Nine Heavens

Chapter 1983 Heavenly Evil Contribution

In the evil palace of the heavens, Zhong Shi's daily routine recently.

Zhong Sheng sat firmly on the throne of the evil palace, tasting wine, watching dances, listening to songs, and occasionally glancing at the ten-square clock face floating above his head.

With a smug look on his face, he swung his wine glass and squinted his eyes, enjoying the music all by himself.

"Ha ha……"

"Finally they are all dead, and the war is about to start! Alright! I have been waiting for this day for a long, long time! It has always been called the death of the clock, so let me look at the ten square clocks, and watch you one by one perish!"

Zhong Zhan raised his head, and at the moment of drinking, he quickly glanced at the ten-sided ten-sided clock on his head. The ten-sided god bird and the bell attendant were all in their respective spaces and clouds on the ten-sided clock, vigilantly examining the universe. everything of.

From their calm expressions, it can be seen that everything about Yunzhou is under his control.

"Well! Taiyi Zhongshi has improved, and he no longer sleeps at critical moments!"

Zhong Xing's eyes quickly swept across the space of the ten clock faces of the slightly rotating ten square clock, and he nodded and said to himself.

The ten square clock is the only artifact of Zhong Zhan, which can control the time universe of the past and the present.

That is to say, in the universe of life and death, whether it is the two worlds of sky and cloud, or the universe of the earth, all time is under the control of its ten square clocks.

If he succeeds in cultivating his magic skill of time, the Dafa of time in the final stage, he can change the time axis of the two universes of life and death, turn back time at any time, and do whatever he wants!

However, it is a pity for Zhong Zhan that at the most critical and final step of practicing the time magic skill, he suddenly discovered that there is a magic weapon missing in the ten square clocks - the time boat.

As for the Universe of Time, Zhong Zhan sent people to finally determine its location after repeated inquiries. At this moment, the Boat of Time is within the Immortal Gate of Langyuan, in the hands of the disciple Yaya, the emperor of the Earth Universe.

After hearing this news, Zhong Xing was elated. Now in the second volume of life and death, the boat of time is all gone, and there is only one dimension and space seal missing. The divine power of life, the three original elements of time and space are all in my hands.

Now Zhong Sheng feels that what he has to do is to wait patiently, wait for Tianxie's left and right envoys to recover the second volume of life and death, wait for Shi Fang Zhong attendant to report the progress of the universe and sky war at any time, and secretly send someone to inquire about the Weikong Seal whereabouts.

Right now, just drink and talk all day long.

"Ha ha……"

In such a huge palace of evil gods in the heavens, immortals dance and dance, zithers sing, and immortal wine is fragrant everywhere, but Zhong Shi is the only person who is immersed in it.

Because except for Zhong Zhan, all the evil palace kings, ministers, military generals and divine soldiers of the heavenly world are all with the Yunzhou army, and they are floating under the heavenly world, camping in the Tianzhai.

However, the Heavenly Bell Death Army didn't go to fight, but to watch the fun, and wait to pick up cheap ones after the war.

All the tents of the evil palaces in the heavens are also scenes of singing and dancing, and it is allowed by Zhong Sheng.

"Ha ha……"

"Zhong Xing is very elegant, and Tianxie's envoys fulfilled their mission, and returned with the second volume of life and death, asking for an audience!"

When Zhong Sheng was happy, he suddenly heard a burst of familiar laughter from outside the palace. Hearing the content of Yipin, he laughed out loud.

"The two guards are indeed outstanding, please come in quickly!"

Zhong Sheng thought to himself, this is really what he wanted, just thought of the three elements of Sheng Zhou Yuanchu, and the second volume of life and death will arrive. It seems that his decision to let the bodyguard do this is absolutely credible.

"The Left Envoy of Heavenly Evil has seen Zhong Zhan!"

"Heavenly Evil Right Envoy has seen Zhong Shi!"

While the two sides laughed, the left and right envoys of Tianxie had already shot into the main hall of the evil palace in the heaven, and the left and right envoys of Tianxie were on their tour.

"Ha ha……"

"The two guards don't need to be polite, what about the second volume of life and death?"

Zhong Sheng was surrounded by celestial light and fairy flowers, surrounded by ten thousand dragons and rainbows, and his dragon eyes were shining. He got up and went down the steps, and personally helped Tianxie's left and right envoys, and said with a smile.

Tianxie left and right envoys were overwhelmed by the courteous reception of Zhong's deceased relatives, and when they waited for the help, they quickly got up and handed over a scroll of immortal light, and at the same time reported impassionedly:

"Please take a look at the evil king!"

"Ha ha……"

Zhong Wang saw the two volumes of fairy books summoned by Tianxie's left and right envoys in his own sea, and instantly took them into his hands, laughed and flew up to the hall, and then impatiently urged his immortal consciousness, and raised his palm to cover the two volumes of fairy books.

After a while, a sentence from the so-called "Complete Book of Destruction of the Realm" and "Book of Smoke from the Demon Realm" appeared in his mind.

The words in "The Complete Book of Destruction" are: I wish my daughter happiness!

The words in "Devil World Smoke Book" are: May my wife be beautiful and eternal!

"Ha ha……"

After sensing these two sentences, Zhong Sheng was furious and funny, and couldn't help laughing in embarrassment.

Seeing Zhong Sheng laughing, Tian Xie's envoys thought that Zhong Sheng was satisfied, so they clasped their fists together to congratulate:

"Congratulations to Xie Jun for your wish to come true, for giving birth to the three great divine artifacts of Zhou Yuanchu, and for getting the fairy scroll again!"

After speaking, Tianxie left and right made each other face each other, their faces were full of peach blossoms, their mouths were filled with joy, and each of them was thinking of Zhong Sheng's reward in their hearts.

"Heavenly hell sprites, go to the palace immediately, and take these two low-energy idiots to the prison of the lower realm. After three days, they will be sent to the lower realm, and they will never return to heaven!"

The left and right envoys of Tianxie were having a sweet dream, when suddenly Zhong Sheng roared, and two groups of roaring black shadows shot into the outside of the palace instantly, and before they could see their physical images clearly, they each hugged one of the envoys of Tianxie , whistling away again,

The speed of action is better than meteors and moons.

"Bah! What a Zhongshi! To cross the river and demolish the bridge so quickly, I have already seen that you are not a good thing like Mr. Yunjun Death. You two are a bastard and a tortoise, and you are both of the same virtue! "

"Father-in-law scolded you well! I used to be young and vigorous, with little knowledge, and I really thought that, as he said, I was framed by Mr. Yun Jun's death all the time, and asked you to work hard for him to death!

But in the end, I spent tens of thousands of years with my wife working hard for him, but now I want to knock us out of the world, what a fucking thing! Pity my Man'er, she will be a widow when I descend to the world! "

"Damn! You worthless, that Di Zhoudijun of the Langyuan Immortal Sect is nothing more than a Di Zhou Lingxian. He dares to defy the sky and fight against the dead son of Yun Jun! Can't you do it?" ?

My daughter is really blind, how could she fall in love with such a worthless guy like you! "

"Shut up! This day, the evil left envoy is most annoying to be told that I'm worthless! Monster? Can you give me some time to go home and see my wife, I want to take my wife to the world together?"

"Aww! Wow...don't worry about your lady, we brothers and sisters will take good care of you! Aww..."

"You guys!? If you dare to hurt my wife, believe it or not, I will never let you go!"

"Aww! Quack..."

Outside the Heavenly Evil Palace, the two prison generals, the Heavenly Evil Envoy and the Heavenly Prison Monster, left in a row...

In the palace, the two fake life and death scrolls under the palm of Zhong Xing still exist, spinning slightly, shining with beautiful brilliance, very beautiful.

However, Zhong Xing didn't even look at it again, he tightened his hand slightly, and with a click, it turned into sparkling falling pieces of paper.

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