Nine Heavens

Chapter 1964 Sheng Mei's Body

Chapter 1964 Shengmei's physical body

"Uncle Liu, what are you talking about, if it weren't for you, there would never be a day when we unblock the evil spirits of death in the Sifang Galaxy Region of the Universe!

Uncle Liu can come, we Sifang Xingheyu is too late to be happy, hey! You see, mother and father have come to greet you in person on a seven-color Shenzhou!

hey-hey! Xiao Liu came here first because he missed Uncle Liu and Little Master Lian Er! "

Xiao Liuwei regained his natural height and figure in Liu Qianlang, and kept laughing in circles, just like the clever little golden monkey, looking around, looking for the little girl who was riding on the colorful silk!

"Hehe, King of the Golden Essence Three Universes, Yunjun Yunjun is preparing to start a war against our Langyuan Xianmen. Lian'er did not come because she has an important mission to attend!"

The emperor of the universe looked at the little golden monkey Xiaoliu again, and said with a smile.

"Oh! That's right, has Little Master Lian'er grown taller now? How is she always? Miss me..."

Di Zhoudijun Supreme and Evil couldn't bear to remind the little golden monkey Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey's golden eyes were filled with regret first, and then asked questions one after another.

"She is an optimist, but without your company, she really misses you very much. She has asked me many times when I can come to this galaxy so that I can bring her along.

However, there is a reason for this incident, I did not come here from Xianmen, but came here halfway after going through a lot of hardships, so Lian Er did not follow! "

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe was, he didn't know whether the city of stars would welcome his uninvited guest, so he left seven points in his words and briefly explained the general meaning of coming here.

The little golden monkey Xiaoliu heard the words, the golden eyes of the rainbow pondered for a while, and said:

"Uncle Liu, don't worry. My parents have already said that the great kindness of Langyuan Xianmen and Uncle Liu for saving me and my mother, and even our Sifang Xingheyu's great kindness, when we are destined, we will definitely devote all our efforts to help each other. Uncle Liu's!"

"That's right, Liu'er is right! The reason why our southeast Star River Region can still wake up one day is because Liu'er reunited with her mother, and then successfully practiced the Star River Magic.

So go back to the Eastern Galaxy Region of Yunzhou, reveal the source to save the mother, and then destroy the seal of death of the dead son of Yunzhou, so that our entire southeast, southwest, northeast, and northwest four directions of the Galaxy Region will be resurrected one after another!

All these favors are bestowed by the head of the Langyuan Xianmen Liu! I don't thank you for your great kindness, but I just hope that one day, when Langyuan Xianmen needs help, our Sifang Xingheyu can do a little bit to comfort our grateful heart! "

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, had just finished speaking when a burst of hearty laughter came from tens of thousands of miles behind him.

Di Zhoudijun Supreme looked at Xie Xunsheng again, and saw two golden light giant apes standing on the prow of the seven-color spiritual life Shenzhou, which was as vast as the shuttle he traveled through!

There are two golden giant apes, one is majestic with long hair like a lion, and the other is docile with short hair. There was a soft golden light in their eyes, looking at Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie and the little golden monkey Xiaoliu. The burst of hearty laughter just now was made by the golden ape who is as mighty as a lion!

"Presumably, the two masters of the southeast star river region are the two kings of Zhou! The head of Langyuan Xianmen, the emperor of Langyuan is so polite!" At the level of a trillion breaths, the other party's every move can be clearly seen in the eyes, with both hands clenched into fists, bowing to salute.

"Haha! It's not the master, it's just that Wan Ling likes to be recommended, so he became the leader of Wan Ling! On behalf of the Sifang Xinghe Domain in the southeast of the universe, welcome the Emperor Zhou of the Langyuan Xianmen!

The king of this universe is the master of the galaxy region in the rear, also known as the city emperor of the galaxy city, this is the queen of the city emperor of the galaxy city! That is, the Green Rainbow Phoenix Head you once knew!

In the inner galaxy region surrounded by the city of stars, there is no adult spiritual life there, and there is something that we all have in the galaxy region of the four directions, the spiritual cultivation region! It is the most sacred place in our galaxy domain. "

Facing the supreme and evil emperor of the universe, the city emperor of the southeast galaxy of Yunzhou hit it off immediately, and made no secret of the location of the largest and most sacred place in the galaxy region, speaking humbly.


Hearing that the docile giant ape next to the emperor of the city of stars turned out to be the head of the green rainbow phoenix, the emperor of the universe was very surprised, and thought, she is obviously a goddess with emerald green clothes, how did she become like this !

When he had doubts in his heart, he sighed spontaneously, then felt a little lost, and quickly laughed:

"This emperor has seen the Emperor of the City of Clouds and Galaxy!"

"Hehe... Why is Di Zhoudijun so serious? We have met each other before, so we don't need to be so cautious when we come here."

Seeing the serious expression on the face of Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie, the huge golden ape flew away with golden light and clouds, and then changed into the appearance of a green rainbow phoenix head, smiling like a silver bell.

"Ha ha……"

The City Emperor of the Star River City next to him saw the transformation of the queen, and he also changed similarly, turning into a handsome, tall and stalwart fairy emperor in golden robes!

Then he laughed too.

"What are you?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie was a little puzzled, and asked with a smile.

"Don't blame the Emperor Langyuan! Just now that was the body of our Galaxy City, Galaxy Region, but now we are all wearing prosthetic bodies.

Because we are the royal family of the city of stars, we need a more holy and beautiful image, so we usually exist in prosthetic bodies!

Today is because it is to welcome you, a distinguished guest! To show my sincerity, this is what I just showed myself!

The city emperor of this galaxy is the spirit of the primordial life of the ape domain in the southeast of the universe, so the main body is a golden ape. And the queen is a princess in the Phoenix Region of the Southwest Galaxy, so she is a phoenix in her own body!

Her golden ape body just now is actually a body of the galaxy domain that she cultivated by going to the village to do as the Romans do, marrying the queen of this galaxy city. "

Seeing the uncomprehending expression of Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie, the City Emperor of the Galaxy City explained with a smile.

"Hehe, this realm of the galaxy is so magical, it can be changed into various flesh bodies like fairy robes at will!"

Di Zhoudijun was very interested in the way the royal family of the Galaxy Region, in order to show the majesty of the royal family, was very interested and quite amazed.

"Let Emperor Zhou of Langyuan Xianmen laugh at you! To tell you the truth, the biggest regret of our Yunzhou Sifang Galaxy Domain is that we can't have a real holy and beautiful body like Dark Universe Time and Space.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, the most sacred thing for all spiritual beings in the Galaxy Domain is to cultivate various beautiful physical bodies as soon as they are born, and then wear them once every grand ceremony, and be happy!

However, there are not many such opportunities. Usually, in order to show the majesty of the Zhou royal family, only our royal family of the Galaxy Region has the right to wear Shengmei's body every day! "

Faced with the supreme and evil smile and sigh of the emperor of the universe, a layer of embarrassment appeared on the faces of the city emperor of the galaxy city and the giant rainbow phoenix head. They looked at each other, and the city emperor of the galaxy city said a little self-deprecatingly.

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