Nine Heavens

Chapter 1992 Dark Witch

"That's right, I also found out, that's why you and your third sister-in-law Zhier and I just went out to protect the flag, and didn't fight them any further.

I want to come back and ask you why, and then make plans. If you don't want to, you don't know. "

Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie continued to think while talking.

"The evil spirits of death on them suddenly became stronger, could it be Zhou Wu!?"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi looked at Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zai's concentrating expression, suddenly thought of something, and shouted.

"Zhou Wu?"

This is another word that Liu Juan, the True Monarch of Strange Fragrance, and Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, did not understand, so they looked at Zhanxuanzi, the Divine Lord of Jian Zhan, very puzzled.

"Hiss! It's her, it must be her, and she may have taken Ouyang Langlong's mother away!"

Hearing the words of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, the emperor of Di Zhou, Supreme Zai's evil eyes suddenly lit up, and he affirmed it with certainty.


Mentioning Ouyang Langlong, Qixiang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang and Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang sighed suspiciously.

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie's mind quickly recalled the process of using the soul-refining Jiuding to rebirth Ouyang Langlong's mother.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he clearly remembered that when he returned Ouyang Langlong's mother to him, Ouyang Langlong's mother was a gentle and gentle lady in the world, who could not do any magic or immortal skills.

However, the moment the local Zhou Dijun Wu Shang Zai Xie turned around to leave, the local Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie suddenly noticed a few evil lights flashing in the eyes of Ouyang Langlong's mother.

That trace of evil light is definitely not the evil eyes that an ordinary woman in the world should have. The eyes were sharp and vicious, staring bitterly at himself who turned and left, sending chills down his back.

However, when the local Emperor Zhou looked back evilly again, the evil light in Ouyang Langlong's mother's eyes quickly disappeared again.

He has returned to his loving and gentle manner, and is still shouting words of gratitude to himself from a distance.

At that time, the emperor of the universe, the supreme emperor, saw that evil gaze, and when he flew away, he paused for a while, intending to analyze it.

However, after the other party returned to normal, Di Zhoudijun felt that he might be overly sensitive, or it might be caused by Ouyang Langlong's practice of blood demon magical skills, so he just hesitated and flew away , I didn't think about it anymore.

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme then recalled the situation in his mind like a flash of light and flint, and then told the three high-ranking Langyuan about the incident.

"What does Qianlang mean, that is to say, the Zhou Wu you and brother Zhen mentioned has always been by Ouyang Langlong's side, and now Ouyang Langlong who has turned into the son of death?"

Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan said following the words of Emperor Zhou Dijun, who is supreme and evil.

"That's right, and she should have been separated from her soul and descended to the lower realm, and then gradually passed away.

If the guess is correct, the Zhou Wu hidden in the body of the death princess Ouyang Lang Longniang should be only a part of her soul at that time.

Today's Zhou Wu is the whole soul of Zhou Wu. She chose to show up at this time, obviously because she felt that the time to destroy Shengzhou was finally ripe! "

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie looked at everyone with a serious face.

"Absolutely! She has gone from helping the dead son Ouyang Langlong in the dark to being upright.

It is time to start the final massacre battle against all the surviving righteous spirits and gods in the universe and our Langyuan Xianmen! "

In Zhanxuanzi's five-colored eyes, the five-colored eyes glowed with incomparably mysterious and profound light, and he frequently twisted his black and white eyebrows, asserting.

"Where does the evil cosmic witch come from?"

Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, saw the dignified expressions of the two brothers, who attached great importance to Zhou Wu in the conversation, so he asked.

"Something unknown in the distance, since the beginning of the universe, it has been the three universes of darkness, that is, the four worlds of the three universes of imaginary energy, lacquer energy and death.

At that time, a demon of ancient spirit prophecy was born, it was Zhou Wu.

She is the source of all wisdom in the dark universe, and she has two dark magic weapons.

One is a round of dark magic sun, which can be used for divination and prediction of the past and present of the dark three universes.

The other is a pitch-black wand, an artifact that travels through the universe and guides the future of the dark universe. Because of his great power, he was called a cosmic witch by all the cosmic demons in the dark three universes.

The reason why the Three Dark Universes can exist for endless years in the age of the ancient spirit universe, all the credit can be attributed to her guidance of divination and prediction wisdom.

She has never failed to predict. In the age of the ancient spirits, she successfully predicted the fact that the dark three universes will perish and the living universe will be born!

But at that time, when the Ancient Spirit Dark Universe was at its peak, the three Dark Universe Demon Emperors did not believe her prophecy.

As a result, the three dark universes finally went to perish.

After the death of the dark universe, the living universe really appeared.

However, Zhou Wu is a demon of darkness after all, so although she knows that she violates the laws of Zhou Dao's evolution of the universe, she still hopes to revive the Dark Three Universes through her efforts.

So, after the ancient spirit jihad, when countless death spirits of the dead demons of the dark three universes were drifting around, she resolutely chose to self-destruct, and then drove her own dark spirits into the living universe..."

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, pursued some of his memories in the ancient spirit era, and explained the general origin of Zhouwu.

Among them, the undetailed ones have been supplemented by Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie.

"This cosmic witch divination technique and divine power of prophecy are so powerful, Brother Zhen will have a strong divination opponent in the future!"

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang sighed!

"That's what makes it interesting. We were already rivals in the days of the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits. Now that we meet again, it can only be said that we are enemies and continue to fight against each other. How could Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhanshen, be afraid of her!

In the era of the holy war of the ancient spirits, most of the countless primitive gods of war were good at fighting but not good at wisdom. I was almost the only one with divination wisdom. At that time, I was still not afraid of her, but now, with all the brothers and sisters of Shenhui hugging each other, I am even less afraid of her!

Besides, my apprentice of the Qizheng Zhanwang has practiced for infinite years, and when it comes to divination, he is no longer inferior to my divination ability during the holy war of the ancient spirits. You can also help us!

This sword Zhan Shenjun possesses the Dao of Stars, but she is still a lonely witch, no matter how powerful she is, there is nothing to be afraid of! "

Although Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi was surprised by the appearance of Zhou Wu, not only did he not have the slightest fear in his heart, but he was also very excited, with an urge to immediately fight wits and wits.

"Well! The third brother believes that the divination ability of the fourth brother will be better than her!

But she is a witch, and we are righteous spirits and immortals. As far as means are concerned, they are despicable and shameless, and they will do everything they can! And we never take actions that are harmful to the Dao of Good Karma.

Therefore, the fourth brother must be careful and careful in divination in the future. We do not do evil, but we must absolutely guard against evil, otherwise we will suffer! "

The emperor of the universe, who heard the words of Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, reminded him.

"Yes! The fourth brother must remember the teaching of the third brother, and he must be more careful in divination from now on!"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jian Zhan, never refuted the words of the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he was, and nodded respectfully.


The time spent by the four Langyuan high-ranking venerables was only about a stick of incense, and Langyuan's Tianfeng Barrier had already been greatly damaged.

At this moment, under the successive attacks of hundreds of millions of cloud immortals in Yunzhou, it has become more and more vulnerable, and the roar has shaken the entire Langyuan Dizhou!

"When do we attack?"

Amidst the deafening roar, True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan looked at her younger brother Di Zhoudijun Supreme and asked evilly.

"We don't need to attack, wait for them to destroy all the layers of heaven, and we will fight again!

Here, my fourth brother and Yuan Fang will stare first, and I will ask my elder sister to search for Zhi'er and ask where the overlapping universe is! "

No matter how evil the white hair is flying, the Emperor Di Zhou is calm and calm, his face is calm, and he has long been caressing in his heart, and said.

"Alright! Then I'll leave for a while!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan saw that the three younger brothers were calm in the face of danger, raised her hand to straighten her long emerald hair, smiled in relief, and then turned into a ray of emerald divine light, and flew away.

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