Nine Heavens

Chapter 1984 Confining the Sea of ​​Ice

"Hee hee hee……"

However, those glittering pieces of paper did not fall, but wrapped around Zhong Zhan for a while, and they all smiled innocently like children.

After a while, these glittering pieces of paper turned into bright dragon beads. On each dragon ball, sitting, lying on their stomachs, or lying down... there is a boy and girl wearing a bellyband of various colors. .

The laughter just now came from them.

"Are you Zhong Zhan? The emperor asked us to bring you a flower. He said that the two envoys of Tianxie are good comrades. Although they are a bit stupid, they still respect you very much!

If you, the evil god of the heavens, did not have their two guards, no one would be able to defeat you as a Wenxian! "

Among these Dragon Ball children, a boy lying on the Dragon Ball, raised his head, and kicked his feet up laughed Wen Wenzhong dead.

"Hmph! Di Zhou Dijun is supreme and evil! You don't know what is good or bad! I have good intentions to form an alliance with you, and it's fine if you don't agree, but you dare to sow dissension, split my power, and expose my old background!

I thought you were a smart man, and you could be a little confused. Since you know everything, why should I, Xu Xiao, continue to hide, haha..."

Zhong Zhan suddenly let out a burst of thunderbolt laughter, and the palms that had just been closed suddenly burst into thick and blazing evil smoke, covering the ninety-nine and eighty-one Dragon Ball spirit children!

"Run away! My mother! The emperor is so smart! He is indeed the demon of the virtual universe before the death of the universe!"

Before Zhong Sheng could make a move, the ninety-nine-eighty-one Dragon Ball child instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared!


However, the evil smoke under Zhong Death's palm did not stop because of their fleeing, and shot out a huge hole in the evil palace in the heaven, and then his rainbow eyes looked into the billions of light, reaching the sky above the universe.

The singing and dancing girl in the hall just now was so frightened that her face turned ashen, she quickly bowed her head and retreated without a trace.

He cast his eyes over his army tent for watching the battle in the evil palace of heaven, and then looked successively at the camp of Young Master Yunzhou Yunjun and the sky above Langyuan Dizhou.

I saw two sides, one was clamoring all over the sky, and the phalanx of clouds and immortals was scattered all over the place; the other was banning the gate of heaven, and there was only one banner of "the waves are as dangerous as the sky" with thousands of stars shining.

"Ha ha……"

After some inspections, Zhong Shi, the number one evil god in the heavens, burst out laughing.

"Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil! It turns out that with this little ability, the son of death finally took up the challenge. It is good for you, and the gate of heaven is closed at a critical moment!

Obviously afraid! It's okay to be afraid, but he is so stupid as to come here to harass the young master of Xuliang Zhou! I'm really looking for death! "


Zhong Sheng burst out another palm amidst laughter, and cursed. Then when the third palm was blasted, everything in the Heavenly Evil Palace returned to normal.

However, since then, there has been no more singing and dancing in the Heavenly Evil Palace, and the forces of the Heavenly Evil Palace in Yunzhou's array have also entered a state of combat readiness.

In Zhong Sheng's anger, his spiritual sense sent the evil king of the lower world to enter the state of combat readiness, and then he floated out of the evil palace in a strange figure.

Not long after, her figure appeared in a icy area of ​​the Heavenly Evil Palace.

This place is called Yanfenghanyu.

Zhong Zhan's body was tall, and his body was full of celestial lights, undulating in waves, flying out of nowhere between the icy mountains and seas, and stopped on the shore of an icy sea after about a few hours in the human world.

In the sea of ​​ice, the vastness is churning, and the vast and huge waves are flowing horizontally, but what is flowing and rushing, is not the sea water, but the ice, the ice that is extremely cold.

This kind of ice only needs a piece the size of a grain of rice to seal a place forever.

In the sea of ​​ice is already Bingxiao Infinity, but the sky above it is still shooting down ice stars and ice buckets like an eternity.

These ice stars, the whole body of the ice bucket is covered with ice light and thunderbolt lightning. They have already smashed into the ice sea, and immediately exploded into groups of huge and terrifying ice flowers, and then merged into the ice sea, and continued to wreak havoc with the ice sea.

There should be no spiritual life in such a sea of ​​ice, but this is not the case.

When Zhong Death had just landed on the shore of the Ice Sea, the distant Heart of the Ice Sea suddenly exploded with iceberg mountain waves thousands of miles away, and then a huge monster rolled out of the mountain waves!

"Xu Xiao! You don't want to take away my life and immortal energy from Zhong Sheng, you get out of here! Get out! Get out..."

The behemoth was covered with icebergs and veins, and as soon as it exposed its dark red and ferocious unicorn head, it waved its huge arms thousands of miles away, slamming and slapping the surface of the icy sea, roaring and cursing.


"Haha... I don't believe that the emperor of the universe does not believe that after nine trillion years of sealing the seal of the cold domain and the seal of the virtual divine power, your unicorn demon body can still control your universe essence and birth energy!

Let me tell you some good news, the primordial celestial abilities of the entire universe have been absorbed by my number one evil god in the heavens! As long as you absorb the immortal energy of your death into my Xuxiao body, this Void Eternal Emperor will be able to successfully cultivate your Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art, after that..."

"Shut up! You are just a crippled rebellious son of the dark universe of the ancient spirit. The entire imaginary universe is gone. Whoever made you the emperor and who gave you the supreme is nothing more than a dream!

Just because you still want to practice my ultimate time magic skill, if you hadn't absorbed some of the original immortal powers, you wouldn't even be able to find the opening method of my ten-square clock, so talk about it. What ultimate time magic technique!

You remnant of the universe, why don't you hurry up and return me the ten square clock that I lost, and let me out of the sea of ​​ice! I want to slaughter you all the remnants of the dark universe! "

Before Xu Xiao finished speaking, Zhong Zhan, who was roaring in the frozen sea, galloped towards the coast and shouted like a roar, interrupting Xu Xiao's words.



However, before Zhong Death could reach the shore of the ice sea, there was a burst of wild noises all over his body, the sound was like a thunderbolt, and countless lightning bolts flashed in the ice, and suddenly the thunder and lightning flashed, dragging him back to the heart of the ice sea !

"Oh ha ha ha..."

"Return the ten square clock to you, you old monster of the universe, you are dreaming! Do you think that after the Holy War of the ancient spirits, the lacquer energy, emptiness and death universe really disappeared!?

No! Absolutely not! It's not just me, the young master of the dead universe, the son of death, the witch of Qi Neng Zhou, and the real young master of Qi Neng, Qi Ai, all exist, and we all control our own mysterious darkness.

On the contrary, except for the abilities of some inferior spirit immortals in the lower realms, the entire life universe has already existed in name only! "

Suddenly, Xu Xiao's body was pitch-black and violent, and the rainbow surged, covering the entire shore of the Confined Ice Sea in an instant, and then these dark, violent and evil palace waves surged, and with Xu Xiao's roaring sound, they formed a shape similar to that of the Confined Frozen Sea. The vast and boundless existence, then whizzed and rolled towards the real death bell that sealed the heart of the ice sea.


Sudden attack by Xu Xiao's evil and dark energy, Zhong Sheng, who was not free at all, was immediately devastated by a violent demon, screaming unbearably because of the infinite pain!

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