Nine Heavens

Chapter 2003 The Poisonous Wine

Wujun was so self-indulgent, while the four Yunzhou emperors of His Royal Highness were defeated because of the attack because of the attack on Langyuan Dizhou, so they dared to disturb them, so they had to remain silent.

I don't know how long it took, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, thought of his joy, kept raising his head and laughing, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the four Yun Zhou Emperors from the corner of his eyes.

I didn't take a closer look at their embarrassment, thinking that they had returned in triumph, and couldn't help being overjoyed, laughing and shouting:

"Haha... Let me just say, they are just some lowly spirit casters, how can they be the opponents of our majestic Yunzhou army!

The four Yun Zhou Emperors quickly take their seats, let us get drunk and rest, take a look, Ben Yunjun has already prepared a celebration wine for you! "


However, the four Emperor Yunzhou looked at me, I looked at you, looked at His Royal Highness's fairy food, and looked at Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Yunjun, talking incoherently, all in an embarrassing state.

The four Yun Zhou emperors didn't know that Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Jun Yun, didn't watch the battle at all because of his conceit, thinking that this was a deliberate gesture before Jun Yun ordered them to deal with them, so they were very nervous, how dare they go? Sit down, what to drink to celebrate, let alone a complete failure.

"Haha, what's the matter with the four Yun Zhou emperors? It's just a small battle of the waves and the universe, is it worth your fuss? Come on, let it be what it is, our kings and gods will be happy!"

Mr. Yun was a little surprised when he saw the four Yunzhou emperors not moving, but he only thought that he had lost some Yunxian phalanxes that he had no hope for, and he didn't think about failure at all, so he laughed.

As soon as Ouyang Langlong, son of Yunjun's death, said this, the four Yunzhou emperors thought that Ouyang Langlong, son of Yunjun's death, already knew the fact of defeat, and they didn't care about it, and they couldn't stop feeling relieved.

The North Desert Shaman, with the mirror wand in his hand, flashed with light, first said:

"Your Majesty Yun is really brave. Although Tian Zhan is unhappy, he can maintain a majestic and calm heart. We think too much!"

"Thank you Yunjun for your understanding, I never thought that the humble and wandering world would be so difficult to deal with!"

"Amitabha, good! Good! Lord Yun, don't worry! Sooner or later they won't be able to escape from Lord Yun's palm, and the universe will eventually be ruled by Lord Yun!"

Hearing the words of Beimo Shaman, Dongtai Yaotian, Beimo Shaman and South Buddha Lun Tuo also spoke successively.

"Haha... Now that the great battle is over, you Zhou Emperors, just be happy and don't talk about the war! Please take a seat, haha..."

It's ridiculous that Mr. Yun is too narcissistic, until now he didn't understand the fact that the phalanx of hundreds of millions of Yunxians was defeated, and the Langyuan Xianmen was unscathed.

And the four emperors of Yunzhou are also taboo about words, they have never said bluntly about the ridiculous ending of the battle between Yunzhou and Langyuan Dizhou, and amidst the funny words of the two sides, they quickly toasted and asked, and drank uncomfortably Happy.


"Ha ha……"

"Liu Qianlang! Liu Qianlang! Aren't you awesome? Both your soul and mine were once reincarnated in the first human world of the ancient chaotic universe. At that time, you were always against me everywhere!

I have become the first disciple of Bing Po, the head of the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks of the Xuanling Sect, but you still keep showing off the limelight, making me eclipse!

Later, you didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and exposed the old background of the young master of the Hunshamen... Now you continue to fight against this son of death! are finally dead! Died in the hands of some Yunxian puppets of my son of death, and died in the hands of your own righteous spirits! Ha ha……"

After drinking this funny celebration wine for several months, Mr. Yun died more and more proudly, sometimes stood up and swayed and chanted loudly, sometimes laughed wildly, talking to himself about all the pasts that have intersected with the emperor of the universe.

The four Yun Zhou emperors were also completely relieved, and gradually let go of their drinking, and finally they also laughed happily.

However, the expressions of the four Yun Zhou Emperors suddenly changed when they heard what Young Master Death said just now.

They immediately understood one thing, that is, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Lord Yun, always thought that he had already wiped out Langyuan Dizhou, and the Dizhou Emperor he killed was supreme and evil!

In fact, the four Yun Zhou Emperors naturally knew it well.

In addition to the fact that the four Yunzhou emperors figured out this oolong matter, what made them even more worried was that Ouyang Langlong, the son of Yunjun's death, actually said that he was waiting for all the Yunxians, but he was the puppet of the righteous spirit of Tianzhan .

The implication is that he is just his tool in the sky war, so, according to his thinking, if Lang Yuan Di Zhou really perishes now, he will treat himself...

The four Yunzhou Emperors thought of this instantly, and their scalps couldn't help but feel numb, worrying that Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of Yun Jun, would suddenly attack him.

"Haha... What's wrong with the four Yunzhou emperors? I am so happy, why don't you stop drinking it? Don't worry, the magic wine is just some death poison that will kill you. The spirit of the righteous spirit dies very comfortably! Haha..."

Mr. Yun Jun's dead son, holding the fiery red magic wine cup, smiled extremely evilly, on the red blood moon mask, sparkling blood and poisonous lights wafted out, instantly filling all the space inside the Yunyun Palace .

Especially the four Yun Zhou Emperors, their whole body has been covered by this kind of poisonous blood and poison. Because they drank a lot of magic wine in their bodies, their emerald bodies and faces, which were originally poisoned by Liu Guang's emerald jade cold ice, now have more gurgles. Mang Shan's blood demon is poisonous.

I saw that the four Yun Zhou Emperors were covered with emerald rainbows shining all over their bodies, and the bright red blood and poisonous lights were constantly expanding and shrinking. In addition, the jet-black evil light of death drenched their bodies, which was strange and frightening.

The three strange poisons intermingled, and the poison was even more powerful. It was close to the spirit of their back soul door, and they quickly entered the pain. Because of the pain, their faces were hideous, and their whole bodies trembled and twitched.

The four emperors of Yunzhou fled back from Langyuan, and the poison of emerald ice in their bodies was still taking effect, but the strange poison of the blood demon attacked from the blood moon mask of the son of death instantly activated the poison of emerald ice in their bodies .

"Amitabha, good! Good! You want to kill us!?"

The body was in great pain, but Nan Fuluntuo gritted his teeth, clasped his hands together, and asked in a thunderous voice.

"If I don't kill you, why don't you keep the essence of the universe, you will wake up one day, and you will not be able to fight against me!

It's time for you to be damned. Once the Waves and Immortals are destroyed, you remaining spirits of death and righteous spirits from the holy war of the ancient spirits have no value in existence for me, son of death!

well! Since it is worthless, why keep it. Princess Death hates useless things the most, dangling in front of her eyes.

To tell you the truth, Mr. Death, every time I see you, I hate you so much that I wish I could kill you long ago.

However, in the past, the Immortal Sect of Waves Fate was not destroyed, especially the emperor of the universe, who is supreme and evil, is still alive. This son of death still needs your help, so I have to endure it!

It's different now, you helped me butcher the Langyuan Xianmen, and killed the thorn in my side and the thorn in my flesh, so I can finally send you to die, and from now on, I don't have to look at you to be sick! Ha ha……"

The words of Nan Buddha Luntuo caused Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, to speak out his sinister intentions. These words, the tone of voice is yin and yang, sometimes male and sometimes female, let the four Yun Zhou emperors hear it harshly in their ears, and it hurts in their hearts!

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