Nine Heavens

Chapter 2004 Void Essence Chasing Demons

"Tell us, when did you start manipulating our righteous spirit!?"

Although the four Yun Zhou Emperors, especially Nan Buddha Lun Tuo, have always obeyed Yun Jun in their endless years of experience, there is always a strange feeling in their souls, that is, they and Yun Jun seem to be standing on the other side of the universe. A natural strange feeling.

This feeling has always been with the four Yun Zhou Emperors, making them occasionally suspect that they may not be the same kind of existence as the Death Son.

Especially in the recent Yunzhou time, the four Yunzhou emperors felt this strange feeling more strongly.

However, since the appearance of Zhou Wu, this feeling of the four Yun Zhou emperors has almost disappeared due to the death of an ancient spirit and the tempering of evil spirits by Zhou Wu.

But now, because of the poison of the emerald jade ice, the poison of the dark death evil and the poison of the blood demon, under the combined action of the three poisons, this feeling of the four Yunzhou emperors suddenly returned, and it was extremely strong.

This made them finally realize that they were not some dead demons who died in the universe, but the immortal gods of Yunzhou in the ancient spirit era.

Knowing a little bit, Dongtai Yaotian was shocked, and instantly turned against the son of death, speaking coldly, questioning the princess of death Ouyang Langlong.

"Of course it was the time when the egg of the dead son of death was born.

At that time, the hundreds of millions of life spirits who died in the ancient spirit jihad were surrounded by my necromancer egg, so this death princess thought of a clever plan to destroy life cosmic as soon as she moved.

Immediately use the death evil spirit of the egg of the dead devil to destroy all of you, and then ask for help from the lacquer energy of the year to endow you with a death cloud body, so that you will become my dead servants.

But after all, you are the essence of the universe, and you have some righteous characteristics that are difficult to hide, such as being bold and masculine, and like masculinity.

So in order to better control you, as the son of death to destroy the superficial power of your life universe, I also imitated the practice of Zhengling universe and bestowed gods and thrones for you.

At the same time, this son of death also logically entered the universe, and then seized the ancestor of the Demon Sword..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"This is really God's will. We deserve to live and we are destined not to perish! Haha..."

After hearing about the process of his evil transformation, the four Yun Zhou emperors were not only not depressed, but all laughed loudly.

"God's will, what is God's will, what are you talking about!?"

Seeing the unexpected reactions of the four Yunzhou emperors, Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, suddenly realized something from his madness.

Young Master Death suddenly froze his figure. Leaning over and staring at the four Yun Zhou Emperors, male and female voices intertwined and asked strangely.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, the four Yunzhou emperors ignored the dead son.

Amid bursts of wild laughter, they looked at each other, suddenly raised their palms, and shot at each other's death cloud body.

After hearing four loud bangs, the dead bodies of the four Yun Zhou Emperors had already exploded into a dark cloud of smoke.

"Haha... Amitabha, good! Good! We are born with the essence of the universe, born at ease, what use is this death cloud body!

It would be better to give it up, and it will save a lot of the pain of essence and poison! "

Although the cloud body of Nanfolun Tuo was defeated, the illusory shadow of the immortal spirit remained. Not only did the golden light cassock remain undiminished, but because the evil spirits of death disappeared with the death cloud body, the golden radiance of the Golden Wheel Buddha became more prosperous.

I saw his faint phantom fairy body, slowly sitting cross-legged, sitting down and giving birth to a pure white lotus, clasped his hands and said with a smile.

"Well! To say that I, the Shaman of the Northern Desert, never thought your words of Nan Buddha were pleasant, but this sentence makes me feel comfortable!

No matter how crazy I am the Northern Desert Shaman, that is my freedom in the universe. When is it the turn of such a filthy thing to tell us what to do!

The three emperors of the universe, this filthy thing of the dead universe is right in front of us. It is not only the enemy of our living universe, but also the thing that harms us. If we don't kill him, so what! ? "

Although the cloud body of the Northern Desert Shaman is fake, the demon bell and magic mirror around him are real weapons of immortals and gods.

Hearing that his voice didn't stop, the phantom had already sacrificed the shaman in an instant.

Shaking the mirror and screaming, chanting the staff and screaming, he suddenly attacked the dead son!

Seeing the situation, Dongtai Yaotian and Xiyao Yunmi didn't want to say anything, and immediately shook their faint phantoms, urged their respective artifacts, and joined the battle.


The power of the four Yun Zhou Emperors attacking together can be imagined. In an instant, the grand cloud palace was shaken into the sky, and turned into a vast sky of flowing clouds and broken mist.

"Ha ha……"

Young Master Death had obviously been on guard for a long time. Countless dark and dense evil clouds of death gathered around him in an instant, and he was surrounded by layers of dark evil clouds of death.

After the pitch-black evil cloud formed a huge cloud egg, it quickly shot into the sky above Yunzhou.

Then the dark red gorefiend body of Young Master Death floated up from the central area above the pitch-black cloud egg, laughing wildly.

At the same time, he looked down at the four phantom cloud emperors below.

Seeing that the four Yun Zhou emperors attacked suddenly and missed the target, they immediately used the inertia of the attack to soar up and chase after the dead son!

"Hmph! You should save some energy to spend the last days of your life!

Do you think that by destroying the death cloud body, the evil poison of death in your body will disappear? You underestimate this son of death too much!

If this son of death wants to kill you, how can he give you a chance to live! The truly powerful refined evil poison is contained in the blood demon poison wine you drink.

This blood demon poisonous wine was carefully prepared for you by Master Death. As long as you return triumphantly from the Immortal Gate of Killing Langyuan, you will immediately let them go too!

It's ridiculous that you four idiots really think of me as the former Yunjundu Demon Sword Ancestor, and drink celebration wine with me!

I bother! You idiots who live in the universe, you deserve it too!

well! This son of death still has a lot of important things to do, there is no time to waste time with you four trash who are about to be annihilated, this son of death is gone!

oh! In fact, no matter what I do, I still want to thank you all. After all, you are the ones who killed Lang Yuan Di Zhou and killed that hateful Emperor Di Zhou for this son of death!

Haha... oh! The current universe is so deserted! What does it mean that there is a big flag flying in the sky? Are you not reconciled? Ha ha……"

In the sky of the universe, the son of death who was riding on the dark death cloud egg flew away, and at the same time, he said with a sinister smile.

"Amitabha, good! Good! It doesn't matter if the four Yun Zhou Emperors perish. We are born as Yun Zhou Xian, and we die as Yun Zhou God. Eternity lies in our own universe.

And you, who are about to perish, are still talking in vain, fearing that you will be annihilated in the future, with no soul to rely on, no soul to rely on, and no essence to stay in! "

Seeing the target flying away, the four Yun Zhou Emperors stopped chasing, stopped and looked into the distance, Nan Buddha Lun Tuo sighed.

"Haha... It's ridiculous that you, son of death, are misunderstood by your cleverness. Do you think that Emperor Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, is really dead? Is the Sect of Waves and Immortals really destroyed? No!

you are wrong! You are dead wrong! Not only are they all alive, but they all have entered a magical time and space! "

Dongtai Yaotian laughed wildly, followed what Nan Buddha said, and said.

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