Nine Heavens

Chapter 1971 Death and Life Transformation

Chapter 1971

The universe, the inexplicably sealed space, the domain of death, the cave of burial.

Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo each sat on the fairy scroll of the universe, and they have been practicing for more than ten thousand years.

I don't know which day it was, but Liu Qian's eyes were still closed, but suddenly he felt his mind was infinitely clear, and the nine-colored blood and blood soul in his body was like a rushing sea, and his whole body was full of wireless power.

Any part of the body with seven orifices, two balances, four parts and five parts can feel extremely sensitive.

With both eyes in the future, you can see everything in the so-called universe of death, but you can hear all the sounds from far and near in the universe without paying attention to your ears.

The nose felt a little, and suddenly felt that the entire death universe was full of obscure and disgusting breath. You can't open your mouth, think about what you think, and all words can be gushed out.

The five viscera and six internal organs are also majestic and powerful, and Liu Chian suddenly discovered that the body nourished by the nine-color fate soul, the once black and dead bones have all turned into golden and golden bones.

One of the death evil veins disappeared, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe Jue Meridian, which can only be seen in the universe like thunder and lightning, was formed, that is, the Nine Heavens Jue Mai.

"Ha ha……"

"Sister, brother finally got rid of the evil poison of death and evolved into a righteous fairy god!"

None of these characteristics does not mean that Liu Qian's wish has been fulfilled, there is no more death poison in his body, and the death son of Yunzhou Yunjun can no longer control him.

This is a sense of freedom that I have never felt before, and a world of clarity and body that I have never felt before. This made Liu Qian, who had regained her life, ecstatic, and couldn't help laughing out loud, announcing the good news to her sister.

"Yeah! Our brothers and sisters are finally no longer at his mercy, and we can finally be ourselves. We can distinguish right from wrong by ourselves!

The elder brother and younger sister also successfully practiced the inexplicable magic skill guided by the sitting scroll, and the death essence turned into nine kinds of magical righteous spirits! It turns out that it is so good to be a righteous fairy.

At this moment, younger sister, her eyes are full of blue sky and white clouds, her ears are full of emerald green chirping birds, her nose is full of strange fragrance, and her mouth is full of joyful words to say..."

As early as Liu Qian opened his eyes, Liu Xiaoluo had already quietly opened his eyes. There was sparkling joy in Wang's eyes.

Apparently she had completed the torment of evil death and evil power to control the body some time earlier than her brother, and turned into a real righteous spirit and fairy god.

However, after she opened her eyes in joy, she suppressed her excitement and quietly looked at her brother who finally passed the barrier until he succeeded with a big laugh.

"Oh! Sister, you are so amazing! You completed the transformation a little earlier than your brother! Haha..."

Liu Qian was always worried about her younger sister's progress, but unexpectedly, her younger sister had already completed the evolution first, so she couldn't help laughing even more happily.

"Hehe... Brother, it's better to open your eyes and look at it more comfortably. It's so weird to see you laughing with your eyes closed!"

The two brothers and sisters have never been truly happy, comfortable, and happy at this moment. Liu Xiaoluo said mischievously.


Liu Qian sighed when she heard the words, then slowly opened her eyes, looked at herself carefully, and then looked at her sister.

I saw that I and my younger sister seemed to be in the burial cave in the universe of death at this moment, and the obscure taste in the breath just now disappeared in just a moment.

The two brothers and sisters opened their eyes one after another and saw that while layers of dark clouds were flying away around them, nine-color auspicious clouds were floating in the distant surroundings at the same time.

At the same time, among the nine-color auspicious clouds, countless colorful phoenix birds danced and sang emeraldly. At the same time, the brother and sister smelled a magical fragrance that they had never smelled before.

In the space, there is no longer darkness, and everything that is bright is everywhere; everything in the death universe is no longer mysterious, and everything can be seen under the panoramic view.

The two brothers and sisters clearly saw the dark death cloud flying away, and it did not disappear, but quickly gathered towards a distant area, at an extremely fast speed!

The reason why these dark and evil clouds of death flew away quickly was mainly because the brother and sister were in the vast and surging nine-color clouds of righteous spirits that continued to expand to the surrounding sky!

The beautiful auspicious clouds and splendid auspicious birds floating from far away from all directions soon filled the once dark burial cave, and then bridged the immensity outside the siblings.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters were completely in a new space.

They found that in the space shrouded in infinite rosy clouds, countless black skeletons of gods and gods from the ancient spiritual universe suddenly appeared, like stars, covering all the areas of the so-called Burial Cave.

These pitch-black skeletons have all kinds of faces and shapes, some are the body of the Holy Spirit, some are in the state of half-human and half-demon, and some are in the state of a complete beast!

"Brother, who are they?"

Looking at Zhou Tian's countless pitch-black skeletons floating and shaking in the sky, with hideous and terrifying faces, all the good feelings in Liu Xiaoluo's heart just now disappeared in an instant, and she asked her brother in horror.

"Sister, don't be afraid, they are already the gods of death in the ancient spirits, and they have no essence! In fact, they have always been around us, but we also had death evil spirits in our bodies before, so we couldn't see them. I can't even feel their presence.

This should be the reason for the so-called burial cave here! It shouldn't take too long for them to appear at this moment, and they will soon be devoured by the spiritual energy of our cultivation Zhengling Xianxia and Zhou Tianzhengling! "

Liu Qian slowly stood up, standing on top of the gorgeous and white "Complete Book of Destroyer World", her whole body was pure white with immortal light, her face was calm and resolute, and she said confidently.

"These skeletons are so terrifying! Are they the remains of the Nine Heavens Immortal, the Immortal, and the Immortal God of the Eternal Universe, who were killed by the Eternal Demon during the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits?

My sister heard that the world of immortals and gods is different from the world of mortals. When immortals and gods perish, they must suffer the attacks of destroying the stars and destroying the sky. The death skeleton of Nine Heavens Immortal Universe? "

Seeing the pitch-black skeletons floating around in a radius of hundreds of millions of light, Liu Xiaoluo said in disgust and shock.

"I sensed the purpose of the Death Demon from the fairy scroll under my feet. The death of these Nine Heavens Immortals and Death Immortals is just like what my sister said.

However, after their bodies collapsed and their spirits were all destroyed, those death demons reunited the broken elements of the bodies of some ancient spirits and gods, and then sealed them here, gathering more and more, and finally it was like this ! "

Liu Qian didn't know why, but found that he could communicate with the "Complete Book of Destruction" under his feet. He was suspicious, and when he was thinking, the fairy scroll under his feet would automatically send the answer to his mind.

The answer above is exactly that.


Liu Xiaoluo glanced in amazement at the Divine Scroll under his brother's feet, and sighed.

Then ask again:

"Why did they do that?"

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