Nine Heavens

Chapter 2002 Jun Yun's Drinking Dream

"Sister Tianling, what's the matter with those cloud immortals? Why is the body of a dead evil spirit, and the fairy spirit is a fairy spirit?"

Tianling's dark eyes sparkled, he frowned, knocked on the door with one finger and thought for a while, then asked sister Tianling beside him.

"Hehe, Lian'er knows how to watch the spirit of the Soul Gate, it's really getting better and better!"

Tianling heard the words, looked at the serious Lian'er, and said with a smile.

Then what's the matter? Aren't the people, gods, ghosts, and monsters in the chaotic universe all composed of the five essences of soul, soul, primordial spirit, obsession and heart wisdom? Naturally, they are no exception! "

Regarding the theory of the five essences, Lian'er had heard her father and uncles and aunts talk about it many times, so she knew this, so she replied proudly.

"What Lian'er said is correct, but the spirits of Yunzhou, Yunxian, have two spirits besides soul, soul, primordial spirit, obsession and heart wisdom!"

Tian Ling slightly flapped the blue Sky Spirit wings, and the light blue skirt around him was filled with a faint mist that is unique to the descendants of the descendants of the Shui tribe, and his figure was whirling and soft.

Her eye wave, Wang Wang sparkling, said with a smile.

"There are still two spirits, which two spirits, why haven't I heard from Dad and the others?"

Lian'er raised her head and asked curiously.

"It is the essence of longevity and the essence of disease-free. The essence of disease-free is also called Yongtai or the essence of infinity! Those righteous spirits who are deeply infiltrated by the evil spirits of death have long since ceased to exist, but because they are ancient The essence of immortals and gods contains these two essences, which is why they remain intact until now!"

Seeing that Lian Er was puzzled, Tian Ling further explained to Lian Er.

"How did Sister Tianling know?"

Lian Er asked.

"I also listened to my mother's argument that these Yunjun forces are not the real death forces of Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, but the puppets they captured the spirit of ancient spirits and gods, and then turned them into evil!

It was precisely because Dad discovered this reason that Dad did not finally make a move! In fact, Daddy originally wanted to eliminate this group of Yunjun forces. "

Tianling looked around at the sisters and Jiuying brothers, and patiently answered Lian'er's questions.

"Miss Lian'er, you're asking the bottom line again. What's the use of asking these questions? This is an adult's business. Now those black smoke monsters have escaped. We are hiding in this overlapping universe. There are no enemies and we can't get in. Yes, come and play with me!"

Lian'er's spiritual pet, Xiaobai, jumped up and down on her shoulder and shouted.

"Didn't I say you, you know how to play all day long, haven't you seen those smoldering Yunxians in Yunzhou, bullying us overwhelmingly, if it wasn't for Zhierniang who suddenly came to us, Langyuan, to guide us into the overlapping universe , we still don't know how miserable it is!"

Lian Er frowned sideways, looked at Xiao Bai very seriously, and scolded.


Lian'er's speaking expression made the surrounding sisters and brothers feel very uncomfortable, and couldn't help but exclaim in unison.

After hearing this, Xiaobai couldn't help but feel sorry, as if he didn't know Lian'er, he stopped his jumping figure, looked up at Lian'er in a daze, and then asked weakly:

"Then what are we going to do now?"

"Hmm! Let me think about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong now. What fun did you find in the overlapping universe?"

Lian'er thought about it seriously, and then asked.

"This, this, it seems that there are thirteen strange people in the Thirteen Valleys Old Palace, they have many strange things, especially a cloud piercing rabbit is very cute and fun.

I have already picked some good ones according to my young lady's instructions. Let's go there secretly, maybe we can sneak here and play for a few days! "

Xiaobai was a little confused about Lian'er's routine, so he replied slightly.

"Hee hee! Really, Xiaobai is so good, so what are you waiting for, let's go! I also heard that the Shisanyu Old Palace is very magical. If you don't go now, when will you go?"

The rhythm of Lian'er's changes was really too fast, while she was talking, she had already floated up to the sky on the rainbow silk, and reached the horizon in a blink of an eye.

"Hey! Squeak! Squeak! Little Master Lian'er—"

At this moment, the Tianling sisters and Jiuying, who were dumbfounded behind, finally couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, they saw that Xiaoliu, the young master of the Galaxy Region who had rushed from the southeast Galaxy Region in Yunzhou, suddenly shot towards the sky from a low altitude. Calling Lian Er.

"Haha... Let me just say, how could she change her appearance? I really don't know how she came up with those decent words just now!"

Lian'er has drifted far away, Liu Chao sighed with a smile.

"Where did she say that? They were all words that Shuang'erniang reprimanded her, and then she parroted her tongue and used it to scold Xiaobai.

And Xiaobai, whoever follows her will become clever and eccentric, playful, you just wait for them to be cleaned up this time!

They just know how to play, and they also stole the cloud piercing rabbit of the ancestors of the Thirteen Valleys, and the cloud piercing rabbit is also a high-level immortal, so it's strange if they don't deal with them! "

Beside Tianling, Xiao Ying, who was wearing a lavender fairy skirt and Tianling wings, said softly.

"It's good to clean her up, otherwise, it won't take long, and there will be some big jokes.

This place is no different from our own Universe of Waves, this is the overlapping universe created by the Thirteen Valleys. We are guests, so we should restrain ourselves. "

Hearing this, Liu Chao stopped laughing, put away his smile, looked solemnly at the direction of the infinitely majestic and tall Thirteen Valley Laohong behind him, and said.

"Hmm! Brother Zhuan is right. Let's go back too. According to what Uncle Dijun said, let's go back and continue to practice hard. We will challenge Yun Zhou soon!"

As Liu Chao is the eldest brother of all the little fairies, Liu Yun and Yaya are no longer there, so the weight of speaking naturally comes first. All the brothers and sisters nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

After Liusha, the daughter of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, and one of the disciples of Emperor Zhou Supreme, all the sisters and brothers floated into the Cangsong hand in hand, and their figures faded away after a while.

Yun Zhou Yun Palace.

Ouyang Langlong, son of Yunjun's death, was holding the blood demon wine glass, shaking the dark red death wine wine slightly, the twinkling eyes and stars on the blood moon mask were all a taste of proud anticipation.

Although he was the only one in the Yun Palace, what he drank was the celebration wine for the victory of Yungong's slaughter of Langyuan Dizhou, and the funeral wine for the death of Langyuan Dizhou Emperor Supreme Zaixie!

This kind of wine is really important to him, once Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil and his Langyuan Xianmen disappear, it will be tantamount to completely annihilating Sheng Zhou!

As for Xu Xiao and Qi Neng, the two major dark remnants, in his opinion, with the help of Zhou Wu, it is simply unnecessary to pay attention to it, and it is only a short time to kill them.


Ouyang Langlong, son of Yunjun's death, became more and more involved in thinking about it, and became happier. All his eyes were on the Gorefiend wine glass, and he felt that the dark red and black death wine was pleasing to the eye no matter how he looked at it.

The strange aroma of death wine haunted him, making him fall into a dream where the universe of death seemed to be right in front of him.

As a result, he didn't notice the four Yun Zhou Emperors that His Highness had already quietly appeared.

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