Nine Heavens

Chapter 2009 The Fire Rabbit

"Hey! Where did you come from, who are you, how did you come to the old palace in the Thirteen Valleys of the overlapping universe?"

One person, one monkey and one bird flew to the fairy who was calling for help in just a short time.

Xiao Bai looked up and down the fairy in front of him, stretched his neck and asked.

"Hmph! Don't scream, it hurts like hell, you didn't see that he was injured, please help me to coax the broken-footed turtle away!"

To Xiaobai's question, the fairy in white didn't answer, but her face was pale, she lifted her skirt and frowned, she seemed to be in great pain, pointing at her feet and screaming in pain.

Lian'er looked in the direction she was pointing at, only to realize that the fairy's feet were bitten by two purple fairy turtles, one by one.

"Oh! Don't fairies' feet stink? You guys are really good. It's not good to bite her feet. It's really tasteless!"

Seeing this, Lian'er looked at the two purple turtles the size of a football, remembered the stinky feet of the human race in the world, and sighed with a smile.

"Wow! Who are you and what do you know? Fairies in the fairy world are bodies with spiritual fragrances. How can they be better than human bodies? Their bodies are filled with the fragrance of spiritual flowers, and their limbs are even more mellow!"

"Xiao Ci, don't pay attention to them, they are aliens at first glance, and they don't understand the magic of overlapping universes!"

The two purple turtles at the fairy's feet heard that Lian'er was laughing at them, so Qi Qisong couldn't help but raised his head and retorted.

"Heck... you lose again in the third universe, the second turtle of this department, stay by my side from now on, spit bubbles for me every day and have fun!"

At this time, the fairy who was screaming in pain just now, her feet were suddenly free, and she immediately floated back a few steps.

After standing firm on his feet, he smiled sweetly.

Its figure is graceful, and it moves slightly like a dance, catching and playing with the white clouds beside it in its hands.

"Oh, that's okay! Didn't we just let go because we wanted to talk to them?"

The two purple tortoises saw the fairy who had bitten her foot and ran away, their eyes were full of annoyance, and they buzzed loudly.

"Of course forget it! We made a bet and agreed that within ten thousand years, if you let go first, I will win.

If you don't let go, then I lost, now you open your mouth, so I win.

As for how you open your mouth, I don't care! "

The fairy in white was full of excitement, and she smiled triumphantly, revealing two cute little canine teeth.

"Oh? So you're making a bet! Sister Fairy is right. For a bet, it's only natural for those who wish to admit defeat. You two little purple turtles are not allowed to play tricks. If you lose, you lose!"

When Lian Er heard that the other party was betting, she suddenly became interested and spoke for the fairy.

"Xiao Xie, let's go back to the universe. If we don't play with people who overlap with them for a universe, we will know how to play tricks, and there are helpers of unknown origin!"

"Yes, Xiao Ci, they are good or bad, they lied to us to open our mouths, we will never come here to play again, and we have even learned how to catch children! Let's go!

Zhuer, listen, this bet is not counted, the three of them broke our bet, if you are capable, do you dare to come to our third universe to gamble! ? "

The two purple turtles sang together, and suddenly, they turned into two balls of purple light and disappeared in a flash. Only their muffled voices echoed in the space.

"Cut! Who am I afraid of, you two rascals, wait, when I have a chance, I can sneak out of the Shisanyu Old Palace, fly to the third universe, and win you two turtle princes!" Only the shell remains!"

Seeing that the two purple turtles disappeared, the fairy in white didn't chase after them, and she didn't show much surprise, but she was very angry and responded with provocative words.

Then turned around, drifting away.


"Sister Fairy, don't rush to leave, let me ask you, is the Thirteen Valley Old Man in the Thirteen Valley Old Palace now, or is he in the Lingxiao Tower?"

Lian Er yelled at the angry fairy in white.

Hearing the sound, the fairy in white stopped to look back, and then looked at Lian Er, Xiao Bai and the little golden monkey more carefully.

The fairy in white frowned slightly, and then her eyes sparkled. She didn't answer Lian'er directly, but asked with a smile:

"Are you the people who have just entered the world?"

"Hmm! Yes, sister Fairy knows too?"

Lian Er nodded in response.

"Of course I know. In the entire overlapping universe, your immortal energy is the most inferior. The immortal energy in your body is messy and your veins are chaotic. You can tell at a glance that the immortal energy you absorbed before is not pure enough.

Since you are destined to come in, then in the future, you should practice hard in the overlapping universe and purify the celestial energy and celestial veins.

When you have cultivated to a certain level, not only can you borrow seats instantly, but you can also instantly travel through any space domain in the overlapping universe, and even overlap them at will, as you can imagine!

Why are you looking for the old Shisanyu, they are now practicing in the Lingxiao Pagoda! "

The fairy in white didn't seem to be disgusted with Lian'er, Xiaobai and Xiaoliu, so she took the initiative to say this.

"Thank you Fairy Sister for your advice, Fairy Sister is so beautiful!

Then let me ask again, does sister Fairy know where the biggest old man in Thirteen Valleys is, where is the cloud-catching rabbit? "

When Lian'er heard that Shisanyu old man was not in Shisanyu old palace, she was in the right mood and asked happily.

"Oh? What are you looking for to catch the cloud rabbit? Are you looking for it to play with?"

Hearing Lian'er's words, the fairy in white suddenly showed excitement in her eyes, and asked Lian'er softly.

"Hmm! To tell you the truth, Sister Fairy, I heard that Zhuoyun Rabbit looks pure and white, very beautiful, so I want to catch and raise it for fun!"

Lian'er's eyes sparkled, she tapped her lips, and told the truth.

"Hmph! You... oh! By the way, I know where Zhuo Yuntu is, how about I take you to find it?"

When the fairy in white heard the words, her face suddenly sank, but she returned to normal in an instant, and then said.

Lian'er was thinking about the wonderful thing about catching the cloud rabbit, so she didn't notice the instant change in the white fairy's expression. Hearing this, she clapped her hands happily and shouted:

"Thank you, Sister Fairy! Thank you, Sister Fairy! How about we stay here?"

Lian'er jumped up and down and clapped her hands happily, urging.


"Okay! Then little sister Langyuan, little white bird and little golden monkey follow me!"

The fairy in white clothes floated up in a pure white dress, with white clouds under her feet, flying in front of her, turning her head to greet Lian'er and the others with a smile.



"Squeak! Squeak!..."

One person, one monkey and one bird were all excited, floating above the colorful silk, and following closely behind the fairy in white.

They have been flying in the clouds and mist for more than 30,000 years. On this day, they finally flew to the place where the fairy in white said to catch the cloud rabbit.

"Wow! What kind of place is this? Why are carrots, white radishes, purple radishes, and yellow radishes like big trees everywhere..."

Finally flew to the place, Xiaobai looked around, and the foggy world that came into view was an endless radish field, he couldn't help but screamed in surprise.

"Hee hee! That's right, Zhuoyun Rabbit is a fairy rabbit, but she is also a rabbit, and she must also like carrots.

Now we can see a place full of radishes, which means that we are not far from catching cloud rabbits! "

Not only was Lian Er not surprised, but she justified herself and explained it to Xiao Bai.

"Oh, that's right!"

Xiaobai responded without saying anything.

"Sister Fairy, how far are we from catching cloud rabbits?"

Lian'er turned around and asked the fairy in white who was behind her just now, but found that the fairy in white had disappeared at some point.

"You guys are so daring, you dare to catch me to play with! Hmph! I'm so mad!

You listen! This is one of my radish gardens. There are 99,999 radishes in total.

From now on, you will concentrate on taking care of the radishes every day, watering them with dew and watering them. If I hear any complaints about your carelessness, or one is missing, hum! Just wait and see! "


Lian'er turned around and disappeared from the fairy in white, but heard a cold reprimand from the fairy in white from a height of hundreds of millions of miles?

He couldn't help but looked up in astonishment, and then saw the fairy in white who kept moving around because of anger.

Then I heard a loud noise around me, as if I, Xiaoliu, and Xiaobai were imprisoned in a mysterious space.


"You are……"

In astonishment, Lian'er realized that the fairy in white was the one who caught the cloud rabbit. Because of her surprise, she covered her mouth with her little hand and asked.

However, the fairy in white didn't pay attention to Lian'er any more, leaving a smear of white light in the sky hundreds of millions of miles away, and then drifted away.

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