Nine Heavens

Chapter 1991 Analyzing the Battle Situation

"It's not clear yet, but with the protection of the second volume of life and death, there should be no need to worry about their safety.

As for whether they can rescue the essence of the ancient spirits of the many original immortals in the ancient spirits, it all depends on fate! "

Mentioning Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, Emperor Di Zhou said with a gratified smile on his face.

"Has the evil spirit of death in the bodies of these two children been eliminated, and have they returned to the body of a righteous spirit?"

True Lord Sirius, still wearing a pitch-black demon robe, with flowing black hair, chaotic forehead and bright red eyes, looked deeply at his brother who had returned from afar, and asked with concern.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe heard the rumors, he also looked deeply at the true Lord Sirius, and they had a tacit understanding with each other, nodded slightly and said:

"When I gave the second volume of life and death to their brothers and sisters outside the burial cave, their bodies were still deeply immersed in the evil spirit of death.

However, I believe that at this moment, they should have succeeded in righteousness.

Otherwise, I would not have seen the death of the Burial Cave later. "

"That's good, it's really hard for them to let their brother and sister take such risks!"

Hearing what the Emperor of the Universe said, Cheng Yuanfang was relieved.

Lord Sirius is particularly concerned about the safety of Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, brothers and sisters who have never met.

The reason for this is that he has also been tortured by the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, so he deeply sympathizes with Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's brothers and sisters who were persecuted by the evil spirit of death. In addition, they are still his own sons, so naturally they are particularly concerned.

"The Burial Cave? What is the Burial Cave?"

For this word, Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan, and Sirius Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang heard it for the first time, they couldn't help looking at each other, and asked in a daze.

Emperor Di Zhou Supreme saw this again, so he had no choice but to tell everyone the memory content he had sensed and copied from the souls of Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

At the same time, he told Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan and others that he had successfully practiced the cosmic instantaneous superimposition magic skill and the life and death two-volume magic skill.

Moreover, from the second volume of life and death, I have a deep understanding of the second universe of life and death, and all the states of the ancient spirit universe before them.

"Oh! I really didn't expect that the two realms of the sky and the sky, where we are so focused on seeking ascension, are no longer the world of the righteous and primitive immortals!

"Yes! Before, we always thought that natural disasters, man-made disasters, birth, old age, sickness and death, everything is justified.

Who would have thought that this was not the case at the beginning of our universe, when all spirits lived forever, there was no disaster, no difficulty, no pain!

The reason why later, the demons and ghosts in the world, birth, old age, sickness and death, and the appearance of poisonous miasma and evil spirits are all caused by the ghosts of the ancient spirits and the dark three universes! "

"Our celestial journey is no longer just about cultivating immortals, we are taking a road to restore the spirit and immortal world!"

The emperor of the earth and the universe told himself what he had sensed from the memory of Liu Qian's brothers and sisters, and the second volume of life and death, and told the three Langyuan masters one by one. road.

"That's right! We were originally on the road of cultivating immortality, seeking our own longevity and eternal youth.

However, due to the magic of good fortune, we actually became the ones who rescued the original immortal. This sounds unbelievable, but it is true.

Moreover, we may have to do more than that, because all the original immortals, except Empress Nuwa, have already fallen in the ancient spirit jihad.

What Qian'er and Xiao Luo are saving now is only their original fairy spirit. It is impossible for their fairy gods to regenerate forever! "

Emperor Di Zhou sighed, no matter how evil he is.

"If the brothers and sisters of Qianer succeed in rescuing them, the resurrection of Qianlang's Nine Cauldrons, the Riyue Yuanshen Furnace, and the Yinyang Sports Arena, can't they recast their fairy bodies?"

Upon hearing the words, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan showed regret, shook her head slightly, her emerald eyes glistened with rainbows, and looked at the Emperor Zhou Supreme before asking questions.

"Ah! There is no chance anymore, their spirits of immortal gods have been controlled by the evil spirits of death for endless years, and they are already incomplete!

They were exhausted during the ancient spirit jihad, and then they were tortured by the burial cave and death tower, even if they were rescued, it would be futile.

However, after all, they are the original immortals of ancient spirits and righteous spirits. Even if they can't all gather together and be reborn as immortal gods, their spirits of immortal gods will deal a huge blow to the evil spirits of death! "

The emperor of the universe shook his head evilly and said.

"It turns out that the third brother asked Qian'er's Xiao Luo to create the burial cave and death tower out of such an idea.

The fourth brother thought that their brothers and sisters would rescue countless primitive immortals! "

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, couldn't help but suddenly realized after listening to the explanation of the emperor of Zhou, who is supreme and evil.

"Well, since Mr. Yun is the dead son of the ancient spirit's death universe, the bird-headed fairy is the evil god of Qi Nengzhou, and Zhong Death is also the demon of the ancient spirit's dark universe and virtual universe, this means that the entire cloud and sky universe is basically dominated by demons. up!

In such a situation, death, lacquer energy, and emptiness are shrouded by the three ancient spirits and evil spirits, and the two universes of Yuntian are clearly the righteous spirit fairy universe, but in reality the evil spirits are surging, and the righteous spirit fairy universe has long existed in name only!

If Qian'er and Xiao Luo can rescue the spirit of the ancient spirit, the original immortal, the righteous spirit and the god, it is not only necessary, but also the best choice!

It wasn't until now that I understood why you were so eager to leave the universe before Yuan Fang and I recovered our physical bodies.

There should be three main purposes, one is to block the robbery for Langyuan Xianmen alone, the other is to rescue Qian'er and Xiao Luo, and the third is to unite with the forces of the four-square galaxy city in the universe, but this? "

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, after contacting Emperor Zhou Wushang Zaixie, after leaving Langyuan Xianmen, Liujuan suddenly figured out a lot of things, and said like carrying a pot for empowerment.

"What Sister Juan said is not bad at all, but there is another reason, and that is because of Zhier.

I once went to the world and met Zhi'er, but she didn't say anything and didn't come back to the Immortal Gate of Waves.

It wasn't until I met her in Zhouwai not long ago that I knew the reason. She was afraid that her obsession would hurt her soul of the same origin, that is, Shui'er and the other nine sisters.

However, what I'm talking about is not this, but after Zhi'er left, she went to the overlapping universe. That is the mysterious area where the twelve old peak masters are located.

My fourth goal is to find the place where the universe overlaps, and find a universe domain for our Langyuan Xianmen to advance and retreat freely.

If we can enter the overlapping universe, no matter how powerful the two realms of the sky and clouds are, at least we will have an absolutely safe place to stand in first!

But the situation is urgent. I was still in the region of the galaxy in the southeast of Yunzhou, and I already sensed Yunzhou's actions towards Langyuan Diyu. Had to come back quickly.

However, Yun Zhou suddenly withdrew his army for unknown reasons!

Could it be that my trick of cheating death in the fairy coffin worked? "

The emperor of the universe is supreme and said here again, looking around at the three high-ranking Lang Yuan, he is quite puzzled.

"Haha... the third brother is right! Not only did it work, but according to Nine Swords and Immortal Sword, it also seriously injured Young Master Yun and the Bird Head Immortal!

Indeed, it was because of the fairy coffin that they withdrew from the Mankong Yunxian formation. Later, there was an incident of deploying troops and withdrawing troops, and then deploying troops again.

Now attacking our Tianfeng's Yunxian army force, it is the third time that Yunzhou has deployed an army force! "

Mentioning the plan of the fairy coffin, Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, immediately frowned, and said excitedly.

"The first time the troops were withdrawn, maybe it was because of the plan of the fairy coffin, but then the second time the troops were withdrawn, it is really hard for people to guess the reason."

Emperor Di Zhou heard the rumor again, thought for a long time, and said.

"I don't know if the third brother has discovered that when those Yunxians outside left and came back, their bodies were full of terrifying gurgling evil spirits of death. They were not like this before!

Moreover, the evil spirits of death on them are stronger than the evil spirits of death on those death cloud birds. You see, you can tell by the speed at which they slash the sky seal! "

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, has been thinking about the reason why the emperor of Dizhou is supreme and evil. He looked at the sky gate that Langyuan Dizhou had removed from the seal, carefully examined it for a while, and said.

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