Nine Heavens

Chapter 1994 Death Soul God

Yun Zhou Yun Palace.

Young Master Yun's dead face was full of blood and poisonous light, and the nine dragon heads on the nine dragon heads were whirling and whirling, looking extremely disturbed.

However, Young Master Yun died, sitting on the high seat of the king, and never moved.

The bright red eyes on the blood moon mask shot out two icy rainbows, scanning His Highness's nine phantoms and the ten strange evil smokes that appeared one after another.

Master Yun's senior brother died silently, and the phantom below was surprisingly quiet, their existence seemed to be just a decoration.

But they are moving strangely, silently, but they will change thousands of times in an instant.

"You should all have sensed the existence of Qi Ai and Xu Xiao! Now we must not only continue to slaughter everything in the universe, but also guard against them. It can be said that we have reached an unprecedented critical moment!

At this moment, no one can be relied on, only our own soul, soul and obsession can cooperate tacitly!

Therefore, although the dead son has returned to his body, he still retains your relatively independent existence, so that we can cooperate with each other tacitly, and finally complete the goal of destroying the living universe and dominating the entire universe!

When Yuanshen dies thirteen times, Yuanshen will be distracted, you all know this! ? "

Young Master Yun Jun died glanced at His Highness, and asked sharply!


Twenty strange voices of His Highness replied in unison.

"Hmm! What about Bai Tong, the God of Covering the Moon, and Bai Tong, the God of Resentful Qin?"

Mr. Yun Jun heard twenty voices one after another, carefully identified them, and knew which two strands of his own resentment were missing, and couldn't help saying angrily.

"Humph! Princess Death doesn't need to look for their sisters anymore. When they were reincarnated as human beings in the first human world of the ancient chaotic universe, they were deeply poisoned by love and betrayed the memory of Death Universe. They have already fallen into souls!"

Hearing the angry question of Mr. Death, His Highness suddenly let out a cold snort, and one of the Mr. Death with sharp mouth monkey gills and head like a poisonous snake said sharply.

"What are the tenth-generation soul masters of the God of Ghost Yang talking about? They actually betrayed their obsession!? Didn't they come back with you all?"

Mr. Yun Jun asked in disbelief.

"Young Master Death is right. The sisters did come back with us to collect their souls. But they didn't return to their bodies, but completely wiped out their own death essence in the death essence of Master Death!

Hasn't the son of death found out yet? We saw their sisters leaving Yunzhouyun Palace swaggeringly, and we thought that Jun Yun had abandoned them too! "

The flesh-eating soul ghost Yu Lao with a bloated body and a fish head and fish face stepped forward and said.

"Is there such a thing?"

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, always thought that he was the soul of Cangyuan, and later he dominated the position of the main god of the dark god. The thirteen souls and nine strands of hate souls of the dead son have all surrendered to him.

Therefore, he didn't care about the difference between the distracted soul and the hateful soul that he had summoned back. At this moment, when I heard the reminder of Guiyang Soul and Color Devouring Soul, I immediately used the death inspection to look inside, and found that there were indeed two missing in the Soul Universe.

"Wow wow wow! It's really disgusting, where are they now, Ben Yunjun can't sense them anymore?"

Ouyang Langlong, the son of Jun Yun's death, let out a roar and sternly asked His Highness.

"They are now in the Langyuan land of Zhoulangyuan Xianmen. They belong to the Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, who is also the subordinate of the one who was the No. 1 human netherworld prison in the ancient chaotic universe. It seems to be a The left and right guards of Little Red Bird?"

Seeing that the dead son Ouyang Langlong was angry, His Highness was silent for a while, and then the ghost of Guiyang shook the snake's head and said.

"It's Lang Yuan Di Zhou again, and that bastard Liu Qianlang again, he is doomed to be against this son of death!

OK! Come on then! Now that the entire Langyuan universe is under the attack of my Lord Yun, I would like to see what skills you have to escape from ascending to heaven this time! Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong, the son of Yun Jun's death, was extremely angry and trembling all over. The bright red blood demon robe suddenly swelled, and the surrounding blood glowed like a rainbow, entangled endlessly, and he couldn't help sneering.

"May I ask Mr. Yun, what is the purpose of summoning me this time, and how can I share my worries for you?"

Seeing the furious state of Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, the twenty dead sons of His Royal Highness were distracted and hated their souls. They looked at each other for a while, and then asked almost at the same time.

"I called you here, of course not to deal with such a lowly person as Liu Qianlang, you go to the evil palace of the heavens, and find Xu Xiao and Qi Neng, two future scourges for my son, and kill them as soon as you see them, no need to report!

If you are done, I will completely return you as the soul gods of freedom, and seal you as the super universe demons, eternally above the living universe, and enjoy the privilege of grabbing everything in the entire living universe! "

Ouyang Langlong, son of Yunjun's death, heard the sound of His Highness's twenty soul gods questioning the edict, and suddenly stopped laughing. The blood demon sword pointed in the direction of the evil palace in the heaven, and said very temptingly.


His Highness, all the souls and gods, took orders in unison.

"Dare to ask Mr. Yun, why is Qi Ai also in the evil palace of the heavens? It's impossible! Since he and the young master are no longer of the same mind, how can he get so close to Xu Xiao?"

Among the thirteen gods of death, Mei Shi, phantom, turned into a stunning beauty, and asked the hall with a fragrant mouth.

Seeing that it was Meisheng who was asking questions, Ouyang Langlong, Yun Jun's son of death, relaxed, and only looked at Meisheng.

"Don't worry, the two of them will definitely be together at this moment. Looking at the entire universe, seven out of ten, they are all in the sphere of influence of my son of death. If they don't cooperate, how can they compete with me!

The Heavenly Evil Palace is a good place, where there are countless dark treasures in the Void Universe! You don't bother to kill people, you should also loot the good things when you see them. I will give you three or seven, you seven, I only want three, how about it? "

On the blood moon mask of Mr. Yun Jun's death, the blood-red eyes and the blood-red mask merged into one. If his eyes didn't shoot out a cold light, his eyes could hardly be seen.

His mouth was covered by the blood moon mask, so he couldn't see it at all, but his voice didn't feel blocked at all.

His tone of voice seemed to be influenced by beauty, and it began to change between yin and yang. Sometimes it was a male voice, sometimes it was a thin female voice, sometimes cold, sometimes gentle, sometimes passionate, sometimes full of temptation... Every voice is infinitely different. , full of agitation.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you Yunjun for your kindness!"

Hearing such a tempting reward from Ouyang Langlong, the son of Yun Jun's death, the twenty soul gods were eager to try it, and they could not wait to set off immediately.

However, Ouyang Langlong, the son of Jun Yun's death, hadn't spoken for the last time, so they couldn't leave rashly.

Therefore, at the same place, they were all laughing happily because they were satisfied with the conditions of Mr. Death.

Ouyang Langlong, son of Yun Jun's death, squinted his eyes and looked around His Highness. He was very satisfied with their performance, and then said:

"However, before you go to the Heavenly Evil Palace, you have to do something for me by the way.

Since the ancient chaotic universe was first in the human world, all the hell kings, all kinds of dead goblins, demons, etc., will all send them a return to the source order for my son, let them all come to the cloud palace to see me! "

"Follow the law!"

"Since the order is received, you can act immediately!"


As soon as the voice of Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, fell, the twenty soul gods immediately transformed into various forms and fled away almost at the same time.

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