Nine Heavens

Chapter 1965 Nine Heavens Spirit Universe

Chapter 1965 Nine Heavens Spirit Universe

"Unexpectedly, a body with spiritual life and beauty, with seven orifices, two balances, four parts and five parts, is so popular that everyone in the nine heavens and six universes is obsessed with it!"

The emperor of the universe looked at the city emperor and queen of the galaxy of the universe who had already galloped thousands of miles nearby and stopped the ark of spiritual life, and sighed.

"Emperor Langyuan also knows that the seven orifices, the two balances, the three parts, the holy and beautiful body and the spiritual life canon!?"

Hearing the words of Emperor Di Zhou's Supreme Being, the City Emperor of Star River City frowned and glanced sideways at his queen, who had a green rainbow phoenix head, looked back, and shook his head slightly, meaning that he had never asked Di Zhou Emperor Supreme Say it again.

"This is just some superficial knowledge about the spiritual life of the ancient spirit era of the Chaos Three Universes that the emperor Langyuan has nothing to do. He browsed through some of the Chaos scrolls he had obtained, but he didn't realize it deeply!

Why, the Star River City Emperor knows all this? May wish to point a degree or two. "

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie suddenly felt that it was necessary to ask this question, so he asked.

"That's right, the Emperor of the Galaxy Region has indeed read it in the ancient scrolls of the Region of the Galaxy, but it can't be said to be deeply enlightened! The theory of the Nine Heavens of the Holy Beauty and the Spirit Body of the Nine Heavens that Emperor Langyuan said first appeared in a book called "Mie." In the volume of Shenzhou in Jiequanshu.

When the universe died and the universe was born, and then at the beginning of the birth of the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, two volumes of divine books flashed all day long in the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe. At the beginning of the universe.

As for where their ultimate sources are, the witch of the universe cannot deduce it, so the volume from the dead universe is named "The Complete Book of Destruction", and the divine scroll from the beginning of the universe is named "The Book of Smoke from the Demon Realm".

It is precisely because of the two scrolls, one of which is pure white and shining light, and the other of which is full of colors, that Shengzhou Galaxy has light and colors, and Shengzhou is becoming more and more vibrant.

The two volumes of divine books seem to be manipulated by magic. After shining in the Nine Heavens and Immortal Universe for billions of trillions of years, a voice of speaking suddenly came out within a day. After speaking, the voice turned into a thousand-colored divine words The handwriting, the two volumes of divine books disappeared, and have never been seen in the field of stars since then.

That voice of speaking left behind a thousand-color scriptures of divine words, divided into three sections, each section of text is magical and mysterious, unrecognizable by ordinary spiritual beings.

But fortunately, after hundreds of millions of years of concentrating on comprehension, Zhou Wu finally deciphered the first thousand-color divine words.

It turns out that the meaning of those words is that Nine Heavens Shengzhou will give birth to spiritual life! However, due to the difference in life and spiritual energy and uneven divine light, the forms of spiritual life born will be different!

Among them, the three universes of Mingling, that is, the three universes in the ancient universe of our galaxy, the spiritual life born will be in the form of a beast. The Three Universes of Chaos is the birthplace of Emperor Langyuan, and the spiritual life born will be in the state of a monster, that is, the state of the combination of humans and animals.

Only the Three Universes of the Dark Spirit, because of the strong psychic energy, will give birth to a holy and beautiful spirit body, which is a state of seven orifices, two balances, four parts and five outs!

The seven orifices are the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, and a pylorus, collectively called the four directions and eight spaces of the human body.

Two balance means that the spiritual life is born symmetrically.

Three or four parts, that is, the spiritual life is divided into four parts: the head, the chest, the abdomen, the four limbs.

The five outs refer to the limbs and the tail, also collectively known as the Five Elements, which correspond to the five basic substances in the universe of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Spiritual life can be described as the five elements of activity, the left hand belongs to gold, and the five fingers are stretched out to absorb the radiance of the universe. The right hand counts the trees, and the five fingers are like a crown of branches, which is Na Zhou Neng.

The left foot belongs to water, the five toes connect to all waters, the psychic, the essence and the blood, the living body, through the various organs of the spiritual life, so that the spiritual life can run.

The right foot belongs to fire, and the five toes stabilize the source of fire, providing the spiritual body with a source of continuous survival.

The end of the spiritual life should belong to the soil. The energy of the five elements can circulate endlessly, and the ultimate destination of a cycle is the soil!

Therefore, the tail refers to the end of spiritual life, attracting gold, wood, water and fire to transform the residual energy into soil, and the five elements cycle before death, opening a new cycle.

As for the viscera and six viscera in the spirit body, each has its own mysteries. If there is a chance, this Xinghe City Emperor can lead Emperor Langyuan to my spiritual cultivation domain to have a look. "

The emperor of the city of stars said that the clouds and mountains are surrounded by mist, so that the emperor of the universe was very confused, but he was very interested.

So the emperor of the universe smiled evilly and sighed:

"I don't know until today why the universe of the nine heavens is the same as the spiritual life of the universe. If they are very different, it turns out that all the reasons have long been arranged by the gods.

It's a pity that Zun Zhou Wu didn't decipher the remaining two paragraphs of the thousand-color divine words, otherwise, this emperor would suddenly know how many Yun Zhou legends!

If possible, this emperor must pay a visit to this Zhou Wu and the remaining two thousand-color divine words. Even if you don't understand, it's okay to feel like it! "

"Of course, the Emperor of the Star River Region has no objection! It's just that Zhou Wu has already traveled to the dark spirit three universes back then, and has never returned until now.

We once detected that the Three Universes of the Dark Spirit had disappeared, and sent the Galaxy Army to look for it, but unfortunately we still did not find her whereabouts.

However, it was detected that her Tianwu Fairy Scroll had a successor in Chaos Three Universes. Because Zhou Wu said when she left that if there is a new heir to her Tianwu scroll, she must not disturb him, so we don't want to violate the respected Zhou Wu's law, and we haven't looked for her or her since then. is her successor!

In this way, Lang Yuandi Zhou's wish to meet Zhou Wu is nothing but a pity! As for the three thousand-color divine words, if Emperor Langyuan is willing, he can do it at any time. "


Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie heard the words, and couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart. Hearing these words of Wen Xinghe City Emperor, Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie suddenly thought of his beloved wife Shui'er.

Could it be that the wizard of Shui'er in the ancient Coconut Kingdom, the first human world in the ancient spirit universe, is that Zhou witch? Because the "Scary of the Heavenly Witch" mentioned by the Star River City Emperor just now happened to be in the hands of his beloved wife Shui'er!

Moreover, Shui'er and his beloved wife Yan'er's original soul and five spirits did come from the Three Universes of the Dark Spirit of the Ancient Era, all of which can prove this point.

However, I heard from my beloved wife, Shui'er, that her mentor, Tianwu, had perished when the ancient Coconut Kingdom perished! Presumably it wasn't the death of the original soul, but the death of the sub-soul of the lower realm.

In other words, the mentor of his beloved wife Shui'er, the Zhou Wu called by the Emperor of the Star River Region should still be alive in a certain time and space in the present universe!

Of course, these are all in the mind of Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zai Xie, and he doesn't want to say anything to Emperor Xingheyu and Luhong Fengshou.

On this point, Zhou Dijun Supreme will change the subject again, and express regret and gratitude with fists! Then Mouhong smiled at Lvhong Fengshou and asked:

"Queen of Xinghe, just now I heard from Xinghe City Emperor that the empress is from the Phoenix Region of the Southwest Galaxy, can you tell me something about the Phoenix Region of Xinghe?"


"Of course you can! However, the honored guest came to the door, and we just talked here and there. Didn't we neglect Emperor Langyuan, and it is extremely inconvenient to speak in this place where the nebula is whistling. Let's go back to the city of stars, and Emperor Langyuan will take a good rest first. Fan, what do you want to know, we know everything, how about it?"

The green rainbow phoenix head, who didn't answer for the time being, Emperor Zhou, who is supreme and evil, laughed crisply!

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