Nine Heavens

Chapter 1993

"The third brother is planning to give up the wave of the universe and go to overlap the universe?"

As for the emperor of the universe, who is supreme and evil, asked Liu Juan, the lord of Qixiang, to ask the owner of the Executing Passion Palace about the overlapping universe, Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, vaguely guessed the emperor of the universe and the evil, so he asked.

"It doesn't matter if you don't give up, let alone the universe of waves, the other universes are also difficult to preserve.

What we have to face is not only the son of death, but also the existence of two dark forces, Xu Xiao and Qi Neng! The battle of heaven has already begun, and the final outcome, don't even think about it, is also the end of another destruction of the universe.

The most important thing we have to do is to protect the safety of all the disciples of Langyuan Xianmen, as well as the peace of the five kinds of human beings and earth immortals who have drifted away.

As for the sky and the earth in the tens of millions of universes, as long as people are alive, they will eventually wait until the day when they appear again!

Taking a step back, even if the universe of the universe perishes forever, we still have mutated and overlapping universes, and we will always achieve a peaceful paradise! "

The emperor of Dizhou originally thought that he could drift forever by letting the human beings of the wave and the universe, the people of other universes, and the immortals of his own thousands of universes stay away from the waves of the universe in two refuge arks. , safe.

However, after a trip to the southeast galaxy region of Yunzhou, he suddenly realized that his choice was outrageously wrong. What the Dark Three Universes wants to destroy is not only the Langyuan Universe, but the entire vast universe of life.

With such an evil goal in the Three Universes of Darkness, no matter how far the two arks of refuge drift, they will still be within the Universe of Life after all.

In this way, no matter where the two Arks of Refuge are, they will never escape the clutches of the Three Universes of Darkness.

But at this moment, the greatest worry of Emperor Di Zhou is not the consolation of Langyuan Xianmen, but the two arks of refuge.

Because of such concerns, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie decided to find the existence of the overlapping universe as soon as possible, and then moved the door to the overlapping universe. Then the two arks of refuge that drifted away were also found. into the overlapping universe.

If these two steps are completed, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, will not be afraid to face the powerful forces of the dark universe!

"It seems that we made a wrong move before, and shouldn't have let go of the two arks of refuge! I hope Mr. Death, Xu Xiao and Qi Neng haven't paid attention to the two arks of refuge, otherwise... Sigh!"

True Lord of Heavenly Wolf Cheng Yuanfang seldom had a look of horror on his face, but at this moment he was full of worry, shaking his head and sighing.

"I'm afraid what we were worried about happened a long time ago, but we just don't know where the two major refuge arks are now!"

Hearing the words of Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, the calm look on the face of Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie suddenly disappeared, because the brother's words just confirmed his biggest worry.

"I hope the situation is not so bad. After the Heavenly Seal is completely destroyed, we will not prevent the enemy from facing the enemy, but at the same time send people to search for the two arks of refuge in various regions of the universe. Maybe the situation is worse than our Estimated better."

Seeing Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Tian Lang Zhen Jun Cheng Yuanfang, their faces suddenly became very solemn, and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi played the role of comforting the two.

"That's the only way, fourth brother, Yuanfang, who do you think will go this time?"

As for the candidates for this task, Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie already had some concerns in his heart, but out of careful consideration of the problem, he consulted the two brothers and asked.

"Naturally, Yaya is the most suitable. She has the sky snail and the boat of time. She can go and return quickly, and if there are no accidents, she can contact us at any time."

"Yes, it is most suitable for Yun'er to go with her. If Qianlang is still worried, you might as well let the three-color Huowa, five-color Lingshen, Xiaomei, Lin'er, little devil turtle, and Hongxian several young generals Go together and you will be safe and secure."

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jian Zhan, immediately expressed his support, and the real king of Sirius had no objection, but he proposed to let the six young generals of Langyuan Xianmen accompany him.

"Well! Since you also think that Yaya and Yun'er are the most suitable, then according to your wishes, let the fourth brother send a voice transmission to Yaya, so that they can prepare earlier."

With the approval of the two brothers, Emperor Di Zhou Wushang Zaixie nodded slightly, and habitually let Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi give orders.

"Hey! It's good to do this. I have pity on my good daughter. I just met Master Ri Si Meng Nian, but I have to leave again!

When will we, the people of Langyuan Xianmen, be able to get together with Le Chang and never be separated again! "

Jianzhan Shenjun sighed heavily.

"If the ultimate demon is not eliminated, I'm afraid we will never be at peace! However, Brother Zhen, there is no need to be so sad. Compared with all previous cultivators, we are already the most miraculous!

May I ask the universe and the universe, from ancient times to the present, is there any fairy sect that is full of ascensions! ? Only we, Langyuan Xianmen, have created legends one after another. Let the matter of cultivating immortals become unimaginable!

I know that you are all reluctant to leave Yaya and Yun'er, but if you are forced by the situation, what can you do? The only thing we can do is to eliminate as soon as possible the rampant acts of the remnants of the dark three universes in the living universe.

When the remaining demons of the dark three universes were wiped out, the era of great kindness and great happiness in the living universe really ushered in. "

True Lord Sirius also likes Yaya who is both sensible and responsible, so he is naturally reluctant to let her and Liu Yun leave.

Therefore, on the one hand, he comforted the two of them, and on the other hand, he said helplessly.

"What is said in the distance is very true. Our temporary pain is better than eternal suffering. If the remnants of the dark three universes are not eliminated, there will be no peace in the living universe!

Pass the order, fourth brother, Yaya is far stronger than we imagined

Much bigger, perhaps even stronger than your father! "

Seeing the bitter expression on Zhanxuanzi's face and unwillingness to pass on the order in his mind, the emperor of Dizhou reminded him again.

"Don't worry, third brother! Who is that apprentice of yours? I thought about it just now. Guess what Yaya said?"

As soon as the evil words of the emperor of the earth and the universe fell, Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh! Did she guess what we meant?"

Di Zhoudijun is supreme and evil, sighed.

"That's right! She has already left the Land of Waves with Yun'er and the three-color fire baby. She told me to tell you that she will not let you down!"

The voice of Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi was a little choked up.

"Hehe, seeing how old you are at the age of Zhou Ji, you are not as good as Yaya. Why are you still so affected by love, and you are about to cry with only a few traces of distress in your heart?"

Seeing the appearance of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Di Zhoudijun Supreme is not happy, but he deliberately amuses his brother Song Zhendao.

"Third Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? Where did Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, ever cry? How powerful is my daughter and son-in-law? I won't worry about where they go."

Hearing the words of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi twisted his black and white eyebrows, sucked back the tears in his eyes, and said with a smile.

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