Nine Heavens

Chapter 1985 Protecting the flag with passion

Just as Zhong Xing screamed, the immortal energy in his body turned into billows of azure blue light, gushing out from the seven orifices.

"Ha ha……"

"The Zhengling Xianneng of the Primordial Immortal Venerable of Shengzhou tastes good!"

Seeing Zhong Zhan's situation, Xu Xiao couldn't help laughing, and at the same time opened his bloody mouth that suddenly turned into a pitch-black python, frantically swallowing Zhong Zhan's righteous and immortal energy.



In Xu Xiao's non-stop attack, although Zhong Zhan lost his immortal power greatly, his roaring power remained undiminished.

I saw his Yin Hong maddened for thousands of miles, whirling to form a huge vortex, in the center of which was the hideous face of Zhong Xing's bloody eyes, although there were countless chains of ice-cold lightning firmly locked, but he still resolutely resisted Xu Xiao's raging attack.

Just when Xu Xiao was sucking his immortal energy madly, he also opened his huge mouth and sprayed out gold, thunder and silver lightning, striking towards Xu Xiao non-stop with loud noises.

In this way, while Xu Xiao is sucking the opponent's immortal energy, the demons in her body can only be consumed.

The two sides are at odds with each other's divine powers, Xu Xiao adopts the method of devouring the opponent's immortal energy to practice the magical power of time, and when she absorbs the opponent's immortal energy by risking self-mutilation, it is also the moment to consume her own demonic power.

That's why he didn't feel good. Coupled with Zhong Sheng's vigorous counterattack, after a short attack, his bravery was greatly reduced.

However, when the critical moment came, Xu Xiao realized that if he could not defeat Zhong Zhan again, took most of the celestial energy in his body for himself, or found the time boat, he might never have the chance to successfully practice the magic of time!

As a result, I will watch the son of death restore the death universe, or Qi Ai restore the paint energy universe, and I will be the next target of their elimination.

Based on such a situation and heart, Xu Xiao is determined to be a bastard. Facing the torment of his own displeasure, he pressed harder and harder. After a burst of attack from the bounded ice sea, his body swelled suddenly, roaring and shot into the bounded ice sea, and then rushed towards the madly roaring Zhong Zhan like lightning.

Soon, an ancient spirit, a dark universe madman, and a living universe, a primitive immortal, directly wrestled together...

The sky above the universe is sealed and confinement.

However, the banner of Langyuan Equal to Heaven is fluttering between Langyuan's terrestrial sky and the sky below Yunzhou. Tens of thousands of gold stars are shining, the golden light is mighty, and the flag shines with divine power.



There are countless sky battle platforms in Yunzhou, and the sky above the universe is covered with waves, and there are hundreds of millions of Yunxian arrays on it, stretching endlessly.

Yun Zhou Yun Jun's dead son's attack on Lang Yuan Di Zhou has finally begun.

Mr. Yunjun Death, Zhou Wu and Bird Head Immortal sat firmly in the hall of Yungong Palace, their eyes flashed with smiles, thinking that as long as the killing order is issued, Yunxianxian, who has been tempered by the evil power of the death ancient spirits from all directions, will rush down , it won't be long before Langyuan Xianmen is just a legend in the universe.

Under the gaze of their disdainful eyes, the two blue and white death cloud birds strengthened by Zhou Wu made special envoys, both stepped on a cloud platform, and floated to a suitable position in front of the countless fairy formations in Yunzhou.

One raised his left hand, the other raised his right hand, and then threw a half-blue and half-white killing order flag to Lang Yuandizhou below, with three big black characters flashing on it——Zu Sha Ling!

When I saw the Shasha Banner, it was covered with death, evil lights, thunderbolts, and lightning, flying towards the banner of Langyuan Qitian.

After throwing the flag of killing evil, Jun Yun's special envoy glanced at each other, and then fell back and laughed wildly.

And successively shoot a rain of arrows from the jet-black evil spirits, straight to the banner of Langyuan Qitian.

"Langyuan, the gate of the universe against the gods, accept the order of killing evil! Lord Yun, for the peace of the two universes of Yuntian and the three realms of the universe, ordered the billions of immortal soldiers of Yunzhou to sweep away the dirty land!

Hurry up and open the Eternal Sky Gate, come out together and suffer death! Quack..."

Following the movement, the special envoy of the blue and white death cloud bird clamored.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing that the special envoys of Lanbai Xuanzhi looked down on Langyuan Dizhou so much, in the Yun Palace, Prince Yunjun's death, Zhou Wu and Bird Head Immortal couldn't help laughing, and they were already drinking celebration wine before the war started.

While talking and laughing, they looked down at the banner of Langyuan Qitian, wanting to see how the banner of Earth and Universe was blown to pieces by the Zhusha Lingqi and the blue and white special envoy Zhusha's arrow.


Countless pitch-black arrow rains were about to pierce the banner of Langyuan Qitian, but before the Banner of the Shasha Order arrived, the same pitch-black death thunder and lightning that were covered with it naturally shot down.

The next second should be the moment when the Langyuan Qitian banner collapsed.

"Hmph! You ancient demons who have devastated the universe, don't be rampant!"


However, to the death of Young Master Yun in the Yun Palace, Zhou Wu and Niaotou Immortal did not expect that they not only did not see the banner of Langyuan Qitian jumping and destroying, but they witnessed the flag of killing evil with their own eyes, and countless evil arrows of death , together with the special envoy of the blue-and-white death cloud bird proclaiming the decree, almost simultaneously turned into a dark mist of death in the sky.

Then they saw two figures, a man and a woman, appearing in front of the Lang Yuan Qi Tian banner.

The man with white hair flew wildly, holding a bright red Liuxia sword in his hand, a golden pagoda floating above his head, wearing silver clothes, and hundreds of millions of fairy rings around him, mysterious and gorgeous, appearing alternately.

The woman has a beautiful face and a moony appearance, with high hair in a bun, wearing a pure white neon fairy dress, and white pear flowers are flying all over her body. Holding a tall and slender white jade vase with one hand. There are two golden passion fruits floating around its body.

"Zhi'er! It's you!"

"Lead the waves!"

This man and a woman worked together to resolve the crisis of Lang Yuan Qi Tian's banner being destroyed, and then met suddenly, and suddenly embraced in surprise.

The man looks deeply at the person in his dream, and the woman's tenderness, parting for a few weeks, and finally seeing his lover!

These two people don't need to be introduced in detail, the male is naturally the Emperor of the Universe, who came back all the way from the Galaxy Region in the southeast of the Universe. And the woman is the first person in the ancient spirit universe and the chaotic universe, the owner of Beitianyang's Palace of Emotion.

"Zhier, why did you appear here?"

No matter how evil the emperor is, he simply ignored the hundreds of millions of cloud immortals on the countless heart platforms in the sky above, put his arms around the Palace Mistress, combed her loose strands of hair, and asked.

"After saying goodbye to my husband in the human world, Zhi'er heard that my husband has been able to prevent us from annihilating each other after meeting our nine strands of love souls and my deep love and obsession!

Zhi'er was ecstatic, so he bid farewell to all the mentors, left the overlapping universe and started looking for you everywhere. But I haven't sensed your whereabouts.

Later, I inadvertently listened to some Yunxian conversations in Yunzhou, and learned that they were going to slaughter Langyuan Xianmen, so I hid in this enchantment of Langyuan Qitian Banner.

One is to wait for the husband to show up, and the other is to help Xianmen at the right time. "

Being held in the arms of her husband, the passionate palace lord, who experienced infinite coldness and loneliness, felt a warm current swimming around her body. This kind of warm current is not only solid but also makes people happy, and also makes people shy, so he couldn't help but blushed and said.

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