Nine Heavens

Chapter 1981 Probe Attack

The Bird Head Immortal came from the Qi Neng Zhou before the ancient spirit death universe, so he naturally knew the power of the Holy Spirit in the second volume of life and death.

Although he was not sure that the colorful fairy rings outside Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo were the fairy rings of immortal scrolls, but he was absolutely sure that they must be related to the second volume of life and death!

He saw Lao Bai and Qian Se leave with his own eyes, at the very moment when he first came to the Death Tower, but he didn't dare to make a move at that time.

The reason is the same as at this moment, it is all because of the terrifying ancient spirit and divine power of the other party.

Surrounding Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, the innermost layer of the death cloud, the bird heard the order of the bird head fairy, and under the pressure of the powerful divine power, it quietly shrank in a circle.

Then the death cloud bird circle behind and so on.

At the same time, the inner and outer encircling circles changed the horizontal plane layer by layer, staggered each other, and soon formed an enclosing ball with countless layers, enclosing Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo brothers and sisters tightly.

After this process was quickly completed, the bird-headed fairy showed an extremely fierce and sinister smile on his pale, ferocious and one-eyed face, and then turned into the appearance of a death cloud bird, flying around the enclosing ball for a long time. Chian and Liu Xiaoluo brothers and sisters were unable to escape, and they made piercing calls:

"Crack! Crack..."

Then the entire death cloud bird ball made this kind of sound calling for death.

Next, Immortal Bird Head was not in a hurry to kill Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo brothers and sisters, but arranged several layers of dark and evil cloud death barriers around the death tower.

There are two reasons for doing this. One is that Mr. Death told him that Mr. Death did not want to slaughter the two small characters in the death tower, but wanted to make a big noise in the universe, as if he was attacked inside and outside the universe.

The second reason is that the Bird Head Immortal has always had a penchant for catching turtles in jars. Regardless of the slaughter of any target, he hopes to firmly control the opponent first, then intimidate the opponent, torture the opponent, and mutilate the opponent bit by bit.

Whenever a slaughter target is completed under his control, the bird-headed fairy is uncontrollably excited.

Now, he finally controlled Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, and while shouting excitedly, he passed through layers of death cloud birds and arrived at the core of the death cloud bird circle.

" lowly despicable prodigal sons, just because you also want to fight against Mr. Death, you even came here to break into the Tower of Death without knowing what you can do!

Do you know that the ancient spirit jihad Zhou Wu has returned, Jun Yun has accepted the challenge of Langyuan Earth and Universe, the Yunxian tempered by the death and evil energy of hundreds of millions of ancient spirits is shrouded in the sky of Langyuan Xianmen, and Langyuan Xianmen is about to come It's over! Quack, quack..."

The ear-piercing death cry of the bird-head fairy kept spreading and swaying in the death cloud bird ball.

The echoes came and went, not getting smaller, but getting bigger and bigger. It was deafening and chilling!

However, the evil cry of Death Cloud Bird Death Head Immortal Bird Head did not affect Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo brothers and sisters at all, they were still immersed in the final stage of cultivation.

The second dots of spiritual energy outside them hadn't completely submerged into their bodies, and the last dots turned into gorgeous auspicious clouds and clouds, entwining and flying around them.

The shapes of those auspicious clouds are also like birds, but they are like eagles and phoenixes, upright or beautiful, and they are all full of infinite righteousness.

In contrast, at this moment, all the birds of death clouds lost their once pure white camouflage, and turned into the appearance of black death smoke, ugly and ferocious!

But the auspicious clouds outside Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo are beautiful and beautiful, which one is beautiful and which one is evil and ugly, it is clear at a glance.

"Quack, quack..."

"Boom, boom..."

Immortal Bird Head finally couldn't hold back the urge to slaughter Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo for a long time, looked for the best location, and tentatively spewed out a string of black death evil rainbows at the two brothers and sisters.

Then, I watched with great anticipation what happened next.

The Bird Head Immortal is also an existence with terrifying strength in the ancient spirit jihad. He has won countless victories over the Primordial Immortal Venerable. He has survived to this day. Speaking of which, he is even earlier than the Son of Death. He possesses not only the evil power of death, but also Qi Neng Zhou and Xu Quan There are two terrifying ancient spirits and evil energy in the universe.

Therefore, if his blow is to attack the general universe, it can be destroyed in an instant, and it will disappear without even a trace of smoke left.

At this moment, he has launched a series of attacks containing death, lacquer energy, and imaginary three kinds of ancient spirits and evil energies. He really wants to see whether the Immortal Scroll Zhenglingshen in the second volume of life and death can resist it.

Of course, with the character of the Bird Head Immortal, he only used one trillionth of his true strength, because he was not in a hurry to kill Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, and he hadn't started his torture yet. What about games?

The bird-headed fairy stopped calling, and stared intently at the string of death evil rainbows that he spit out.

"Poof! Poof!"

After a while, Immortal Bird Head heard the sound of the evil rainbow spit out by himself entering the photoelectric area around Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's brothers and sisters without any surprise.

A strike that contained the three ancient spirits of death, lacquer energy, and emptiness could not do anything to the immortal scroll's righteous spirit divine energy in the second volume of life and death.

If you don't break through, you will be offset by some righteous spirits and gods.


But such a result, not only did not annoy the Immortal Thought, but made him even more excited.

I secretly said in my heart:

"Cut! It doesn't matter how powerful the immortal scroll gods are in the second volume of life and death. Once the immortals leave, they are just two dead books with inherent divine power. As long as the immortals have enough patience this year, no matter how powerful the immortal scroll gods are, Maybe us death cloud birds will consume it, and then... croak..."

The bird-head fairy was thinking happily, and couldn't help but shouted!

"Brother! It's really strange. How come there are two kinds of universe time and space in my body. Is the new time and space the universe time and space that the two senior Shuxians mentioned when they left?"

While the bird-head fairy was thinking about beautiful things, Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo finally completed their cultivation. They opened Cheng Liang's clear eyes and looked around at the overwhelming death cloud birds, as if they didn't exist Generally speaking.

"Hehe... yes, sister! In the future, we will be blessed by the God of Time and Space in Mengzhou, and the Immortals of Shengzhou will be able to live with us, so we don't have to be afraid of any evil spirits of death anymore!

Did my sister sense it just now? These death cloud birds outside are just existences that seem to exist to us now!

As far as their death evil energy is concerned, it is not worth our move, and they can be destroyed in a breath! "

Liu Yao stretched his waist, and simply imitated Qian Se's appearance and lay on his side on the "Complete Book of Destruction", looking at the huge form of Death Cloud Bird's first leader, Immortal Mind, and said with a smile in disregard.

"Well! I sensed it! Now I feel that I have inexhaustible divine power. The feeling of coldness, terror, and depression in the death zone before is gone! It seems that the one-eyed ugly death cloud bird came towards us just now. I spit out a few bubbles, but even our body protector couldn't get in."

Liu Xiaoluo said breathlessly.

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