy vortexes below unbelievable was that the majestic and majestic King of the Golden Essence, the Three Universe Kings, called each other very affectionately, "Uncle!"

Numerous galaxies vortex flow the soul in the center of the river, and they continue to watch the sky with interest in surprise.

"Ha ha……"

"Xiaoliu, Uncle Liu took the liberty to come here because he didn't know how to find you, so he acted like this. I hope you and your mother won't take offense!"

The emperor of the universe saw a golden giant rainbow suddenly shot out from the sky of the 100,000-year-old Zhonglun Xinghe fairy city.

The golden giant rainbow flew very quickly, and it arrived in the sky in a short while. Inside it was a handsome young man wearing a fairy robe with a burst of golden light. His golden eyes were somewhat familiar, but his appearance was no longer recognized. Some dare not admit it.

However, before he could open his mouth, the other party shrank back, turned into a little golden monkey, and at the same time ran towards him with cheers.

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