Nine Heavens

Chapter 1972 The Devil's Egg

Chapter 1972: Egg of the Dead Devil

"For the existence of this death universe! The burial cave and death tower are the only sources of death energy that can exist in this so-called death universe!"

Liu Qian's eyes were filled with hundreds of millions of lights, and his eyes were chasing the swiftly flying black evil cloud, and he said with a very solemn expression.

"Didn't he say that the universe of death is far away from the universe of life, how could it be?"

These words were said by Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun when he lured the two brothers and sisters into the so-called Nether Universe Realm to practice space, Liu Xiaoluo was amazed.

"It's the Young Lord of the Dead Eternal Demon who died in the Ancient Spirit Era, and the only surviving Demon of the Ancient Spirit Dead Eternal, called Master Death!

When the Eternal Universe was destroyed in the Ancient Spirit Era, there was an egg of the Necromancer before it was destroyed by the last group of Necromancers, and the evil spirit of death forcibly sealed it in a place in the Eternal Universe, that is, here!

Fortunately for this Egg of the Dead Evil, all the immortal gods in Shengzhou thought that the Eternal Universe became the history of the universe, so no immortal gods in Shengzhou cared about everything about the Dead Universe anymore.

It is precisely because of this that when this egg of death evolved into the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe along with the Life Universe, it also gradually germinated! When he was born, all the history of the death of the universe immediately poured into his nine spirits of death through the seal left by the death demon in the ancient spirit era!

Afterwards, he continued to strengthen and seal his death eggs and the evil spirits of death left by the ancient spirit necromancers in the living universe. In order to restore the determination of the ancient spirit necromancers, he called this mysterious sealed place of death "death" Universe Death Domain!

In fact, there is no such thing as a dead universe in today's living universe. Everything about the dead universe is the command of his ancient spirit, the ancestor of the dead demon, and his illusion!

Then he started a life-long struggle for this illusion..."

"So it is!"

After listening to brother Liu Qian's words, Liu Xiaoluo's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, she sighed, and then she was concentrating on something.

"Brother, look, those skeletons!?"

When Liu Xiaoluo was contemplating, he suddenly found that those pitch-black objects suddenly started to move, flying towards the direction where the pitch-black evil clouds were rushing.

From a distance, it looks like a rain of pitch-black arrows pouring down from the sky.

"No surprise! Here, the burial cave has been accidentally destroyed by our brothers and sisters. Those black skeletons must have flocked to the death tower!"

Seeing such a situation, Liu Qian's expression was more condensed, without any hint of surprise, and said lightly.

"Brother, you look like your father when we saw An Jing in the Magic Sound Shadow Stone when we were young!"

Liu Xiaoluo respects and loves this brother who is the only one who accompanies her, and will capture his every movement and even his eyes in his heart.

At this moment, looking at his brother, he suddenly thought of his father, whom he had never seen personally, and said with some joy.

"Of course! Our father thought he was born a great hero, and I am his son. How can I not look like this!"

At this moment, when my sister mentioned Emperor Zhou, Liu Qian was suddenly excited, and she changed her serious look and nodded.

" doesn't look like this, I've never seen Daddy coaxing me like you do!"

Brother Liu Qian's face suddenly relaxed, and what he said made Liu Xiaoluo burst into laughter, teasing his brother.

"Sister, be careful! We are working hard, and we will see our parents soon! My brother actually has the same heart as you, and he wants to return to them in his dreams! But..."

After Liu Qian said this, she couldn't bear it, and looked away from her sister.

"But what?"

Liu Qian asked.

"Hehe...but you have to be ready, you have to be sensible when you meet your parents, don't make them angry!"

Facing his younger sister's questioning, Liu Qian hesitated for a moment, and forced a smile.

"Hee hee! Then how come, after we see mother and father, Xiao Luo must be very obedient!"

When he said these words, Liu Xiaoluo's face was full of longing and happiness, as if he was snuggling in his mother's arms at this very moment.

Seeing her sister like this, Liu Qian didn't say anything, and turned her gaze back to the place where countless dark evil clouds and dark ancient spirits, immortal gods and skeletons gather.

Behind them, Yun Zhou Yun Palace is within sight.

Below the Yunzhou Yun Palace, all the Yunyun Yunxians that Jun Yun can mobilize are mobilized here. The celestial battle team of the heavenly soldiers and armor.

In front of every Tian Zhan team, there are some cloud immortals and Zhou gods who are frightening at first glance.

However, there are no figures of Yiyun Zhouyunjun's dead son and the one-eyed bird-headed fairy! Because at the moment they are still retreating to heal their wounds!

The explosion of the fairy coffin caused these two dead demons to suffer huge injuries, not just from the wounds of the dead demon body, because the two sword spirits of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and the star and sword gang arranged by Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, caused them to die The evil spirit has also suffered a huge loss, so it is by no means easy to recover!

Therefore, their original idea that they could recover in ten thousand years has already failed ten thousand years later!


Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun died coughing in the cloud of death.

"It's all my fault for being careless, I shouldn't have brought the Langyuan fairy coffin back to Yungong!"

Because he was worried about Mr. Death's injury and the movement of the universe, although the Immortal Thought had left before the death essence fully recovered, he also appeared outside the death cloud where Mr. Death was retreating with a cough, and confessed.

"Haha... that's fine, it's not in vain that I was born once, and I even experienced the heart and lung diseases and cough symptoms of the mortal body in the mortal world!

This feeling of heart and lung pain is really unpleasant. It seems that since the demise of our perishing universe in the ancient spirit era, the evil death poison that this son of death has begun to release has indeed made all living beings in the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe taste death, disease, and poisoning. The infinite pain of vendetta and killing can also be regarded as revenge for countless ancestors of the dead demons!

Zeber! Don't be impatient, since you haven't fully recovered from the death spirit, just continue to enter the customs. We have planned for infinite years, and if we don't appear in front of them in a state of being all-powerful and domineering, wouldn't it be less self-confidence! "

Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun's death suddenly burst into a cold and maniacal laugh.

"Ah! Unknown to Mr. Yun, those two prodigal beasts broke through the cultivation space and broke into the Burial Cave by stepping on the "Complete Book of Extermination" and "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm" respectively, and..."


When the bird-head fairy said this, he couldn't help coughing.



Hearing the words, Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun died suddenly destroyed the evil cloud of cultivating death, and the pitch-black demon flew wildly, and asked sharply!

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