Nine Heavens

Chapter 1967 Forced Evil to Steal the Coffin

Chapter 1967 Forcing Evil to Steal the Coffin

"No! The third brother meant to let him see through the fake fairy coffin on purpose, and let him report the news to Lord Yunzhou Yun.

And we wait and see the development of the situation behind. In addition to continuing to act, let's stop with silence! "

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, saw Cheng Yuanfang's face full of anger, and his right hand was already touching the evil-killing golden arrow behind him, so he hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Listen to Brother Zhen!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan raised her green hair slightly, her green eyes were calm, and she also persuaded.

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang's black hair was like a rainbow, he flew up and down in anger, looked around the three immortals, and had no choice but to give up.

"Is that the death cloud bird again?"

While the four Lang Yuan lords were talking, they saw outside the tent, a strange and faint white smoke suddenly appeared in the black clouds in the sky in the hundreds of millions of light miles.

This piece of white smoke, if the four high-ranking Lang Yuan had not been prepared in their hearts, it would have been hard to notice.

The faint white smoke is too faint, especially when it is swallowed by the darkness, it is almost negligible.

After the faint white smoke appeared, it turned into a bird-like object at a speed that was even less noticeable, and landed extremely carefully towards the fairy coffin above the Langyuan fairy gate.

Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, was the first to notice it. Thinking that what he saw before were all things of Yunzhou's death and birds, he wondered.

"No matter what he is, send the order down immediately. If he doesn't move, we'll just pretend not to see it! Then tell Lian'er to continue cursing according to Qianlang's wishes!"

The four Langyuan Xianzun floated to a convenient but very hidden position in the military tent, staring at the high sky outside the tent.

At the same time, Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan reminded.

"Okay, brother Zhen, now I want to transmit the sound to the whole Langyuan Xianmen!"

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi responded immediately, and then thought of sound transmission to his beloved daughter Yaya, and asked Yaya to use the method of silent sound energy of the sky snail to inform the upper-level orders of everyone in the Langyuan Xianmen.

As soon as Lang Yuan's high-level orders came out, the situation of Lang Yuan's Di Zhoutianqiong was naturally the same as before.

The fairy coffin floated in the sky, filled with empty shadows, and the sound of mourning was endless.

Lian Er scolded even more.

"Brother Zhen, do you know why Brother Qianlang asked Lianer to scold him? Fengmei thinks that in our entire Langyuan fairy sect, except for Lianer, everyone has more authority than her!"

Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, didn't understand what the origin of the emperor's brother was, so it was related to the life-threatening battle of Langyuan Xianmen, and he didn't need to wait for Langyuan's high-ranking lord to call the battle, but let his milky little daughter play , I always thought it was very funny, so I sent a voice transmission in my mind, and asked Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhan Shenjun.

"Perhaps only Lian'er can scare Yun Zhou Yunjun! Younger sister Feng knows that the third brother was able to escape this time because of Lian'er's wisdom and the love of his parents!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi told Cheng Shifeng and the other two high-ranking Langyuan all the experiences of leaving Langyuan Xianmen that the Emperor Zhou Emperor Wushang Zaixie had recently passed on to him.


"This little girl is really amazing, she actually succeeded in cultivating and robbing the Golden Pagoda!?"

Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, couldn't believe it. Brother Qianlang failed to refine the Shoujie Gold Pagoda, and he had seen it himself. Let alone cultivation, he couldn't even understand it! Can't help looking at Lian'er high in the sky, and sighed.

"This child Lian'er is too miraculous, no wonder Shuang'er often said that sometimes she couldn't believe that this child was born to her. To her mother, there is nothing about this child's miraculousness that can be explained clearly.

Because of Lian'er's magic all day long, she is respected everywhere and praised for her ability to teach her children everywhere, but in the end she is full of embarrassment. "

Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan stared at the sky, and said with emotion.


"As expected, he landed on the fairy coffin. He is spying on the situation inside the fairy coffin."

The four high-ranking Lang Yuan discussed Lian Er for a while, and at the same time saw the faint bird-like object landed on the fairy coffin, Master Sirius said bitterly.

"If the third brother hadn't left something to say, I really want to detonate the star sword thunder in the fairy coffin immediately, and wipe out his spirit!"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, twisted his black and white eyebrows, and said very angrily.

"It turns out that you also..." Hearing the words of Zhan Xuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, True Lord Sirius took a look at Zhan Xuanzi of God of Sword Zhan, smiled coldly, and said.

"Brother Tianlang hates that evil thing, and brother Zhen certainly does too, but for the sake of the overall situation, let's be patient!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, understood the meaning of Cheng Yuanfang's words, and replied with a smile.

"Immediately strengthen the seal of the fairy coffin and force him to steal the fairy coffin!"

Qixiang suddenly heard Jianzhan Shenjun move his hands and feet in the fairy coffin, his expression changed, and he said in a concentrated voice.


Hearing the order, the three Lang Yuan Gaozun immediately understood the meaning of Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan.

While speaking, each of them urged the fairy thoughts, and instantly strengthened the nine pre-set seals outside the fairy coffin, and then the nine seals released a hundred thousand powerful pressures inward, attacking the bird who came to spy shape thing.


The bird's thing always thought that all the spirits of the Langyuan Xianmen didn't see him at all, so he slowly relaxed his vigilance, squatting swaggeringly on the fairy coffin, looking down at the fairy coffin.

He didn't want to suddenly force tens of millions of power all over his body, and at the same time, he was firmly covered by the golden light seal outside the fairy coffin.

Out of an instinctive reaction, the bird-like thing let out a gasp, and then turned into a thought fairy, holding a pitch-black dust whisk.

I saw a single black eye on his bird's head, and immediately shot out a black rainbow, and swept across the whole Langyuan Xianmen with a hundred thousand cleverness, and found that everything was the same, so I was relieved.

Then I saw him waving the pitch-black dust whisk in his hand, shooting out a jet-black dust whisk and black light.

This pitch-black light, like a swimming snake, quickly wrapped around the fairy coffin, shrinking the fairy coffin into the sea of ​​sleeves of its evil robe.

After doing this, he looked vigilantly in all directions of Langyuan Diyu again for a moment, especially the cloud war command tent where the four Langyuan lords were located.

Only when he was absolutely sure that he had not been noticed all this time did he show a strange sarcasm on his face, waved the black dust whisk to leave behind a fake coffin of waves, and then still opened the way with the dark dust whisk, rushing forward without much effort. After releasing the seal of the nine immortal coffins, it turned into a faint cloud and floated towards the pitch-black sky for hundreds of millions of miles.


When he completely submerged into the pitch-black cloud and evil cloud, there was a burst of strange laughter in the sky.

"Ha ha……"

"Sister Juan's gift, Mr. Yunzhou Yun will definitely like it, but after Mr. Yun is furious, we may not be far away from the big battle!"

The four Lang Yuan high-ranking officials couldn't help laughing as they watched the evil thing disappear into the dark sky.

"Maybe! Since we have everything in place and declared war beforehand, we are not afraid that he will go to war at any time!

We have Lian Er's nine-color lotus and nine-color god array guarding us, and we have nine infants and nine tripods and swords and rainbows protecting us, plus our Langyuan magic weapon and fairy weapon, cloud soldiers and cloud generals, why are the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals afraid of him! "

For Liu Juan's sudden decision, she still felt a little gambling in her heart. The most satisfying way in her heart is to delay the war with Yunzhou until her younger brother Lang Yuan's Emperor Zhou Emperor returns from the Supreme Evil!

However, this kind of thinking is absolutely wishful thinking, how Yun Zhou Yun Jun makes a decision, the guesses of several Lang Yuan high-ranking officials, and no matter how evil the Emperor Zhou Emperor is when he is not there, it is impossible to guarantee that everything will come true.

In this situation, Liu Juan felt that it would be better to use the fairy coffin to gamble. If the other party thought that his younger brother Lang Yuan's Emperor Zhou was in the fairy gate, the other party must be more cautious.

As his younger brother told him, Mr. Yun seemed to be very afraid of "The Complete Book of Destruction" and "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm".

If the opponent asserts that Qianlang is not in the Longyuan Xianmen, immediately launch an attack or challenge with a single immortal, and the Langyuan Xianmen will fight!

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