Nine Heavens

Chapter 2012 One Armed Black Wolf

"Huh? It's Tianxie's envoy!? You guys returned to the heaven so quickly!"


Although these two have changed their names to the special envoys of the left and right guards of Dongtai,

But their bugs and voices haven't changed.

Xu Xiao heard the yelling in the clouds above, and immediately recognized it was them.

Without saying a word, the evil king of the heavens slammed his cloud splitting palm, and slashed towards them.

"Oh! How did this happen? Didn't we come to investigate secretly? How did he find us?"

"Damn! It's just you, talking like a wolf howling, you can hear it two universes away, not to mention the evil king of the heavens is still a thing! How can you not hear it?"

"Why are you talking like this? It's because the evil king of the heavens is also our former boss. How can you say that he is a thing, and he is not a thing!"

"Whether he is a thing or not, run away, we will be miserable when we fall into his hands, before we are crushed into a pulp by him!"

"That's right! We are going to fall on the dragon cliff at his point! This point is not a good place to fall on the dragon cliff. If we really fall on it, we will not be crushed to death by him, but we will also be killed by the dark and poisonous dragon on the dragon cliff." To poison!

Thanks to Dongtai Yaotian God of War who infused our Heavenly War Armor with the celestial brilliance of the flaming red sun.

He said, if we are in danger, if we curse the Immortal Curse in our hearts, Lie Yan Hong Yang Xianhui will turn into Lie Yan Hong Feng, and then we can escape with us on our backs! "

"Oh! That's what happened. Do you remember the spells taught by Dongtai Yaotian God of War?"

"Of course not! I'm the father-in-law, why should I remember! I'm not in a hurry to go home and see my wife!"

"Oops! I didn't remember it either! You old man, this really killed me. After I die, Man'er will become a widow. Why don't you scold me every day!"

"You can just talk nonsense, you are dead, you can hear her words!?"

"Of course! Do you know what your daughter said when she married me?"

"How do you say it?"

"He said: 'Little Zuo, I will marry you today, and even if you die in the future, I will never let you go!'

Listen, just say that, I am dead, can I live in peace, or find a way to live!

You are fatter than me and you run slower, so you can cover me and escape!

Father-in-law, don't worry, after you die, Man'er and I will never miss you, it will make your ears dirty! "


"Ha ha……"

"You two bickering, stupid immortals, so what if you have been righteous by the four Yunzhou emperors, it's still the same, and the stink will not change!

Ben Xiejun can do it today! If you strangle you to death, your life will be much quieter from now on! "


Seeing the two bickering people, Xu Xiao kept turning somersaults and landed, but she was still bickering, couldn't help laughing and mocking, then aimed at them, slapped them again, and sent them away after thinking about it!

"Oh! Look at my memory. I just remembered that the God of War, the ally of Dongtai, said that if we encounter Zhong Zhan's attack, we will curse the words 'Xuxiao must die'. The flaming Hongyang fairy in our armor Hui will be summoned and become a flaming red phoenix!"

"That's right! I remembered it too! Then let's scold together: Xu Xiao must die! Xu Xiao must die..."

Just when Xu Xiao's second palm, Zhang Hong Du Chong, was about to attack the two bickering people, they suddenly cursed.

It's strange to say, it's really similar to what they said, only to see the heavenly soldier's armor shining from the spirit crystals and diamonds outside them suddenly burst into a powerful bright red light.

Immediately, the bright red rays of light formed two flaming red phoenixes, carrying the two of them on their backs, and shot towards the sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

Naturally, Xu Xiao's palm also failed.

"Hey! I'm talking about the right envoy's father-in-law, what kind of Xu Xiao did you say we scolded just now? Why have I never heard of it in the evil palace of the heavens for countless years!"

"How can Xu Xiao be something! Didn't Dongtai Yaotian God of War make it very clear! It's a spell!

You know the spell! The words of the mantra are all nonsense, so what is the meaning of it! "

"What you said seems to make a little sense. Let's hurry back to the east of Yunzhou, so that we can report our findings to the four Yunzhou Emperors! By the way, what did we find?"

"Let me think about it, it seems that we have seen everything in the Heavenly Evil Palace except what the four Yunzhou emperors said about Xiaomo! Let's just tell the truth!"

"However, the four Yunzhou Emperors nominated Dao to let us carefully investigate every move of the evil god of the heavens, False Clock!

As a result, we haven't figured out who the dead clock is, so how do we go back and report? "

"That's right? Who is the fake clock dead in the evil palace of the heavens? I've thought about it, but I can't figure it out. I guess the evil king of the heavens won't figure it out himself!"

"Then what should we say when we go back, we can't lie to the four Emperor Yunzhou, they are all good people!"

"Of course we can't lie to them. Let's just say that the heaven is on fire. The flames are so intense that we can't see anything clearly. We can only see the surroundings of the evil palace of the heaven. The army of the evil palace of the heaven is filled with darkness."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Since you can't see anything clearly, how can you see the dark evil army of the heavens! Just say that they are all sleeping, isn't it over!"

"Hmm! That's a good idea. They all slept in the fire. Because of the warmth, they slept soundly..."

The two bickering people, who didn't mind what they said, didn't care what they said, babbled nonsense, flew away on the phoenix, and soon disappeared without a trace in the universe!

"Evil Monarch! Why don't you order these two traitors from the Heavenly Evil Palace to be captured and killed in front of all the troops in the Heavenly Realm!"

Seeing the envoys of Dongtai Yaotian left and right, flying all the way, and the evil king of the heavens did not hurt the opponent with both palms, but he had no intention of chasing him.

As a result, countless evil armies in the heavenly realm immediately rioted, clamoring and roaring in unison.

Among them, a general with a wolf head and a bear body, with only one arm on his chest, and wearing a pitch-black armor, drove a dark monster and floated into the sky.

Looking up at Xu Xiao, the evil lord of the heavens, he asked wildly.

"The independent-armed black wolf will be safe and don't worry! They are just spies who came to analyze the strength of our heavenly evil palace!

It's not that this evil lord doesn't want to kill them, but needs them to go back and make a report, and let them know how terrifying the power of our heavenly evil palace is! "

Hearing the words, the evil king of the heaven looked down at the coming general, recognized the coming one, and said loudly.

"The east side of Yunzhou is only three trillion and a half billion miles away from here. This one-armed black wolf can make a trip in an instant, so why not leave two traitors behind, so that this one-armed black wolf will be very unhappy! "

The one-armed black wolf general was tall and thick, with a dark face and sharp eyes shining, and said sinisterly.

"Haha... I, the evil king, naturally know the great power of the one-armed black wolf. I hope that the one-armed black wolf will endure it for a while, and we will start fighting with each other soon. At that time, the one-armed black wolf will be able to gallop freely and indulge Fighting!"

The evil king of the heavens naturally likes such a devouring general of the universe, so he looked down at the general and laughed with satisfaction.

"Forget it! Let them live for a few more days! I hope that the evil king will make a decision soon. Whether to sweep up the heavenly palaces or fight in the lower realms, my one-armed black wolf will never be ambiguous!"

Hearing that the evil god of the heavens had no intention of chasing and killing the two special envoys around Dongtai, the one-armed black wolf general sighed, had no choice but to show his ambition and retreated.

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