Nine Heavens

Chapter 1973

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-three chapters of the heart -


The Bird Head Immortal was speechless, only coughing dryly.

"Call the nine dead spirits and the seven dead spirits, Ben Yunjun wants to kill them!"

Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun's death suddenly bubbled black death smoke from his body, and the black death smoke quickly filled the entire hall of Yunzhou Yun Palace.

Cosmos Yunjun shot out even darker and more terrifying rainbows in his eyes in the black death smoke, and looked straight through the Yunzhou Yun Palace to the Necrosphere of Necromancy created by the Egg of Necromancer that he had previously sealed, and shouted.

"It, they and all the death clouds and birds in the Burial Cave were destroyed, all because of those two lowly spirits from the Wandering Fate Immortal Sect! They actually used two volumes of fairy books to practice inexplicably magical skills.

When they successfully practiced their inexplicable magic skills, they gave birth to the terrifying aura and power of the holy spirit like the ancient spirit life, and then wiped out all the death clouds and birds in the death domain and burial cave!

Now the remaining forces of the death cloud bird are only those in the death tower! "

When saying these words, Immortal Bird Head was actually more uncomfortable than Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun, because the existence of all the birds of Death Cloud was created by Immortal Thoughts using the broken spirits of the ancient dead spirits of the Dead Universe!

If all these death cloud birds attack Langyuan Jizhou, they can instantly plunge Langyuan Jizhou into boundless death!

This force can be said to be the finale force of Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun's death. I didn't expect that the two sides would be plotted against by the Supreme Emperor of the Earth Zhou before the war started.

"Awesome! Really amazing! Liu Qianlang! Haha... wow——"

When Young Master Yun Zhou Yunjun looked into the distance through the cloud palace, he happened to see the figures of Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo suddenly submerged in the tower of death, trembling all over, and spitting out a blood rainbow, a pitch-black blood rainbow!

"Yun, take care of your body! We still have the Death Tower, the true essence of death. After they enter, it will be their end!

Although we paid a high price, in the end the brothers and sisters still did not escape from Mr. Yun's palm! "

Immortal Bird Head persuaded Young Master Death when his mood stabilized.

"It's too late! It's too late for everything! It's the son of death who wants those two torn books wholeheartedly, and wants his brothers and sisters to interpret them for me.

However, in the end, not only did they fail to help me, but they became the righteous gods of that bitch Liu Qianlang! It's horrible!

This son of death has a lot of calculations, but he underestimated such things as 'love' in the universe! I thought that I deceived them since I was a child, and let them practice the Death Evil Spirit Art when they grow up, and they will definitely listen to me! And then at my mercy.

However, the love between father and son is so terrifying, the hateful Liu Qianlang is attacked by the infinite cloud calamity and robbery and the death of their brothers and sisters in the depths, and would rather die than hurt his own flesh and blood!

And at the most critical moment, their brothers and sisters did not use the deadly evil power of death to destroy life! At that time, all this made Mr. Ben Shige angry and puzzled, but later he figured out what was the reason for this!

This is the five essences of the universe, the seven essences and the most miraculous and most heart-felt element under the nine realms-love! "

After spraying out the blood rainbow, Master Yun's dead son, his mouth was full of blood, waves of blood rolled in his eyes, and he was talking to himself!

"That's right! In fact, I have already seen this. No matter how Lord Yun treats them, as long as I don't destroy their life essence, they won't be able to listen to us like the hundreds of millions of Yunxian outside the palace!

However, Mr. Yun wanted them to interpret "The Complete Book of Destruction" and "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm" for Mr. Yun, and he had to keep their essence of life, and the result..."

Immortal Bird Head had repeatedly advised Yun Zhou Yun Jun, Master Shi Sheng, to kill Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's brothers and sisters or to destroy the spirit of life, but Master Shen Si thought he had controlled them, and never agreed.

"About them, Ben Yun-jun is indeed wrong! How can Ben Yun-jun be obsessed with ghosts, how can they help Ben Yun-jun! Then Liu Qianlang is a hateful existence by nature, how bad will his descendants be? !

We lost to Langyuan Xianmen in the first round! First, it was calculated by the fairy coffin, and then the death universe was destroyed!

But it's strange, how their brother and sister managed to break through the void of death practice! How did they get the "Complete Book of Destruction" and "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm"?

Could it be that that bitch Liu Qianlang secretly entered the realm of death! ? "

Mr. Yun Jun's death suddenly felt that the question was very inconceivable, and asked questions one after another.

"Impossible! No matter how evil and powerful the emperor of Zhou is! Yun Jun knows that even if he didn't die in the infinite cloud calamity, he was still a skeleton-like body that was about to die. How could he have the ability to enter the world in a short time?" The realm of the universe and the realm of the dead!

Besides, they simply don't know where the Death Realm is and how it is to enter the Dharma Gate! As for how they broke through the void of death practice, this reminds me of an incident between Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo when they were young! "

Immortal Thought said here, the one-eye that has recovered, flashed a strange black color.

"What's up?"

Yun Zhou Yunjun's dead son asked in surprise.

"Mr. Yun, do you still remember when the brothers and sisters were three or four years old, one day they were playing at the edge of the lower realm of the universe, and when they returned to the Yun Palace, there were seven stars around them.

But when we found out and were about to analyze it carefully, the seven-point starlight disappeared and never appeared again. "

"That's right, this son of death also remembers, but so what?"

"I suspect that the seven stars may be the most miraculous power of stars in the universe! They are secretly manipulating Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo to oppose us!"

"You mean the fairy gods who were transformed into the first ray of light from the stars that appeared in the ancient spirit jihad era?"

"Yes, it's them!"

"Impossible! It is rumored that they are just some powerful spirits and gods who divination the mysteries of the gods and gods of the universe. They never ask about space warfare! He is different from the space witch who specializes in divination for space warfare!

Besides, after the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits, the Dao of Stars has long since disappeared, so there are no legends about their existence! "

"Yes! Let me tell you a piece of good news to Mr. Yun. Our Zhou Wu of the Dead Universe sensed the information of her existence when I was retreating. She is approaching us in a strange time and space!

Before she arrived, she sent a message to the Egg Nucleus of the Dead Demon, which is to remind us to be careful of the Tao of stars, and said that Jun Yun's third apprentice, the God of Sword Zhanxuan, is actually the God of the stars, the ancient spirit, and the stars of today. Dao master! "

"Really! How could it be him!?"

Mr. Yun Jun died when he heard the two news from the mouth of the bird head fairy one after another, and he was extremely shocked.

The former made Young Master Yun Jun ecstatic, and the latter made him unbelievable.

Mr. Yunjun's son of death clearly remembered that after he was thrown into the universe, at the beginning when the evil thoughts of death had not completely invaded the life of the universe, he saw the ancestor of the magic sword secretly accepting three apprentices.

The first one was the wave of the Xiling River in the heaven at that time, Liu Qianlang, and the ancestor of Du Mojian was called "Lang'er"

The second is Jiebo, the dragon prince of Tianhe East Sea in the heaven, who was nicknamed "Bo'er" by Dumojian Zu.

The third one is Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan who doesn't know where he came from. Back then, he was named "Hui'er" because he was born with black and white eyebrows.

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