Nine Heavens

Chapter 1969 Nine Essences of Predestined Soul

Chapter 1969

"I hope it's not that she succeeded in cultivating the terrifying Nine-Colored Fate Soul, otherwise the foundation of Nine Heavens will be more stable!"

The bird-headed fairy had a strange black eye wave flashing in his only eye, after thinking for a while, he revealed a rather terrified expression, and said.

"Nine-Colored Destined Soul! Impossible, isn't the Nine-Colored Destined Soul Flower all destroyed in the ancient battle of the Holy Spirit? In the future, the Nine-Colored Destined Soul's life will be greatly reduced. Only Empress Nuwa is left, how could there be Nine-Colored Fate Soul Flower!"

Hearing the words, Young Master Death suddenly shot down from the king's seat, looked at the fairy coffin angrily and said.

"At first, I thought so too. However, in some respects, the behavior of Langyuan Xianmen had to make the original thought so suspicious.

The biggest question is, how did they enter the seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell and spiritual void set by Mr. Death, and how did they get out?

You and I both know that without hundreds of thousands of powerful creatures drowning the death evil spirits there, it is impossible to do it! As for the holy spirit fetishes that can drown the 100,000 powerful dead, evil spirits and necromancers there, only the only seven-color fate soul flower of Nuwa Empress, that is, the nine-color fate soul flower from the ancient war era of the Holy Spirit, can have such a powerful life god can! "

When Bird Head Immortal mentioned Nine-Colored Fate Soul Flower, the color of the black rainbow lingering around him suddenly faded a lot, obviously very frightened.

"No! Absolutely not! Even if she really is Empress Nuwa, she won't be able to resurrect the Nine-color Fate Soul Flower. The Nine-color Divine Lotus in her hand is just a common flower she got from the Mortal Realm. It's just a spirit flower.

The nine-color fate soul flower has nine petals and eighty-one stamens, and each of the nine petals is a living soul of the universe, and the eighty-one stamens are the strong spirit of the holy spirit.

In the ancient battle of the holy spirit, although our dead universe perished, the strong spirit of the holy spirit nine-color fate soul flower that needs to survive has also faded abnormally! It is absolutely impossible for the nine-color fate soul flower to be resurrected!

Zeber! About this point, this son of death is sure of it! Don't doubt randomly, raise the aspirations of others, and destroy your own prestige! "

Young Master Death, who had an infinite dislike for similar words of Nine Colors Fate Soul, said without a doubt.

Regarding the nine-color Yuanhun flower, the seven-color Yuanhun flower, and the five-color Yuanhun flower, I need to explain here.

When the universe died, there was no specific spiritual life in the universe, no matter whether the original immortals, heavenly birds, earthly beasts, etc. did not exist.

As for Mr. Death, all the dead demons in the era of the universe are just an area where the evil spirits of death are more intense, and they have no form.

However, as the universe began to appear thunderbolts and lightnings for some reason, stars and rivers, and after the storms of the universe, three kinds of gorgeous god flowers suddenly appeared in the universe, and the number is countless.

First, it is in bud, floating for trillions of thousands of years, and then it blooms, one is nine colors and nine petals, one is seven colors and seven petals, and the other is five colors and five petals.

The three kinds of divine flowers are all colorful and extremely gorgeous. Although the whole body is gorgeous in color, it is crystal clear, infinitely attractive and lovely.

The most miraculous thing is that all kinds of spiritual beings were brewed in the inner mist, including primitive gods, birds, beasts, and human races.

After the emergence of these spiritual beings, they have been living in the three kinds of divine flowers. They use the mist as the spiritual soul, the light of the divine flower as the active spiritual energy, and the dew of the flower as the breath to grow and grow stronger. , Gradually grow and become more beautiful.

It was at that time that the death demons of the universe were stimulated by the brilliance of the three kinds of god flowers for countless years. The formless death demons of the universe also had a condensed form, and countless death evil spirits appeared.

The reason why they are called death ghosts is because all the elements contained in these dead demons are the opposite elements to the three kinds of god flowers.

Because the three kinds of divine flowers gave birth to three kinds of spiritual lives, with their respective gorgeous spiritual mist as their souls, the spiritual lives of the later universe are called nine-color fate soul flower spirits, seven-color fate soul flower spirits and five-color fate soul flower spirits.

Later, with the stabilization of the three kinds of Huaerren's forms, the three colorful souls turned into their spirits, that is, the five essences of primordial spirit, soul, soul, heart wisdom and obsession that we have always mentioned in this article.

And seven essences and nine essences. The seven essences refer to the addition of longevity and disease-free factors to the five essences. Nine Essences refers to the addition of true feelings and eternity to the seven essences.

The Nine Spirits can be described as the existence of great good and perfect spiritual life after the birth of the universe, and the ultimate goal of the evolution of the Five Spirits and the Seven Spirits is also the Nine Spirits.

However, the beautiful nine spirit lives, that is, the primordial spirit, soul, soul, heart wisdom, obsession, longevity, disease-free, true love, and eternity. , Let everything in the universe be on the verge of destruction.

Naturally, all the dead demons in the dead universe are unwilling to die, and they are unwilling to die, so the dead devil's life body, which is opposite to the nine-day birth universe, contains the opposite elements and is born.

There are five-color soul flower life, seven-color soul flower life, and nine-color soul flower life.

There are five dead evil spirits, seven dead evil spirits, and nine dead evil spirits.

The five dead evil spirits are the body of the undead combined with the five factors of last ghost, killing, evil spirit, poison, and evil.

The seven dead evil spirits are based on the five dead evil spirits with the addition of the two factors of continuation and pain, which are anti-longevity and disease-free.

On the basis of the seven dead evil spirits, the Nine Dead Evil Spiritual Life is false, and there are two elements of anti-fate, nine color soul flower life, true feelings and eternity.

After that, the ancient spirit jihad mentioned above is a war in which the three predestined soul flower spirits of the living universe and the three death evil spirits and dead demons of the dead universe are constantly intertwined.

The final outcome is that the universe was defeated, but the three fate soul flower spirits of the universe also paid a painful price. In order to protect the weak five-color fate soul flower spirit, the most powerful nine-color fate soul flower spirit and seven-color fate soul flower spirit rushed forward, and finally fell when almost all the dead demons in the universe were wiped out.

The Nine-color Fate Soul flower spirit and all the Nine-color Fate Soul flowers no longer exist! Of the seven-color fate soul and flower spirit forces, only Empress Nuwa survived with a broken flower.

The last beneficiary in that ancient spirit jihad was only Shengzhou's five-color fate soul flower spirit. It is also for this reason that any form of spiritual life in the later life is a body with five essences, seven apertures, two balances, four parts and five exits.

The reason why Mr. Death firmly believes in his point of view, that there will be no more nine-color fate soul flowers, is also based on the conclusion that it is still one after another ancient spirit jihad in the time of death.

"I hope those residual flowers are really gone..."

Hearing Young Master Death's words, the Bird Head Immortal muttered something again, but it was vague, Young Master Death didn't hear clearly.

"What was Zhou Bo just talking about?"

Because there was no outsider present, the dead son restored Ouyang Lang's face with dragon eyes and tiger eyes.

There are nine dragon head crowns on his head, and the nine dragon heads spit out nine colors of thick evil smoke. The evil smoke is intertwined, covering his cold face. He didn't open his mouth at all, but made a cold voice.

Hearing the words, the bird-head fairy couldn't help but tremble all over, and hurriedly said:

"No, it's nothing, Mr. Death, let's take a look at this fairy coffin!"

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