Nine Heavens

Chapter 2010

"Sister Lian'er, we miscalculated this time, we didn't have any fun, and we were imprisoned instead!

She also said, let us help her water the radishes, and now we have become fairy slaves! "

Xiaobai soon understood Wei'er, knew that he was imprisoned, and lay slumped on Lian'er's shoulders with his legs up, shouting in infinite frustration.

"Cut! Get up, what's so scary about her, I, Lian'er, won't listen to her!

It's just that I didn't expect that she would turn into a fairy and lie to us! Who am I, Lian'er, how could I show her carrots! "


Although Lian'er was imprisoned by the fairy in white who caught Yuntu, she was not afraid at all.

The colorful damask in his hand trembled and flew out. The next second, he toppled a bright red carrot and said fiercely.


After the huge carrot fell down, it let out a whimpering sound, and then instantly became smaller, only the size of an adult's fist, and exuded a strange smell.


Lian'er snorted for a while, looking for the scent, put the shrunken bright carrot into her palm, and looked at it carefully.

"Oh! Xiaobai, this is not the radish I saw when I was in the chaotic world, it seems to be the ancient spirit ginseng that Daddy said!

Daddy said, eating a tree will instantly transform the earthly immortal into a heavenly immortal! This is something that daddy dreamed of!

Daddy said that no matter how many souls are refined by the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining, the power of the strengthened five spiritual abilities will be limited after all.

However, once we Langyuan Xianmen eat this ancient spirit ginseng, we will immediately break through the shackles of the five-essence and immortal body, and evolve into seven or even nine-essence celestial bodies.

Then, our divine power will become even stronger after being continuously strengthened by refining the Nine Cauldrons, and we will not be afraid of anything when we fight against the death demons of the Dark Three Universes! "

Lian'er inspected it, and remembered that her father once asked her to read a magic scroll in the Chaos Golden Building. There were many ancient spirits floating in the scroll, and among them were ancient spirits of various colors. Ginseng exists.

Lian'er studied it over and over again, and after confirming that the thing in her hand was the ancient spirit ginseng, she shouted excitedly.

"What's the use of that? I, Xiaobai, are just an illusory body, not real. It's probably useless to eat it!"

Xiaobai got up when he heard the words, his eyes were full of excitement, but it immediately faded away, shaking his head and said.

"Hee hee! You don't know this, you are already a righteous spirit and illusory cloud body, if you eat this ancient spirit ginseng, the fairy essence will automatically clothe your body, and you will become real!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Lian'er didn't care so much, she started chewing while speaking.

"Wow! No matter what, it smells so good! I want to eat it too!"

Xiaobai salivated when he smelled the scent of ancient spirit ginseng, and gnawed on a tree of ancient spirit ginseng that Lianer had taken and yanked down.

Of course, Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu is no exception.


This person is a monkey and a bird, the more he eats, the more addicted he becomes, the more he eats, the happier he is, the poor catching cloud rabbit, all the ancient spirit ginseng in the ancient spirit ginseng garden, have been dragged down by them in just a few hours A large piece, and then gorge on it.

"Hehe... You can eat hard, and take all the rest back to Daddy!"

Lian'er not only enjoyed eating by herself, but even planned to spare the entire ancient spirit ginseng garden.

This ancient spirit ginseng is different from ordinary ginseng ginseng in Fanzhou. Although it is also a ginseng with a strange fragrance and essence, after eating it in the body, it immediately turns into immortal spirit energy, and does not occupy the space in the physical body at all.

Therefore, as long as Lianer and Xiaoliu are willing, Xiaobai can keep eating and never feel full. Only their fairy spirits can continue to grow stronger and experience infinite magical leaps.

However, these, they did not realize in a short time.

Looking at Lian'er and the others from a distance, their bodies were bursting with bright red light because of taking a lot of ancient spirit ginseng.

At first glance, it looks like three blazing suns dancing happily in the ancient spirit ginseng garden.

Lian'er, Xiaoliu and Xiaobai are eating ancient spirit ginseng to their heart's content in the ancient spirit ginseng garden, and at the other location of the Shisanyu old fairy garden, Zhuo Yuntu is counting the number of star melons in a star melon garden.

This garden is one of the nine fairy gardens in the Thirteen Valleys of the Overlapping Universe. The garden is full of stars and melons, and it is another ancient spirit treasure garden.

In addition, there are seven ancient spirit treasure gardens, which are distributed around the Shisanyu Old Palace.

These nine ancient spirit treasure gardens are the lifeblood of Shisanyu Lao. He usually devotes himself to cultivation, and he is reluctant to enjoy any of the ancient spirit treasures in the garden.

Only at the meeting of overlapping universe immortals once every billions of years, are you willing to pick some, entertain the great immortals of all universes, and enjoy one for yourself at the same time.

Therefore, I usually attach great importance to the nursing work of the Nine Ancient Spirit Treasure Gardens. Usually, the elders of the Thirteen Valleys take turns to take care of them in person. Every overlapping cosmic day, I will look around at least several times in person.

At the same time, he explained to the immortal pets and beasts around him, and they also took turns to guard them. It was Zhuyuntu's turn to be on duty today, so she appeared outside the Shisanyu Old Palace.

Zhuo Yuntu is naughty by nature, and for tens of thousands of years, the elders of Shisanyu have been surrounding Lingxiao Pagoda, swallowing clouds and mists, and concentrating on practicing the great magic of the universe.

Therefore, catching the cloud rabbit is very playful, and without the supervision of the owner, it is naturally not very caring.

First, he made an appointment with the second turtle of this series from the third overlapping universe, and had a good time, and then tricked Lianer, Xiaobai and Xiaoliu to the ancient spirit ginseng garden to do coolies, and he was relieved.

Today, she is only responsible for the care of the Guling Ginseng Garden and the Guling Star Garden. Zhuo Yuntu is very happy that the most tired Gu Lingjing Ginseng Garden has a scapegoat.

Floating in the Guling Star Garden, while humming a fairy song, counting the number of stars and melons:

"One, two... 11,001-... 99,999, hee hee... Not one is missing, the master is going to practice successfully in the universe in two days. , he will definitely praise me, maybe, hee hee..."

Catching Cloud Rabbit fluttering in lotus steps, floating in the endless emerald green star garden, looking at the shining star melons, thinking of some words of praise from the owner, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

Suddenly, a gust of fairy wind blew, and bursts of strange fragrance penetrated into her nostrils, which made her even more intoxicated and said to herself:

"The ancient spirit is fragrant with ginseng, the stars and melons are beautiful, the children dance lightly, and the hearts of the immortals are drunk..."

While singing, Zhuo Yuntu couldn't help stretching his arms and sleeves, and danced in the air, dancing and singing intoxicated in the endless star garden.

Below are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine twinkling stars and melons, spread flat like a sea, with brilliant stars and stars, like an infinitely beautiful big stage, for rabbits to catch clouds and fly at will.

"The ancient spirit is fragrant with ginseng, the stars and melons are beautiful, the children dance lightly, and the hearts of the immortals are drunk..."

Catch the cloud rabbit and be intoxicated, singing and dancing all the time, thinking about the coming Universal Fairy Conference in the near future, at that time, you can see countless heroic and beautiful men from all ages and generations, maybe... giggling... …

Because of being in a good mood and drunk with dreams, Catch the Cloud Rabbit to dance alone, but her face is full of shyness, sometimes her beautiful eyes glisten, and sometimes she covers her mouth with her slender hands, she looks like a beauty.

However, bursts of laughter that were as happy as hers suddenly came from the fairy wind, which instantly woke her up...

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