Nine Heavens

Chapter 1970 Hurting Mr. Yun

Chapter 1970 Playing Hurt Yunjun


Son of Death, Ouyang Langlong, as Zhong Zhan's obsession, successively devoured the so-called Zhong Zhan's dark soul and other Zhong Zhan's hatred souls. Ancestor's living soul position!

At this moment, he was already fearless and did not hide his true colors in front of the Bird Head Immortal. The dead son Ouyang Lang's long eyes were red and bloody, and he nodded slightly.

Then a gorefiend held the king's palm, gurgling blood mist towards the fairy coffin!





However, before the blood mist completely enveloped the fairy coffin, the bright red eye-catching fairy coffin suddenly rolled over, then stood up, exploded loudly, and the crown cracked the wall.

The emperor of the universe, with white hair and white hair, was flying wildly, wearing silver clothes, holding the bright red Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in one hand, and carrying the altar of wine with the other, laughing out loud.

"you you you?"

In the blood mist, the emperor of the earth and the universe flickered, mysterious and unreal.

For some reason, the roles played by the dead son in front of him, from Ouyang Langlong, to Jietong Daoist, to Universe Yunjun, and Tiangong Tianjun, are obviously much higher than the person in front of him in terms of status and strength, but from the bottom of his heart He actually has an inexplicable fear of this earth Zhou Dijun, who is simply a lunatic, no matter how evil he is.

When Mr. Death was talking to the Bird Head Immortal just now, he had guessed in his heart many times what would happen in the fairy coffin!

I guessed everything about the situation, but I never guessed that he would actually be inside alive, and he still looked like he didn't care about splashing alcohol!

In astonishment, Young Master Death instinctively flew upside down on the tens of thousands of feet high altar, screaming.

"Ha ha……"

However, Di Zhoudijun, no matter how evil he is, ignored him at all, and just laughed and drank.

Immediately afterwards, the Nine Swords Immortal Fate Sword in his hand suddenly split into two, one Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme and then Evil became two, and then back to back, the two swords screamed together, splitting hundreds of thousands of swords in an instant, and the palace roared Stegosaurus !

This sudden attack was too fast and violent, even a bird-headed fairy, Mr. Death Evil Spirit, could not be said to be defenseless.

However, he was still quickly surrounded by the opponent's roaring Stegosaurus and Mangong Xianjian, hacking, scratching and biting wildly!

"Liu Qianlang! You idiot, you're playing tricks on my son of death! Wow... yah..."

The dead son quickly saw that the person who rushed out of the exploding coffin, and then split into two immortals, although they were exactly the same as the emperor of the universe, but they were not him, but his. The two sword spirits couldn't help cursing.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"


However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he was slapped by the dragon claws wielded by the group of stegosauruses. At the same time, the blood demon nine dragons on the dragon crown and the blood demon dragon sword in their hands were abused by the other party before they could use it in time.

Young Master Death had to keep his mouth shut, his internal organs would soon be shattered by anger, he was about to counterattack while suffocating the majestic fire, accumulating the evil power of death secretly.

"Haha... Fairy Sword, what did the master say!"

"Brother Jiujian, the master said to stop Uncle Song. Uncle Song said, take advantage and run away. This is the first battle of the battle, we can only win and not lose!"

"Oh! Then we are victorious!"

"Of course! Didn't you see us pretending to be masters and scaring them so cowardly? What about Mr. Yun, you don't deserve to wipe my ass with a little sword!"

"It's true. Look at them. One has a dragon head, and there are only three left, covered in bruises. The other one, with only one eye on the bird's head, was also caught blind! What the hell is he? Why is he losing hair all over his body? ?”

"Hey...don't care, let's go!"

However, what made Mr. Death even more annoyed was that the other party attacked with lightning, and then left with lightning speed. When he made a sudden move, the other party had already fled away with a burst of laughter!



"Liu Qianlang! I, Ouyang Langlong, will never end with you!"

Not only was Young Master Death played a trick by Di Zhou Dijun, who was not in Lang Yuan Di Zhou at all, but the Gorefiend's body was injured. Do you think he can't be annoyed!

Seeing him, everyone left, but he became crazy, holding the blood demon sword, jumping and flying wildly, hacking everywhere, screaming continuously, and making the whole Yunyun Palace into a miasma of smoke.

The Bird Head Immortal was not much better off if he was like Mr. Death, he was not only angry, but also ashamed that he was not good at doing things. It was useless to stay at this moment, so he just covered his eyes and blinked, and fled away in a puff of black evil smoke.

"Zhou Bo! You and I will retreat for ten thousand years, and it will not be too late to restore the dead body!"

Just when the Bird Head Immortal was about to flee, the angry Princess Death suddenly stopped and said through gritted teeth.

"it's me……"

Because of the unforeseen misfortune caused by his sneaky exchange, the bird-headed immortal didn't know how to apologize to Mr. Death, and he was speechless.

"It's not Zhou Bo's fault, Zhou Bo's heart, how can I be ignorant of this dead son! It's all done by that despicable Liu Qianlang! Zhou Bo recovered the dead body with peace of mind, let's just remember this account, ten thousand years are but a moment , When we launch the Heavenly War, it is when they pay the price!"

At the critical moment, Lord Death calmed down, and instead comforted the bird-headed fairy.

"Thank you, Mr. Death, for not caring about the mistakes of the immortals! Don't say too much. In the future, he will restore the great cause of the universe for Mr. Death, and he will devote himself to death!"

Immortal Bird Head was extremely grateful in his heart, and spoke very passionately.

"It should be our common cause! The death of the universe is now standing, and it will also be the beginning of Zhoubo's new life!"

Young Master Death corrected him, then said nothing, and disappeared.

"You're still doubting me after all!"

Looking at the place where Young Master Death disappeared, the Bird Head Immortal said nah nah. The figure paused for a while, and finally disappeared in place.

The waves are in the sky above the universe, and the heavenly battle camp.

Suddenly the scene was dark and densely covered with dense clouds, the clouds were light and far away, and the wind was blowing and resting, and some stars were exposed, and the sun and the moon were in the sky.

Soon afterward, the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly.

Then, I saw the blue sky, and two pieces of swords and dragons flying down from among the white clouds.

On each of the two dragons stands a handsome, young sword-holding immortal.

One was wearing a pure white fairy robe with a fluttering belt and black hair like a rainbow. One, the other is dressed in a bright red fairy robe, with red hair fluttering away. The appearance and charm of the two of them are almost the same as that of the Earth Emperor, but the fortitude between the brows is not enough, and there is a lot of humor.

"Haha... They really did it! Not bad! Not bad!"

Looking at the two Langyuan spirit generals, one white and one red, who were gradually flying down from the sky, Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, stood on the blood unicorn, laughing loudly among the nobles of Langyuan.

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