Nine Heavens

Chapter 1996 Alone against Cloud Therapy

"Fourth brother! Open the seal of heaven and face the enemy head-on!"

After examining the Wuxiang-colored stone for a long time, the emperor of the universe urged ten pieces of Taiyuan universe stones at the same time, and an infinitely vast and beautiful cloud space gradually appeared in his soul, and he understood the method of entering and exiting, and then said without a doubt .


When Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, heard the words, he naturally understood brother

After one step of planning, after only uttering a word, the Star Sword suddenly squeaked and screamed, and countless stars, lights, and strange rainbows had already soared into the sky.

In the next second, thunder and lightning flashed over Langyuan Dizhou, and billions of rainbows shuttled back and forth. In just a moment, they helped Yunzhou Yunjun destroy Langyuan Tianfeng by themselves.

Outside Langyuan Earth, Yunzhou's billions of Yunxian phalanxes were unable to attack for a long time. When they were anxious, they saw Langyuan Tianfeng disintegrate on their own. They couldn't help being horrified, stopped their movements, and then fell down in shock.

However, in the waves of the universe, the emperor of the universe has no time to care about their reactions. The next moment, the soul is moved, and the Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan, the Sky Wolf True Monarch Cheng Yuanfang, and the Sword God Zhan Zhan are beside him. Xuanzi, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, and Palace Master Zhiqing disappeared.

"Hehe, how about overlapping universes?"

The emperor of the universe is supreme, with white hair fluttering around and white clothes flying around, stepping on the shuttle that travels through the sparkling crystals and diamonds, standing alone in the waves of the universe, smiling at the colorless stone in his palm.

"Haha! Third Brother! This place is much more magical than your Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm. Lian'er, her sisters and all the disciples of the Immortal Sect are flying in the sky, happy..."

You can't see Zhanxuanzi, the sword inside the colorless stone, but you can hear his answer clearly, no matter how evil the emperor is.

"Finally found an absolutely safe paradise! Now there are only Yaya, Yun'er, Qian'er, Xiao Luo and the two people in the ark of refuge, which makes me worry!"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme made a thought of his evil soul, and instantly completed the safe transfer of all members of Langyuan Xianmen.

This is naturally a good thing, but I still have worries in my heart, so I sighed while being happy.

"Now third brother, can you sense the existence of Yaya and the others?"

Hearing the words of Emperor Di Zhou, who is supreme and evil, Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, asked in the Wuxiang color stone.

"It's not possible for a long time, so they may... alas!"

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he has already activated his divine sense more than once, searching for the information of his beloved apprentice Yaya and his beloved son Liuyun, but he only kept it for a few days, and then he couldn't sense it anymore.

"Third brother, don't worry too much. With Yaya and Yun'er's intelligence and ability, and time boat, three-color fire baby and the others helping each other, they should be safe and worry-free.

As for the two arks of refuge, as long as they don't step out of the Shenzhou, even if they encounter the demons of the Dark Three Universes, they won't be hurt for a while!

However, Liu Qian and Xiao Luo, the two leaders, worried me a lot. After all, they have too little experience in the two universes of life and death, and they are afraid that they will not be able to withstand the siege of countless death demons in the tower of death! "

"Yeah! They haven't returned so far, which makes me feel a little bit uncertain!"

"How about I go look for Qian'er and Xiao Luo, and let Yuan Fang Zhong track down Ya Ya's whereabouts?"

"Unnecessary, the fourth brother knows better than me that this should be their respective cosmic calamity, but this time, there will be many disasters in the future, let them deal with it themselves! We still have a lot to do.

When we hear their information, we can help a little bit. "

"Alright, since we have successfully entered the overlapping universe, let's let the third brother come in too. The Langyuan Tianfeng has been opened, and the Yunzhou army will rush into Langyuan Kongzhou soon."

"Well, however, it's not too late to let the third brother tease them before entering. I would like to trouble the fourth brother to supervise Lang Yuan's whole sect to continue to strengthen their cultivation in the overlapping universe. Next, I will focus on going into battle, defeating the billions of Yunxians in the universe one by one! "

"Okay! Don't worry, third brother. I'll make arrangements right now. Third brother should come in quickly."

After Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, responded, he stopped talking.

At this time, Emperor Di Zhou Wu Shang Zai Xie controlled the Yue Zhishuo, with his hands folded on his chest, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate and the Golden Pagoda of Shou Jie were protected by floating left and right above his head, and they rose steadily to the sky of Lang Yuan.

Not long after, the emperor of the universe, supreme and evil, was as white as the sea, vast and surging, with white hair flying wildly, and silver clothes flying around, appearing in the sky above the banner of Langyuan Qitian.

Yun Zhou Yun Palace.

"Oh, haha..."

"Liu Qianlang? Let's see how you survive this time, the Yunzhou Yunxian army obeys orders!

Immediately kill and go to the Universe Immortal Sect of Langyuan, kill immortals when you see immortals, kill spirits when you see spirits, and kill them all! "

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Lord Yun, sits alone in Yungong.

On the bright red blood moon mask, the cold and sinister Muhong finally saw that Langyuan Tianfeng was broken by the cloud army phalanx tempered by his ancient spirit death evil spirit, and laughed wildly.

After laughing wildly for a while, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, thought that all the disciples of Zhoulangyuan Xianmen in the Langyuan place at this moment must be in a mess, crying for father and mother everywhere, so he immediately ordered the killing of Luanxian.

"Ha ha……"


What's ridiculous is that Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, mistook it for his Yunjun forces to destroy Langyuan Tianfeng, and the hundreds of millions of Yunxians below Yunzhou thought so too!

They suddenly saw that Langyuan Tianfeng was destroyed, and after a short shock, they laughed wildly, thinking that the first battle against Langyuan Dizhou had been won!

In surprise, Dongtai Yaotian, Beimo Shaman, South Buddha and Xiyao Yunmi also laughed wildly, and responded in unison, and then each led a cloud fairy phalanx under their control, whistling down in an instant. A piece of dark cloud generally swoops down towards the waves in the sky below.

Among the four Gods of War, the Emperor of the Universe, the Nanfo camels are war-weary, but after being tempered by the death evil spirit of the ancient witch and ancient spirit, they have lost their ego, and the only thing in their minds is slaughter!

However, at the time when the four Emperors of Yun Zhou staggered and led countless cloud fairy phalanxes to rush down, they suddenly saw the emperor of the universe, the emperor of the universe, supreme and evil, suddenly appearing from the clouds, standing firmly on the white and vast fairyland. In the light, I couldn't help being startled suddenly, and stopped again.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and the Emperor Zhou was standing in front of countless Yunxian phalanxes on the four sides of the cloud universe.

And the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, is even more unrestrained, moving the altar and pouring wine, flying in the sky romantically, not looking at Yunxian but at Tianyun.

"Oh! As expected of a lowly spirit who has infiltrated the role of the lord of the universe. When you die, you will recall the evil habits of the world. But anyway, today you, the lowly human spirit, are doomed!

Well, what about your rabble, why are you alone, no way! Don't you know that Langyuan's universe will be destroyed, you killed your own minions yourself, and then surrendered to us! Ha ha……"

Dongtai Yaotian inspected the emperor of Zhou Emperor Wushang and then sneered, sneered, and shouted downwards.

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