Nine Heavens

Chapter 2013 Ancient Spirit Garden

Overlapping universes, ancient spirit ginseng garden.

Lian'er, Xiaoliu and Xiaobai ate the ancient spirit ginseng until they had their fill.

Then, one person, one monkey, one bird, full of energy, had nowhere to use their energy, and started chasing and playing games again.

Pulling down all the ancient spirit ginseng in the garden, treating them as toys, and throwing them all over the sky, it was so much fun to play.

"Ah!? You prodigal and harmful spirits, you dare to steal ancient spirit ginseng, it's really abominable! Pay me for the ancient spirit ginseng you ruined..."

Hearing the laughter of Lian Er, Xiao Jin Hou and Xiao Bai, Zhuo Er instantly understood something.

Flying like a gust of wind, just seeing the scene in his imagination, he couldn't help being so angry that his face turned pale, and he uttered sharp words and yelled endlessly!

"Hmph! Why should we pay you! This is your retribution for imprisoning us and wanting to enslave us!

Xiaobai, Xiaoliu, take all these ancient spirit ginseng for me, and go back to make soul refining materials for daddy! Let's see what she dares to do to us! "

When Lian'er heard this, her eyes flickered for a while, she looked up and down at Zhuyuntu who came suddenly, with her hips on her hips, without any look of fear, she said provocatively!

"Yes! Miss Lian'er! You can just concentrate on arguing with her, and leave these ancient spirit ginseng to me!"

Xiaobai heard that this is a good job, and he can eat a few more ancient spirit ginseng, so he happily agreed, and then flew towards the ancient spirit ginseng flying around in the garden with a bald sound!

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, also turned somersaults in joy, with golden eyes shining, stood upside down, made a face at Zhuer, the fairy in white, and then went to collect ancient spirit ginseng from Xiaobai too.

"Let it go! If you don't let go, you disgusting people, don't blame me for driving you out of the overlapping universe!"

Zhuer saw Xiaobai and Xiaoliu each opened a fairy universe bag in their hands, and they didn't know what to say in their mouths. They saw countless ancient spirit ginseng fruits, like countless fireflies. Qiankun bags poured in like a tide.

Because Zhuer was anxious, he cried out loudly.

"Cut! Why! The overlapping universe belongs to your father. If you say we should be driven away, we will leave!"

Lian'er put on a savage look, a spirit that would never leave, and responded coldly to the other party.

"The overlapping universe was created by the thirteen elders of Thirteen Valleys. They are the masters of the overlapping universe. They have the right to drive you away. I will tell them to go. You have destroyed the ancient spirit ginseng garden!"

Zhu'er was so angry that he stomped his feet, seeing countless ancient spirit ginseng entered the other party's Immortal Cosmos Bag, but there was nothing he could do!

Because no matter how much they scold each other, the person, monkey and bird in sight are not afraid of themselves at all.

He didn't dare to make a move, for fear of destroying the ancient spirit and wisdom of the ancient spirit ginseng garden.


When anxious, Zhuo'er had no choice but to move out the thirteen old masters of Shisanyu Lao, hoping to scare Lian'er by relying on the prestige of Shisanyu Lao.

Who knows, Lian'er is not afraid at all.

"Go! Go now! I, Lian'er, am not afraid of thirteen old men and old ladies! If one of them comes, one will cry, and two will make a pair!"

Liantong's words were ridiculous, holding the nine-color lotus, she tilted her head and said indifferently.

"Hmph! Just wait, I'll see you later!"

Zhu'er saw that he couldn't deal with the three angry characters anymore, and couldn't help being speechless for a while.

But suddenly he gathered his wisdom, and immediately had an idea in his mind, snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared.


"Fight against me, Lian'er, it's no wonder you win!"

Lian'er couldn't help laughing out loud when she saw that she ran away in anger at Zhuyuntu.

"Hee hee! Sister Lian'er, I'm not flattering you, you are really amazing! A few words made her go away! All these ancient spirit ginseng belong to us!"

At this time, both Xiaobai and Xiaoliu finished collecting the ancient spirit ginseng, floated to Lianer's colorful silk again, and praised Lianer with sweet words.

"Come on! I, Lian'er, is naturally powerful and extremely intelligent. You don't need to boast about it! Let's go! I guess there must be some other orchard of ancient spirits here, let's look for it while she's not here."

Lian Er glared at Xiao Bai, and then suggested excitedly.

"Hee hee, good! Good! The ancient spirit ginseng is delicious enough. If you find something delicious again, hiss—Xiao Bai spat a bunch of saliva, and immediately flapped his wings in favor.

"Squeak! Squeak!" However, Xiaoliu Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, pointed to the bulging and shrinking divine light enchantment in the mist around him, reminding Lian'er.

"Cut! It's just a barrier of superimposed cosmic divine light. Daddy taught me how to seal it long ago. Don't worry, Xiaoliu, just follow me!"

Lian'er looked around in disdain, and dropped the nine-color lotus in her hand, and after pieces of nine-color lotus rainbow flew away, the divine light barrier in the mist really disappeared!


Lian'er laughed triumphantly, stepped on the colorful silk, and instantly rose from the ground, stepped on the silk and looked around, looking for a new place to go.



"Will! Will!  …

croak! Quack..."

At this moment, Lian'er heard the terrifying celestial energy suddenly oppressing from around the ancient spirit ginseng garden! Let the figure that I had soared involuntarily land, and in the blink of an eye, it fell back to the original place.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

At the same time, the surrounding hurricane roared, and bursts of icy wind and clouds swept in, during which there were the neighing sounds of various behemoths.

"Oh! God! This overlapping universe is so scary! What kind of monster's cry is it, so scary!"

Hearing the roars and hisses of various inexplicable monsters from far and near, Xiao Bai exclaimed in a trembling voice as his scalp went numb.

"Huh! What's the matter! It may be some bugs and crawlers here, don't be afraid! There is me!"

Lian'er's small face was tense, and she released her powerful spiritual sense, quickly extending and analyzing around, and soon knew what the other party was, so she comforted Xiaobai and said.

A moment later, a volley of icy and frightening pupils shot out from the mist around the ancient spirit ginseng garden.

Without exception, these pupils stared at Lian'er, Xiaoliu and Xiaobai with hatred.

"Oh! I'm right, so it's really some broken birds and random flowers! Why, are you planning to use the fragrance of the young master of this wave, or die of beauty!"

Lian'er was shrouded in shock, and saw seven huge heads hidden in the mist around her.

One is the head of a rabbit, the other is the head of a unicorn, the head of a swan and the head of a frog, and there are strange flowers floating around them.

Seeing this, Lian'er immediately recognized that the rabbit head was the Zhuyun rabbit, and now it turned into a rabbit, among these superimposed cosmic beasts.

But Lian'er didn't pay attention to them at all, looked at them, and introduced them to Xiaobai and Xiaoliu gesticulating.

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