Nine Heavens

Chapter 1997 Eye Cultivation Eight Souls

"Drunken souls and wine clouds soaked the sky, and the fragrance and evil spirits comforted my heart! The universe should be bright and bright, so how can a stupid devil drool..."

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he can naturally hear the shouts of Dongtai Yaotian, but to deal with these masters of Yunzhou Yunxian, the emperor of the universe has his own way, which is to ignore them psychologically and attack them. them.

Therefore, hearing the shouts of Dongtai Yaotian, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, still looked at the sky and looked at the clouds, pouring wine and singing poems and odes when he was happy.

Facing the powerful enemy in the sky alone, he is actually calm and composed.

He looked up flatly with the rainbow in his eyes, and it was clear that the Yunzhou Yunxian army in the sky was right in front of his eyes, but it gave people the impression that the four Yunzhou Bianzhou and the hundreds of millions of Yunzhou army phalanxes and the Zhouhuang Emperor were not in his eyes at all. The presence.

The Eastern Thai Demon Heaven, the Western Demon Cloud Misty, the Northern Desert Shaman, and the Southern Buddha Lun Tuo all exist. Even in the entire Yuntian Universe, they are also gods of war that are revered by thousands of immortals and gods.

However, in front of the Emperor Di Zhou, who is supreme and evil, they are not even qualified to be looked at. Do you think they can feel at ease?

Seeing that Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, he deliberately looks down on himself. The four Bian Zhou Emperors of Yun Zhou are so angry that their blood boils all over their bodies, and the wind roars in their bodies.

But after all, they are the gods of war in the universe, even though they were extremely angry, they still suppressed their anger, thinking in their hearts, how could they kill this incomparable prodigal Emperor Zhou with one move in the next second.

Based on this kind of heart, it seems that the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil, has no intention of attacking at all, so there is a funny short-term confrontation between the two sides.

One person against one Eternal Immortal! It's definitely ridiculous, but right now, it's true.

"Father Lang'er, why did you forget Qiqi! I have successfully cultivated all the Qinxuan Divine Skills in the Primal Chaos Golden Tower, so I can be your spirit knight!"

The four Bian Zhou Emperors of Yun Zhou, in silence, were surrounded by bursts of death and evil poison, and the cold eight-way pupils were firmly locked on the Emperor Zhou Emperor, the supreme and evil.

Suddenly, they saw a fist-sized pitch-black bird of life and righteousness, which suddenly landed on the shoulder of the supreme and evil emperor of the earth.

This pitch-black bird of good spirits, with red eyes, red mouth, red crown, and red claws, just landed on the shoulder of Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme and Evil, and broke the silence in the upper and lower spaces, screaming crisply.

"Hehe, Qiqi has been able to do it for a long time. The reason why Father Lang'er asked you to practice the Cangzhou magic art is not because Qiqi's magic art is too weak, but for the convenience of our future universe travel.

You see, all the evil things controlled by the evil spirits of death in Yunzhou have all come to die. After we slaughter them, we will destroy the forces of the dark universe in the evil palace of the heavens and the tower of death, and we will live in the universe..."

"I bother!"

"The emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, you really don't know how to be ashamed! Just because of you, a group of human spirits and lowly immortals who wander into the universe, you dare to dream of destroying the forces of the dark three universes! Hahaha..."

Hearing Di Zhoudi Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie talking to a little black bird, the four Bian Zhou Emperors of Yun Zhou, who were tens of thousands of light miles above Di Zhou Di Jun, were so angry that their mouths were full of anger, and their bodies were instantly filled with the evil power of death. The pitch-black evil smoke billowed wildly.

Among them, Xi Yao Yunai couldn't help cursing for a while, and then the four Yunzhou Emperors laughed wildly in mockery.

"Oh my god! So it's not that Lang'er dad is here to see the scenery alone! Why is there such an ugly monster with black smoke all over it!

I remember that the original Yunzhou Yunxian Yunshen was not like this! Why are they all changed now, they are so ugly!

oh! Aren't the four Gods of War in the front of the universe, they are all wise and powerful, tall and handsome generals, but now they are, alas! so poor! "

Qiqi and Di Zhoudijun Wushang have the same heart and mind, and their words are closely coordinated, and they are also belittling each other knowingly.

"Oh! What kind of a bastard am I? It turns out to be a Chaos Goshawk! I didn't expect you to still have the face to live. Your old master, Eye Cultivator, was hacked into pieces as early as during the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits. Eight wisps died, so dead that it was called disabled!

It's ridiculous that you have no shame, abandon the old master, regard him as dead and never find him, and vote for a new master, just stealing a living! "

The four Emperors of the Yunzhou Bianzhou stared at Qiqi while mocking it, and suddenly recognized Qiqi's identity as an ancient spirit in the heavenly realm. road.

"Cut! You traitorous immortal gods, who don't want to be immortal gods, but are willing to die in the universe, son of death, have the face to say this to me!

No matter what, the old master, as the living universe war immortal, died with all his heart and soul, and died magnificently! So what if you survived, but now you have betrayed Shengzhou!

Let me tell you a piece of news that will piss you off. In fact, the Chaos Goshawk has already found the old master's eight shattered battle souls.

And the old master's eight strands of battle spirit, the two strands merged into one, have each cultivated to become immortals again, and returned to the cloud realm again! "

Qiqi didn't show weakness, and squatted on the shoulder of Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, shouting bursts.

"Oh! This is really what kind of bird is the master of virtue. The master is talking nonsense, and the birds are talking nonsense! Since you said that the soul was resurrected, then you can talk about it, they Where is it, haha..."

Qi Qi's words, the four Yun Zhou Bian Emperors naturally didn't believe it, thinking that Qi Qi was talking nonsense, they couldn't help laughing again.

"Huh? Cang Li! What is it that has such an ugly laugh? The four of us couldn't sleep well. Didn't you say that your feather sea is very warm and peaceful?"

When the four Zhou Emperors on Yun Zhou Bian Zhou laughed, they stopped abruptly, and then watched in a daze that the Emperor Zhou Emperor was so evil and strangely fooled.

On Qiqi's back, four thin strands of multicolored divine light suddenly circled up, one white, one black, one blue and one green, four colors.

After the four rays of divine light coiled for thousands of feet, they suddenly condensed into four old men, standing in a small cloud boat.

One is wearing a pitch-black fairy robe, one is wearing a pure white fairy robe, one is wearing an emerald green fairy robe, and the other is wearing a blue fairy robe.

As soon as they appeared, each of them stretched their lazy demons, and before they opened their eyes, they complained for a while.

"Haha... Qiqi? It turns out that the four psychic seniors are the spirits of the gods and gods that the former master can see!"

Seeing the four psychic and bright-eyed old men, combined with Qiqi's words, Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie suddenly realized, and laughed happily.

"Junior Liu Qianlang has seen four psychic and dazzling old men!"

Laughing loudly, Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie hurriedly saluted and greeted the four colorful old men.

"Oh! You sure didn't let us see it wrong! Finally, you went up against the sky, destroyed all the sufferings of the Langyuan Universe, and became the master of the Langyuan Universe.

Now it's time to fight against Yuntian Erzhou again, amazing! sharp! Cang Yao, our Chaos Condor, really has foresight, and choosing you as its new owner is both its good fortune and our blessing!

Haha... We finally returned to the second realm of Yuntian, let's go, I, old man Bai Guang, want to die for the freedom of Yuntian realm, I won't wait for you, I will go! "

"Come back! Wait for us, what's the use of flying back by yourself, we can review everything in the heavens only if we have a tacit understanding between the eight souls!"

The old man Bai Guang looked at the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is now, and praised the immortal sect for a while, and then he looked at the sparse and broad clouds, and rushed up into the sky as if he hadn't seen the clouds and immortals in the sky.

However, he was dragged back by the old man Lu Guang.

"Oh! Then what are you dawdling about!"

The old man Bai Guang was pulled down in the cloud, and he raised his hand and patted his forehead in the mist outside, and shouted suddenly.

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