Nine Heavens

Chapter 1980 The Second Cosmic Essence

"Then we are no longer looking for the Dream Scroll Building?"

Lao Bai also crossed his legs and floated away from the "Complete Book of Destroying the World".

Maybe this Huimeng Zhou Juan Tower should be destined to this Fang Jingzhou. We even figured out and gave up our own natal wisdom body. Presumably the seven Juanxians are just like us!

The Mengzhou Juanlou is just a corner of the great wisdom, and losing it is just a small wisp of wisdom for our Mengzhou, but for this living universe, it is the source of all spirits, so we don't care!


Laobai, the book fairy in "The Complete Book of Destroyer Realm", and Qian Se, the book fairy in "The Smoke Book of the Demon Realm", drifted farther and farther away, and their voices gradually drifted away.

"Seniors! Woohoo—Xiao Luo knew he was wrong, so don't leave!"

When the two book fairies suddenly decided to leave, brother and sister Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo suddenly felt a sense of emptiness and indifference, not because they were afraid, but because they were reluctant to let go and loudly persuaded them to stay.

Especially Xiao Luo, who regretted contradicting Qian Se just now, crying and yelling.

"Hehe... Amitabha, good! Good! We are not immortals of the same universe, how can we stay in the clouds forever! Leng Zhou's spiritual life happened unexpectedly, so I wish you victory over evil and darkness!"

"Little girl, Qianse is not angry with you, don't cry sadly, we will activate your second essence, and you will be infinitely intelligent existences in the universe from now on!

Although the death towers are scary, they will not be so scary after your second spirit is activated!

Every time you defeat a level of death tower elves, you activate your second mental energy, practice Mengzhou Divine Art, and then continue to attack. I believe you will succeed with your infinite persistence!

By the way, in the future, if our fellow Zhou Shuxian asks about our whereabouts, you can just say that we go back to Mengzhou!

Willow! Open the Essence! Hehe, good luck! "

"Liu Xiaoluo, receive the light of myriad colors and dreams!"

Following the last blessing of the book fairy in the second volume of life and death, two divine rainbows, one white and one colored, shot into the eyes of Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, and then the two book fairies disappeared without a trace.

But before Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo had time to say goodbye, the divine brilliance burst out of their bodies in an instant, and they were bathed in the cleansing of their respective divine light.

At this moment, the second volume of life and death is still speeding towards the direction of the death tower, but with the violent surge of the second mental energy of the brother and sister, the speed of the floating light tide is tens of millions of times faster than before!


Because of the huge second spirit that can enter the body, the brother and sister are not allowed to sit cross-legged into meditation and enter the cultivation realm. They don't know everything outside.

At this moment, looking at the two brothers and sisters from afar, one is sitting on top of the white and glaring "Complete Book of Destroyer Realm", and the whole body is filled with white light for hundreds of millions of miles, forming a huge vortex of white light.

The other, sitting on top of the ever-changing "Devil World Smoke Book", is trapped in the center of a vortex of endless splendor.

The two brothers and sisters were respectively in the center of the vortex, carrying the powerful second intensive cultivation elephant, whizzing and galloping, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Soon, the two vortexes complement each other, and they have both rushed into the countless noisy croaking death cloud birds and pitch-black skeletons!

When the brother and sister appeared in the area of ​​countless death clouds and birds, it meant that they had entered the first floor of the death tower.

However, they are caught in the critical moment of practicing the second Jingmeng Zhoushengong, their eyes are closed, and they don't know it yet.

Countless birds of death clouds, big and small, of all shapes and sizes, saw the two huge swirls of divine light pouring in, and they immediately boiled and chattered endlessly.

Because they couldn't see the specific situation in the center of the whirlpool, they didn't know that the people in the center of the two whirlpools were Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

At this time, the first floor of the Death Tower was extremely chaotic, with two terrifying whirlpools whistling and colliding, countless death clouds and birds circling and screaming, and infinite black skeletons passing by the first floor of the Death Tower at high speed. gushing.

However, with the passage of time, all the photoelectric second spiritual energy outside Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's body gradually sank into their bodies, and their faces were naturally clear.

The dark skeletons in the first floor space of the death tower have also completed the process.

This moment.

In the space on the first floor of the Death Tower, there are only countless Death Cloud Birds, brothers and sisters Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

After seeing clearly the two people sitting cross-legged on the two gorgeous divine books, the countless death cloud birds stopped flying around and kept a high degree of vigilance, surrounding them in circles.

Any death cloud bird is created by the Bird Head Immortal using the death spirit of the death demon of the universe during the holy war of the ancient spirits, so the evil death energy is terrifying!

If it was in the past, he would not have any worries at all when he received any killing order from the Bird Head Immortal to kill opponents from all walks of life. When he saw the opponent, he could wipe out the opponent in an instant.

However, at this moment, he and the others have surrounded Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo for an unknown amount of time. Some of the dead cloud birds have been reborn many times, and they just stare at the brothers and sisters, but dare not move.

Because the brothers and sisters who were once covered in pitch-black death and evil smoke, not only are there no evil spirits of death in their bodies, but the essence of righteous spirits is bursting, and their whole bodies are like jade, becoming crystal clear, and there is a ring of alien universe that has never been seen before. Divine Immortal Ring!

This magical fairy ring is full of colors, and the divine light it releases is dazzling, making it impossible for these death cloud birds to look directly at it. At the same time, the invisible power of the divine power released by it makes the surrounding death cloud The bird clearly felt the huge pressure wave after wave pressing on him!

In such a situation, countless dead cloud birds dare not act rashly. They found that the divine energy outside Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's body was constantly converging into their bodies.

Then there was a delusion, planning to swarm up and tear them to pieces when the gods outside of the two brothers and sisters, including the circle of alien fairy rings, had completely submerged into their bodies.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that when the circle of death clouds and birds closest to Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo was formed, the second circle, the third circle... were also formed continuously, and finally all The death cloud birds formed countless circles of death cloud birds, surrounding Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo brother and sister layer by layer.

Even so, though, these death cloud birds aren't considered the best siege.

"Overlap blockade!"

An icy voice came from the high altitude in the center of the first floor of the death tower. It was the voice of the bird-headed fairy.

It is not surprising that it appears here, this tower of death is the lifeblood of the death princess, and all the death cloud birds on the first floor of the death tower are the most terrifying holy spirit killers that the bird-headed fairy can deal with all the spirits in the universe!

So when he received the news that the dead cloud bird found Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, all the Yunxians in Yungong had received the body of the death evil spirit of the ancient witch and the ancient spirit, and had once again set up battle over the entire Langyuan, I came here immediately!

With Zhou Wu, Master Death is no longer obsessed with the second volume of life and death, and ordered the Bird Head Immortal to kill Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo without mercy after seeing Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo!

After accepting the order, Immortal Bird Head thought that he could instantly kill Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo as soon as he arrived.

But he ignored the short-term adventure between Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

Up to now, Immortal Bird Head has carefully arranged and arranged to surround the two brothers and sisters for decades, but he has never dared to give an order to kill them lightly.

Still trying to find ways to strengthen the encirclement of the two brothers and sisters.

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