Nine Heavens

Chapter 1976 Alliance of Righteous Spirits

Chapter 1976: Spirit Alliance


"Who am I, I am your mother!"

The other party didn't open his mouth, or he had no mouth at all. There were only three triangular eyes on his pale face, but there was a burst of piercing laughter from his face.


When mentioning mother, Mr. Death immediately remembered that he was a person countless years ago.

That was still a person who was imprisoned when he was obsessed with the so-called one hundred thousand hated souls of Zhong Shi, devoured the dark soul, returned to heaven and entered the real man Jietong, and became Yun Zhou Yunjun.

This person is her mother who was reborn as a human in the first human world of the ancient chaotic universe. Although Young Master Death hated everything in Shengzhou, he just couldn't bear to hurt the woman who allowed him to be born in Shengzhou.

So he sealed this woman with layers of seals in a beautiful palace, where there is everything in the world, allowing her to live an eternal and comfortable life.

However, after the death son finished sealing this woman, he knew in his heart that after that, they would never meet each other again, so he devoted himself to the great cause of restoring the dead universe, and never visited her again.

At this moment, if the witch in front of him hadn't mentioned this woman, Lord Death would have almost forgotten her existence.


Mr. Death hesitated for a while, and the other party turned into Mr. Death who was Ouyang Langlong's mother when Mr. Death was in the world.


Out of habit, the son of death blurted out.


"What mother! Daddy! She is just a living medium when your son of death broke into the living universe. Since you have already been born, and you are recovering the evil spirit of death step by step, what use is she!

It just so happens that the witches of this universe are useful, so I seized the house, do you have any opinions? "

The other party was very proud of his behavior and reported himself.

"She is just a weak and incompetent woman, why should you be like this!"

Young Master Death himself didn't know why, he felt a pain in his heart, and then said helplessly.

"Bah! The world is really poisonous! Even the son of the dead demon has feelings in the world! Have you forgotten the hatred of the universe!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

When Zhou Wu heard the other party's words, Zhou Wu was very dissatisfied with the fact that after he reported himself, he didn't see the expression of welcome from the other party, but he cared a lot about an ancient human woman.

I saw his three dark eyes twitching for a while, and two skinny black claws suddenly appeared in front of the son of death, and then there was a crisp slap in the space.

"No, it's not!"

"Welcome the return of Zhou Wu!"

After being beaten, the son of death, the dead spirit, woke up for a while, and said quickly.

"Sneeze ha ha ha..."

Finally hearing what he wanted to hear, Zhou Wu smiled again.

"Greetings to Zhou Wu! Greetings to Lord Yun!"

At this moment, the bird-headed fairy crawled and appeared in front of Brother Death and Zhou Wu. Seeing that Zhou Wu was there, he hurriedly saluted embarrassingly.

"You waste, why are you so slow, all the witches of this universe have arrived, and you haven't delivered the order of the witches of this universe yet!"

This Zhou Wu didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, and he was arrogant in front of Jun Yun, and spoke first without waiting for Jun Yun to ask.

"Oh! I also ask Zhou Wu to make it clear. I don't know what order Zhou Wu asked Zhou Bo to pass on. This junior will execute it!"

Seeing Zhou Wu so shapeless, Young Master Death was very disgusted in his heart, but considering that she would still need her great help in the restoration of Zhou's great cause in the future, he had no choice but to pretend to be very admirable, calling himself Dao of the younger generation.


"Well, at last, the witch of this universe is right about you, you really have a great cause in mind, you can bend and stretch, that's it!

I have done what I have to do, that is to call your billions of my cloud immortals back to the cloud palace. At this moment, they are being strengthened by the ancient spirit death evil spirit. In three days, we can massacre the universe of Langyuan And the forces of the Heavenly Evil Palace! "

Zhou Wu laughed evilly again, and then took the lead to shoot in the direction of Yun Zhouyun Palace!

Besides, the emperor of the universe in the city of stars in the southeast of Yunzhou is supreme and evil. After several days of contact with the city emperor and queen of the city of stars, he expressed his intention of alliance!

The City Emperor and Empress Lvhongfeng of the southeast galaxy city are very supportive and actively invite the Galaxy Dragon, Galaxy Phoenix and Galaxy Lin clans to join.

The Sifang Xinghe Clan and the Emperor of the Universe held a grand alliance event! Known as the Qingzhou Conference of the Zhengling Fairy League, the emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixe, was elected as the master of the Universe League.

The situation was urgent, and the emperor of the universe would not refuse no matter how evil he was. After the two parties agreed on the details of the alliance, the emperor of the universe bid farewell to the southeast galaxy of the universe, and urged the shuttle to return to the universe of waves.

During the time when Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie stayed in the southeast of the galaxy, there was one thing that made them most grateful That is, the emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixie, used his great power to create a physical body, and created a perfect body of the holy spirit for the death domains in the four directions of the galaxy.

He also promised that in the future, Yun Tian Er Zhou Dading will cast the flesh body of the Holy Spirit for the immortals and gods of their whole clan!

To make a long story short, after the emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixie, left the realm of the Eastern Galaxy in the universe, he returned to his heart like an arrow, and controlled the shuttle to fly with all his might. I can't wait to go to the home of Langyuan Xianmen.

However, to travel through the universe, even if the shuttle has the ability to escape instantly, I need some time.

In addition, there is another reason why Emperor Di Zhou deliberately slowed down in the middle of his trip.

The emperor of the universe felt that since he entered the southeast region of the galaxy, there have been two evil auras following him.

However, because the opponent hadn't moved all the time, Emperor Di Zhou, no matter how evil he was, didn't want to grow any more branches in the city of stars, so he deliberately led him on the way, trying to find out the origin of the opponent.

"Ha ha……"

"It must be someone from the evil palace of the heavens! Since you have been following all the way, there must be something wrong, so you might as well show up and see! Whether you want life or something, we are open to each other!"

Di Zhou Dijun laughed loudly, stopped his body suddenly, called out the wine cloud wine altar, poured wine into the sky, white hair flying, and laughed freely while drinking.

Then he didn't care where the other party was, and admired the ubiquitous beautiful clouds in Yunzhou from afar.

"Oh! He found us!"

"Since we have discovered it, what are we hiding!"

"Ha ha……"

"Admiration! Admiration! As expected of the heavenly waves ordered by Empress Nuwa, her spiritual wisdom is really extraordinary!"

"That goes without saying, otherwise, how could a human fetus that was reincarnated in the human world return to the heaven, and still be so awesome! It's already set up the banner of equaling the sky!

well! I think this was the ideal of my heavenly evil envoy back then, but unfortunately I was born in the heavenly realm, and it would be meaningless if the banner of the heavenly evil was all over the ground, even if all the people in the world knelt down and kowtowed to me, there would be no sense of success! "

"It's worth talking about your bad things. We should hurry up and get down to business. Are we robbing money or robbing sex!"

"I'll go! You are a man or a woman. This Emperor Langyuan is an old man. How can he rob sex! We neither rob money nor rob sex, we want to rob life, and rob money by the way!"

There was a commotion above Di Zhoudijun Supreme, and suddenly there were two silhouettes of heavenly generals flashing with spiritual light.

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