Nine Heavens

Chapter 1977 Life and Death Volume II

Chapter 1977 Life and Death Volume Two

"Hurry up and give us the second volume of "The Complete Book of Destruction" and "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm"! My wife is about to give birth recently, and I don't have time to chat with you. I have to go back to accompany my wife!"

Two celestial generals, one with silver and white body, the other with golden flashes, just fell down, one of them turned his wrist with one hand, and a spear-shaped magic soldier appeared in his hand and shouted.

"Oh haha……"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme was in the waves of evil pouring wine, and laughed when he heard the words, and then looked at the two evil generals of the heavens flying from above, and said with a smile:

"Zhong Zhan is also interested in the second volume of life and death?"

"That's natural. Who doesn't know the ancient spirits and gods of the universe? If you win the second volume of life and death, you can be arrogant and invincible in the universe! Zhong Shi is the only righteous future in the universe, so naturally you need the guidance of the second volume of life and death." !"

Another celestial general wearing the golden light crystal celestial soldier's armor waved the golden spear in his hand and said proudly.

"Of course you can grab things, but you need to be capable. I invite you two little generals. I just want to get the second volume of the emperor's life and death. I don't know what Zhong Mo thinks. Even if you die, you should find two people who are serious come!"

The Emperor Di Zhou's white hair was fluttering, and he felt the strength of the two waves of one hundred thousand powerful heavenly spirits coming down while he was still in the shuttle, and he secretly lamented the strength of the other party in his heart.

However, he still had a calm demeanor, laughed and swayed, and sneered at the other party.

"Huh? What is he talking about? He's so evil, he didn't look down on us! This is no good, if my wife hears this, even the child in her belly will look down on me! How long do you think we will do it?" kill him!"

The left envoy of Zhong Xing Tianxie, who was wearing the silver armor of heavenly soldiers and generals, shouted.

"What about us, if I play, I won't count you if I win, but it's your fault if you don't stare at me!

I've told you long ago that it's good to be single, if you insist on taking some kind of beauty god, and then learn from the world of the lower world, you insist on giving birth to a womb, so you can just let yourself be at ease and don't want to cause trouble!

You should do it yourself, if you die, I will tell your wife when you go back, how great you are, you were beaten to death by the little fairy in the lower realm!

If you don't die, you can grab the second volume of life and death, and you can brag in front of your wife when you go back, and you can also receive meritorious service under the death of the bell! "

The right envoy of Tianxie, who was wearing the golden heavenly soldier armor, said with a smirk.

"What are you talking about? Man'er is also you, the flower on the Newman tree. Speaking of which, you should be his elder. Why are you talking so heartlessly and unjustly! What good will it do you if I die!"

The Heavenly Evil Left Envoy retorted very seriously.

"Bah! You have the nerve to say that the poisonous vine used to be infatuated with the little waves below, but for some reason, it learned from the human world and finally returned to my tree father.

But you, an old man, even flirted with her secretly, making her so happy that she couldn't help marrying you, and leaving me alone in Liao Palace again, I'm really pissed off! "

The two guards on the left and right of Zhong Xing talked like fighting, and the more they talked, the more intense they became.

Emperor Zhou below, Supreme Zaixie, had no interest in them at all, and after knowing their intentions, he planned to run away. At this moment, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, still doesn't want to fall out with the palace of the evil gods of the heavens.

However, when I heard them talk about Xingmei, who was once the so-called No. 1 evil god in the heavens, the poisonous beauty of one of the nine hair-care evil gods, Xingman's figure that was about to move stopped again. down, Rao listened with interest

Knowing that Xingman has now found her new love, and has achieved a positive result, she feels very comforted, and can't help but pour wine and drink more refreshingly.

"Ha ha……"

It is because of the high spirits that the wine waves are also surging.

"Son-in-law, he is going to die, why is he still so happy, are all the spirits in the universe like this second mother?"

Hearing the hearty and hearty laughter of Emperor Di Zhou, the right envoy of Tianxie stopped bickering with the left envoy of Tianxie, and asked in the attitude of an elder.

"Go back to my father-in-law, this Xiao Xu guesses from a man's point of view, he's lost his mind!"

"Oh, how did you see that?"

"Think about it, among the billions of poisonous and beautiful flowers on your Newman tree, only Man'er is the most beautiful! Man'er once had a heart for him, but his mortal eyes don't know gold and jade, and he missed Man'er!

Now when I hear you and I talk, and know that Man'er has planted a flower on the Ben Newman's horn tree, can he not tear his heart, weep with joy, and laugh wildly with anger! "

"That's right! Xianxu is really talented, and the bullshit he said is so reasonable!"

"Thank you father-in-law for the compliment. Xiao Xu will definitely continue to work hard. From now on, I will respect you, the old and immortal Newman tree, and follow Man'er's side, carrying bags and dishes, and don't even glance at other heavenly beauties!"

"Well! That being the case, don't make a move yet, it's more important to kill and get more money!"


The Heavenly Evil Left Angel and the Heavenly Evil Right Angel spittled all over again, staring intently into each other's eyes and chattering wildly.

At the end of the sentence, when Tianxie's left envoy swung his gun to kill Di Zhoudijun Wushangzaixie in response, he leaned over and saw that he had long since disappeared.

"I'm going! This?"

Tianxie Zuoshi looked embarrassed and exclaimed.

"How did he do it? How could he slip away right under our noses? Are we blowing out the prestige of the number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Death, as the guard around us and the title of tracking the extreme god?"

The right envoy of Tianxie also found out that Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and no longer evil, so he also said with a confused face.

"It's all your fault. Every time I talk, you always stare at my eyes, but you are looking at that one!"

"Bah! It's alright if I don't stare at you, don't you keep staring at my eyes too! There are rumors in the world that no matter how much a person can lie, his eyes can't lie. So I stared at your eyes, Make sure everything you say is true!"

"You are so stupid! Why are you staring at me, and the second volume of life and death is not on me!"

"That's right! How did I forget this? I blame Xingman for letting me watch you and report your love loyalty index to her at any time!"

"Oh! It turned out to be Man'er. How could she disbelieve her husband like this? This heavenly evil left envoy possesses the most beautiful god in the heavens, what more can I ask for!?"

"Shut your Newman mouth, today I saw you staring at Princess Phoenix of the Southwest Fengyu and drooling!"

"Don't talk about me, don't you too, who made her look so charming!"


"Haha... two guards of the death of Zhong, you are not tired, don't you just want the second volume of life and death, the local Zhou Emperor Supreme Zaixie is for you!

However, after handing it over to Zhong Xing, he must be told not to open it. The second volume of life and death is by no means an ordinary volume. Whenever there is a divine light, it will inevitably cause a bloodbath in the universe!

Please take the second volume of life and death, and you can go back to the heavens immediately to ask for credit and reward! As for the supreme and evil life of the local Zhou Emperor, you are incapable of taking it away! Ha ha……"

When the heavenly clock died and the guardians on my left and right were arguing, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the distant Yunzhou direction, and then the two heavenly generals saw two volumes of fairy books, one white and one colored, flying across the universe.

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