Nine Heavens

Chapter 1966 Evil Clouds Before the War

Chapter 1966 Evil Clouds Before the War

"Ha ha……"

"The empress is right. We are really uncomfortable talking in this interstellar galactic hurricane. The emperor and the empress are leading the way. Please enter the city of galactic rivers and talk to us before it is too late!"

The City Emperor of the Galaxy City heard the reminder from the Empress beside him, and looked around at the scene of the whirlpool and roaring river in the Guangliao Galaxy, and laughed heartily.

"Well! When the guest comes to Xianfang, the guest will naturally follow the owner's discretion. Thank you, Emperor Langyuan, for leading the way!"

Although the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, although he pays attention to the state of the four directions of the galaxy in the universe, he wants to find out the situation of the phoenix region of the galaxy. But the other party didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, so he interrupted him, so he had no choice but to stop the topic, and thanked him again.

Seeing Yunzhou Southeast Xinghe City Emperor is also a straightforward person, talking, but not moving, the hundred thousand huge seven-color Shenzhou of ancient spirits has already turned its head and tail, and rushed forward!

"Galaxy magic is really amazing!"

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he just smiled and praised the other party's strength of the ancient spirit Shenzhou in the blink of an eye.

"It's just a small trick to control the fairy boat. Emperor Langyuan praised it absurdly, haha..."

"Ha ha……"

Both sides laughed heartily in the galaxy, gradually drifting away from the outer galaxy city and drifting towards the middle galaxy city.

Just as they were fading away, in the pale galaxy of the Milky Way, there floated down on a star with two spirit crystals and diamond rainbows.

These two rainbows, one gold and one silver, quickly condensed into two heroic generals and immortals of the evil palace of the heavens.

"Heavenly, it's so strange, why doesn't the Emperor Langyuan have the aura of "The Complete Book of Destroyer World" and "Smoke Book of Destroyer World" on him!

Did he realize that the two of us brothers were following him? "

These two celestial generals and evil immortals, who were covered in golden spiritual crystals, spiritual diamonds, and heavenly soldiers' armor flashed, and the mother of golden light, shot out golden flowers, chasing the two divine boats that were hundreds of millions of miles away, and said in bewilderment.

"No way! When I broke up with you and went back to the Heaven Realm to report to the evil king the dynamics of the various forces, didn't we see him take out two volumes of divine books and read them!

It is only tens of thousands of years away now, how could it not be on him? He must have come to the southeast galaxy region, worried that the spirit immortals in the galaxy region would find out, and deliberately strengthened the seal to cover up the divine breath! "

Said the Heavenly Evil Palace Immortal General known as Tianyou.

"I hope so, let's go, let's go into this city of stars and rivers in the southeast to have a look. We have never had any contact with them. I am very curious about the reason why the four directions of stars and rivers can be compared with the heavens, the universe, the cloud Jie Yunzhou is divided into courts, and he has been alone so far!

hey-hey! If there are some poor rookie immortals, we two brothers can occupy them by the way, and one immortal controls the two parties, so we can also be called Emperor Zhou! "

"Haha... I like this idea, so let's hurry up!"

The two heavenly evil generals laughed and didn't stay for too long. After feeling the surroundings for a while, they turned into two divine rainbows and shot towards the city of stars.

Several hours later, Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, had already rested safely in a rest space in the City of Star Rivers.

The reason why it is called Rest Space is naturally because the Star City buildings in the Star River City are different from the general fairyland buildings. What is the difference?

From the outside, it looks like it has grown into the Evil Vault of Heaven, but when you enter the inside, you will find that what you enter is not a small space, but a vast and boundless universe.

Above is the sun, moon and stars, below is the ethereal earth, and in the middle is Ruyi kicking the bed. It is said to be infinite, but everything is within reach. It is mysterious and unreasonable to explain.

As soon as the emperor of the universe arrived in the city of Xinghe, he was personally sent by the city emperor and empress of the city of Xinghe to rest in the palace of Xinghe, and he made an appointment with the emperor of the universe to reunite after a satisfactory rest.

Emperor Di Zhou, who is supreme and evil, is actually not tired, but the other party's kindness is hard to resist, so he can only be hospitable and do whatever he wants. And because there are some problems that need to be thought about, so at this moment, sitting cross-legged in the resting palace, with slightly closed eyes, thinking about the problems in his heart, especially whether the Langyuan Xianmen has started a war with Yunzhou Yunjun at this moment!

The waves are bounded by the universe, the sky, and the military camp, and there are rippling cries and shadows everywhere.

The fairy coffin of the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon is still in the sky, and the waves are hovering slightly around the Qitian banner.

The fairy coffin in the sky is bright red and flashing rainbow, dazzling with the blink of an eye.

Waves with the big banner equal to the sky, thousands of stars dazzle, majestic in the sky!


Around the fairy coffin in the sky, the crying shadows of Langyuan Lingxian undulated like waves, one wave did not recede, another wave came, whimpering, the sound turned into thunder, tears turned into wind and rain, so sad!

"Wow! Damn Yun Zhou Yunjun, get out of Lian'er, Lian'er will strangle you to death and avenge daddy, woooo—"

Little Lian'er stepped on the colorful silk, holding the nine-color lotus in her hand, floating above the fairy coffin, cursing at the sky!

However, the sky is wide open, and the clouds above are filled with thousands of dark clouds, dark and frightening, but there is no sound of wind, only boundless silence and depression!

At this moment, in the Tianzhang command camp, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan, Sirius Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng are closely watching Yunzhou's every move in the sky above.

"Brother Qianlang's fairy coffin plan is really useful, Yunzhou Yunjun really didn't dare to start the slaughter war in the fairy world so easily!"

Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, has always doubted the role of Brother Qianlang's Supreme Emperor Zhou, the coffin of the heavenly coffin. Gao Ming couldn't help sighing.

"That's right! Qianlang said that Mr. Jie Tongyun is an extremely cautious person, and he would never really believe that Qianlang has fallen!

He will have to wait until he sends someone, or even sees the dead body in the fairy coffin with his own eyes, or the death of his own life, before he will take the next step!

And after Fang found out that Qianlang hadn't fallen at all, he would definitely be more suspicious and cautious, and try to find out where Qianlang exists before he can start! Qianlang is taking advantage of his cautious style to buy time for him to unite with the forces of the four directions of the universe, and for him to lead the Yuntian forces with Qian'er and Xiao Luo to lead the ancient spirits and original immortals.

As long as we successfully confuse Mr. Yun until we return from leading the waves, there are two major forces in our Langyuan Xianmen who interfere with the universe, and our Langyuan Xianmen's chances of winning are equal to increasing infinitely! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan also gradually felt the need for the role of the heavenly coffin, she nodded slightly.

"Be careful everyone, that Yunxian is here!"

While Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster master, and Liu Juan, the Qixiang master, were talking, Zhan Xuanzi, the god of swords, stared at the shining star sword and reminded everyone in a low voice.

"Brother Zhen, can you confirm his location so that Master Sirius can shoot him to death with an arrow!"

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang heard the words, the chaotic eyes on his forehead instantly shone bright red, and his eyes shot out of the military tent, the cloud vault as black as ink, said in a hateful voice.

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