Nine Heavens

Chapter 2011 Pointing to Dragon Cliff

Heavenly Evil Palace.

The number one evil god in the heavenly world, Zhong Shi, wears the crown of the heavenly war god on his head, wears holy war armor, and is surrounded by tens of thousands of dragons.

Zhong Xing's eyes were icy cold, and he looked down upon the vast ocean-like army of evil palaces in the heavens below, whistling by the wind, motionless, extremely majestic.

After looking down for a long time at the army of the evil palace in the heavenly realm that he had withdrawn from the sky above Lang Yuan Di Zhou, his eyes pierced through the clouds and mist, and through the infinite clouds, he looked again at the motionless sky above Lang Yuan Di Universe.

At this time, in the sky above Langyuan Dizhou, apart from the still shining Langyuan Qitian banner, there is no one from Langyuan Xianmen anymore!

This situation made Zhong Zhan very puzzled.

"Hiss! It can't be so fast! Could it be that there really are overlapping universes? Even if there is, how did he find out, how did he get in, and how could it be such a coincidence?

Just when they were about to perish, the overlapping universe appeared! They can go in for no reason! Could it be..."

Thoughts swirled in Zhong Sheng's mind, he was thinking about it secretly, and at the same time, he carefully recalled the scene of the death son of Yunzhou billions of Yunxian puppets fleeing tens of thousands of years ago.

But no matter what, he never figured it out, even if Mr. Death's hundreds of millions of Yunxian puppets were not good enough, they would still be defeated in such a miserable and desolate way!

Because in his opinion, no matter how powerful the Langyuan Xianmen is, it is only the existence of the five-spirited human race spirit fairy, and it cannot be the opponent of the seven-spirited Yunxian of the universe!

What happened to Yunzhou Yunxian puppet phalanx in the process of attacking Langyuan Diyu, causing the death son Yunxian puppet phalanx to be defeated, and not long after that, even Yungong ceased to exist!

Where is dead boy now? He must have returned to the Heavenly Palace secretly, maybe he was merging with the main soul and the soul, and then he...

It seems that his method of quickly calling back the army of the evil palace in the heavenly realm should be correct.

With his character, not only does he want to eliminate the forces of Lang Yuan Sheng Zhou Lang Yuan Xianmen, even himself and Qi Ai, who is lurking beside him, are also the targets of his slaughter!

Fortunately, for countless years, I have firmly controlled the remaining power of the virtual universe in the evil palace of the heavenly realm, as well as the remaining power of the heavenly evil, human beings and gods of the second batch of people created by Nuwa, the eight realms of heavenly demons.

Now even if he dispatches the blood demon in the egg of the dead devil, the power of the dead devil, he will not suffer too much! After all, his army of immortal gods and puppets seems to no longer listen to his summons...

Zhong Zhan's rainbow eyes wandered back and forth between the lower realm Lang Yuan Di Zhou and Yun Zhou, thinking longingly.


At this moment, two black shadows fell behind Zhong Xing. Before the two shadows stood still, one of them said:

"Report to Xiejun, Mr. Yun's dead son has indeed returned to the Heavenly Palace, and is now practicing the Dafa of the Lord of the Dead and God's avatar fusion!"

"Report to the evil king! After Qi Ai left Prince Death, he is now missing. After Zhou Wu appeared, he disappeared again, and the death tower floating in Yunzhou also disappeared!"

Another shadow also returned quickly.

"Yeah! Got it. I don't know if the time boat has disappeared?"

The fetish that Zhong Zhan is most anxious to get now is the time boat, because without the help of the time boat, and without the power of the real Zhong Zhan's righteous immortal spirit entering his body, he simply cannot continue to practice the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art!

Therefore, regarding the whereabouts of the Time Boat, Fake Clock Death Xuxiao must ask the Demon of Return every time.


Hearing the words, the two settled black figures hesitated a little, looked at each other, and murmured.

"Huh? Demons and monsters, hurry up! Don't you know that this evil king hates hesitating!"

Xu Xiao suddenly looked back and glared at the monster, and shouted.

The ghost and ghost suddenly trembled with fright, and the ghost wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said fearfully:

"Yes, there is a whereabouts! But..."

Qi Mei said the key point, but dared not say it again.

"Crack! Crack!"

Xu Xiao was furious, turned around abruptly, waved his sleeves and slapped the monsters and monsters wildly, leaned over and stared at them and roared:


The ghost and ghost were twitched by fright, and they fell to the ground and did not dare to look up, so they could only stammer and say:

"However, it's not too late, the Time Ark, and the two Arks of Refuge from the Waves and Immortal Sect are all in the Yunzhou Eastern Four Emperors!

It turned out that the four Yunzhou emperors under the son of death had all recovered their righteous spirits and spirits, and led hundreds of millions of Yunxians with righteous spirits to reunite in the east of Yunzhou to form an army of the four emperors of Yunzhou.

They also vowed to destroy us, Mr. Death, and the forces of Qi Ai! "

Yan Mei spoke faster and faster, and she stopped stammering at the end, but she was shaking all over, her arms couldn't support her body, and she was afraid that Xu Xiao's anger would end his life!

"Oh! Haha... time boat! Time boat! I finally know where you are!

Well, it's just the remnants of some living immortal spirits, what's so terrible about it! This time, you have really done a big thing for this evil king!

good! This evil king has always been very clear about rewards and punishments, so I will immediately promote you to be my guards! Hahaha……"

After hearing the whereabouts of the time boat, Xu Xiao couldn't stop laughing wildly, and repeatedly praised the two double-headed demons.

The demon and monster originally thought that Xu Xiao would be punished for speaking out about the four Yunzhou Emperors' alliance vows, but Xu Xiao not only did not punish herself, but instead had a wicked face and joy, she immediately returned to normal and stood up to express her gratitude.

"Moxie, you two immediately go to the Boundless Ice Sea to see how the righteous mad fairy is doing, whether he is still mad, and don't let him run away!"

Xu Xiao laughed wildly for a while, then suddenly thought of the real Zhong Sheng, and ordered.


Demon and Monster rubbed their heads, feeling that everything was normal, and immediately saluted happily, and disappeared in the next second.

"Hmph! Look at the virtues of the two of them. How can they be as domineering as when we were the envoys of Tianxie? They are just two idiots!"

"Stop coming! We are now the left and right protectors of Dongtai Yaotian, we are the righteous gods, and we are no longer his demon slaves! We must pay attention to self-cultivation when speaking!"

"Don't just tell me if you have nothing to do, I can tell you, if you piss me off, I will let Man'er divorce you immediately! Let you be a bachelor!"

"Hey! I can't see that you are the right envoy of Dongtai. There is no such wicked father-in-law as you in the world of life. You always use your daughter to blackmail your son-in-law! Is it interesting!?"

"Then why, Man'er is my daughter, whoever told her to listen to his father!"

"Don't be smug! Xingman is sorry for you, old guy, I'm afraid that if you don't listen to you, you will seek death and life!

If you don't always do that, Xingman will ignore you! "

"How do you talk to your father-in-law, be polite, don't you know!?"

"Yeah! You also know how to be polite, but you have to understand that speaking politely is for people who know how to be polite, and it's absolutely unnecessary for you."

"I'll go! Get out of here, you mess, I've figured it out until now, why did my daughter fall in love with you!"


The evil palace of the heavenly world is pointing to the sky above Longya, among the layers of clouds, there are always two generals equipped with spirit crystal and diamond armor. They are bickering and looking down at the evil palace of the heavenly world below.

These two people don't need to go into details, and they can guess who they are from the words they bicker with each other.

The reason why they appeared here was of course not the arrangement of Xu Xiao, the evil king of the heavens, but the commander of the alliance army of the four emperors of the universe, and the order of the immortal army of Dongtai Yao Tiantian, ordering them to come to scout the evil palace of the heavens static.

But these two, knowing that they are no longer from the Heavenly Evil Palace, still don't regard themselves as outsiders, and even yelled loudly during the investigation.

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