Nine Heavens

Chapter 1986 ignore Yunwei

"It turns out that you avoided me in the world because of this, you are so stupid, even if your husband can't let you meet each other safely, you don't have to ignore me!

It's all my fault that I didn't think of this. At that time, I told you that I had already cracked the secret that the soul and obsession may be annihilated if they are separated and reunited. Now that you're together, you'll be fine with each other! "

Di Zhoudijun said apologetically.


At this moment, the Palace Mistress of Execution turned into a submissive little girl, nodding her head shyly.

Then he stretched out his hands left and right, held the two attachment fruits flying around her in his hands, and handed one to Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie, saying:

"This time there are two passion fruits, you eat one, I eat one, and we will never be separated again!"


Although the scene was not very romantic, and the black smoke of death around him had not completely dissipated, Emperor Di Zhou, no matter how evil he was, still took the fruit of attachment with a smile, and happily agreed.

"Zhi'er eat first!"

Di Zhou Dijun supremely remembered the excited look on the face of the master of the Execution Passion Palace when he ate the Execution Passion Fruit, and wanted to see it again, so he reminded with a smile.

"No! You eat first!"

When he said this, the Palace Master Zhiqing hugged Emperor Zhou tightly, fearing that he would float away like he did back then. Said a little coquettishly.

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme said nothing, because he understands the heart of the Palace Master.


With a clear and crisp sound, Emperor Di Zhou took a mouthful of the fruit of attachment again! Then, put another passion fruit in the hand of the master of the passion palace to her mouth.

Then the two tasted the taste of love carefully and slowly.

"Hehe, it turns out that the passion fruit is so delicious, it seems..."

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie suddenly had a smirk on his face, and Palace Mistress Zhiqing said something. The Master of the Passionate Palace instantly blushed and said nothing, but his eyes were full of happiness.

The emperor of the universe, the supreme evil and the master of the passionate palace suddenly appeared, not to mention protecting the flag with a move. Under such circumstances, they can still be romantic, which makes countless Yunzhou immortals feel ashamed and shocked.

Especially Zhou Wu of Yun Palace, Young Master Death and Immortal Bird Head!

"He actually succeeded in cultivating the Immortal Scroll Magic Art in the rumors of the Dead Universe!"

As soon as Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, saw that the emperor of Zhou was supreme and evil, he immediately aroused his innate hatred for him and him in the world of the first person in the chaotic universe of ancient spirits, and said in surprise.

"Not only that, it seems that he has already mastered everything in the second volume of life and death! Otherwise, even if he succeeds in cultivating the Immortal Scroll Divine Art, he will never be so clear about the trajectory of our Death Slaying Order's attacking evil power, and it can be accurate Attack one hundred thousand of them and kill them one by one!"

"Who is this woman? I saw her drifting in Yunyu not long ago. I wanted to kill her, but her shuttle speed and body trajectory are unpredictable. It seems to be in Yunyu, but also like The empty shadow, how can I not catch it!"

Seeing the Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie and Palace Master Zhiqing in the gradually dissipating evil fog of death, the three ancient spirits and demons each sighed in amazement.

"She is just a seed of a spirit flower in the age of the ancient spirits of the zodiac, which was resurrected in the chaotic world of the zodiac. But judging by how intimate she is with the emperor of the zodiac, they should have a relationship in the heavens too. origin."

Regarding Immortal Bird's Head's question about the Master of the Executing Palace, Zhou Wu answered in this way while examining it.

Then, Zhou Wu continued to examine Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie and Palace Master Zhiqing, concentrating on something.

"The mutant universe is formed!"

Seeing Zhou Wu thinking, the death princess Ouyang Langlong and Bird Head Immortal didn't dare to disturb them, they suppressed the unlucky anger just after declaring war, and waited for Zhou Wu to speak again.

After a long time, Zhou Wu said this sentence word by word.

"Zhou Wu is saying that the oldest prophecy of our dark universe: In the future, not only will the darkness disappear, but the light will come and flourish with vitality. What's more terrifying is that their abilities will continue to evolve and eventually wipe out everything about us!

The emergence of overlapping universes is the complete end of our dark universe..."

Brother Death, Immortal Nimou was startled at the same time, and then said in unison.

"Yes, overlapping universes have emerged, as evidenced by the woman below.

She is located in any universe, and does not belong to any universe, unless she settles on a place she likes.

Besides, if her fairy body is nothing, how could you kill her!

Even if you kill her at a certain universe node, she can be resurrected at another universe node, and then because of overlapping universes, she will be resurrected quickly! Our most fearsome adversary is forming! "

Zhou Wu's face was serious, and he shook his head and said.

"Then what shall we do?"

The bird-headed fairy asked eagerly.

"We must find the overlapping universe and prevent the Langyuan Xianmen from entering. Otherwise, once they evolve to the strength of the overlapping universe, we may have little chance of defeating them!"

A pitch-black magic ball suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Wu, emitting black smoke and covering Zhou Wu, she said in a sharp and strange voice.

"That's just a dark legend, where are we going to find it!?"

The death son's body was full of blood, and two blood rainbows shot out from his eyes. He looked at the Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, and the Passionate Palace Master in his arms with infinite hatred, and spoke bitterly.

"You continue to attack Langyuan Dizhou! The witches of this universe will retreat and divination at this time! No matter what happens, don't bother!"

Zhou Wu suddenly turned into a puff of black smoke and got into the pitch-black magic ball, and then the pitch-black magic ball kept shrinking until it disappeared!

"Wow! Space witch?"

In the situation at this moment, Jun Yun still had many questions to ask Zhou Wu for advice, but she left suddenly, which made Jun Yun's death so anxious that he couldn't help howling.

"Mr. Yun, us?"

The bird head fairy saw the emperor of the universe below the sky, the supreme evil and the master of the passionate palace, as if everything in the sky above did not exist, embracing each other, smiling at each other and eating the golden spiritual fruit, envious and jealous at the same time resentment! Looking back at Jun Yun's death, the young master asked.

"Kill! Kill! Kill... order hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals to attack Langyuan Dizhou immediately, block Zhou Zhou, and slaughter the whole family, not one will be spared!"

Yun Jun dead son roared and shouted.

After a while, I saw the phalanx of the immortal army on the countless cloud platforms flying down from the bottom of Yunzhou, like meteors flying down from the sky.

"Husband, they are here! It's time for us to act again!"

Nestled in the embrace of the supreme and evil Emperor Di Zhou, the master of the Palace of Passion raised her head and saw the overwhelming Yun Zhou army overwhelming, and said without fear that her husband was there.

"No! Husband is happy to see Zhi'er coming back today, let them live a little longer, let's go! Follow Husband to the fairy gate!"

No matter how evil the Emperor of the Earth is, he didn't even look at the sky, embraced the Passionate Palace Master, urged the shuttle to travel, and a burst of brilliant spirit crystals rolled up, and the two disappeared just like that!

"Wow wow..."

No matter how much you, Mr. Yun, the death son, how powerful the hundreds of millions of Yuntian army is, this feeling of being ignored at all can make people pissed off!

Seeing Di Zhou Dijun Wushang go away with a fairy in his arms, he didn't even look up to the sky from the beginning to the end. Young Master Death suffered an unprecedented humiliation in his heart, and he was so angry that he ran around in the Yun Palace and shouted!

keep yelling:

"Kill! Kill that idiot Liu Qianlang immediately!"

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