Nine Heavens

Chapter 2014 Lian'er was captured

"Ho Ho..."

"Zhuyuntu, are they the fruit thieves you're talking about?"

"That's them, quinoa swans!

You see, the entire ancient spirit ginseng garden was destroyed by them. I don't know how much they ate, and they took away all the remaining ancient spirit ginseng! "



Lian'er was floating on the colorful damask, facing the fog of space more than 10,000 feet in front of her, she stepped out of a huge mythical beast

I saw that this divine beast was thousands of feet high just by raising its head.

Lian'er looked at the other party from top to bottom, and after examining it, she found that the other party turned out to be a huge goose.

The giant goose tilted its head and looked sideways, staring at Lian'er, Xiaoliu and Xiaobai coldly.

In the eyes as big as a small pool, there were shimmering waves, quacking, asking Zhuyuntu not far away.

Zhuoyuntu couldn't help nodding, and responded angrily.

"Quack! That's easy! Since they are the ones who stole the ancient spirit ginseng, they are here, so let's catch them and give them to the thirteen superimposed Zhou Zun, that's it!"

Quinoa swan looked at the three little ones with great interest, especially Xiaobai, and said in a loud voice.

"Wow! The thirteen-year-olds are going out today. If we don't catch them, we'll all be scolded!"

As soon as the quinoa swan finished speaking, the huge unicorn head behind it stretched forward, revealing most of its huge green body.

Roaring and shouting, the sound waves passed by, and everything within a radius of ten thousand miles was shaking.

While the huge unicorn was speaking, it rushed towards Lian'er with howling hurricanes.

Lian Er has seen all kinds of weird monsters and beasts, so she is not afraid at all, just when the other party roars and shoots.

With a giggle, he actually flew onto the opponent's huge body on the colorful ribbon.

"Hehe... You are the Qilin beast of that old man Zui Lingtian!

Tell you, you can't catch us, tell me, where are the other Elder Orchards, take us there, or I'll pluck your hair! "

Lian'er didn't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth, so she floated on the head of the unicorn beast, supported the mountain-like unicorn horn of the opponent, and then flew out colorful silk, entangled with a mane of the unicorn beast that was thicker than an arm of the opponent. pull.

I thought it would be as easy as pulling out ancient spirit ginseng, and I would pull off the Qilin beast's mane.

So there was a burst of laughter and actions that were not taken seriously at all.

"Haha... little guy, how can you pull out my thunderbolt hair with your strength! Don't blame me for not telling you, my hair is all lightning, be careful to stun you!"

"The thorn fell!"


Lian'er didn't believe it, she entangled a Qilin beast's mane and pulled it hard, but the mane was not only not pulled off, but as the Qilin beast said, it suddenly exploded like thunder and lightning.

These thunderbolts, following Lian'er's colorful damask, entangled towards Lian'er!

"Ah! Miss Lian'er, run!"


Seeing this, Xiaobai who was squatting on Lian'er's shoulder yelled loudly, kicked his calf, and flew thousands of feet away, yelling while flying wildly.

"Haha... where are you running to!"

At this moment, the gigantic Qilin beast lowered its huge body, and when it got up again, it turned into a fairy with a green fairy robe.

I saw his huge left palm enveloping Lian'er, and Lian'er was still tossing around in the colorful silk.

And his thumb and index finger were holding Xiaobai's legs in an uncoordinated manner, and he laughed out loud looking at Xiaobai who was hanging upside down.

"Hmph! Let's take them to Lingxiao Pagoda and let Thirteen Ling Zun take care of them!"

Seeing Lian Er, Xiao Bai was controlled, and the happiest thing was Zhu Yuntu, staring at the little golden monkey Xiaoliu and shouting.

The little golden monkey Xiaoliu saw that Lian'er was captured by the Qilin beast that turned into a human, so he didn't resist at all.

After winking and winking, after teasingly catching the cloud rabbit, he even took the initiative to climb and got into the hand of the Qilin beast where Lian'er was!

"Yi? Xiaoliu, where is this place? Why are there clouds and mist everywhere? Did the Qilin beast's big hand throw us out of the ancient spirit ginseng garden?"

Lian'er stepped on the colorful silk, and danced in the clouds and mist in the palm of the Qilin beast. All she could see was the surging sea of ​​clouds.

"Squeak! Squeak! Little Master Lian'er, we are in the palm of Qilin Beast, we were caught by him!"

Xiaoliu rushed to the top of Lianer's colorful damask and reminded Lianer.

"No way, one of his hands is bigger than the sky?"

Lian Er sighed in surprise.

"Oh! Miss Lian'er, we really played big this time, they are not easy to mess with, and I was caught too, let's accept our fate!"

Lian'er's voice fluttered with the surrounding wind blades, and reached Xiaobai who was hanging upside down under Qilin Beast's hands, Xiaobai cried out in frustration.

However, no matter what Lian'er, Xiaoliu and Xiaobai said, what they shouted, the Qilin beast that turned into a fairy, the cloud-catching rabbit and the quinoa swan, etc., ignored them at all.

After a burst of joy, they flew together to another direction of the Gulingjing Orchard.

Shisanyu Old Palace, under Lingxiao Pagoda.

There are two fairy shadows floating on the cloud platform, these two fairy shadows on the cloud platform, they are very close to each other.

On a piece of cloud platform, there were five people with fluttering fairy hair silently: people from Langyuan Xianmen.

The leader has white hair and silver clothes.

In the palm of his hand was a gleaming golden pagoda of confiscating robbery, and on his head hung a giant sword of bright red Liuxia.

On the chest, there is a strange black jade skull shining.

The four people on the left and right of him are two men and two women, and the two women are both exquisite and heroic.

A soul-controlling vine with fluttering emerald hair and green blushing forehead, stood floating on top of a pure white handkerchief, holding a jade seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks in her slender palm.

The other one has swaying long hair, a blue crescent moon on his forehead, and sea-blue eyes, deep and beautiful.

Two men, one with flowing black hair and a dark face, with a bright red standing eye shining on his forehead, a dark blue evil-killing arrow on his back, and a sturdy jet-black three-eyed wolf on his feet.

The other one has a rough face, black and white eyebrows, a blood rainbow unicorn on his feet, and a star sword in his hand. He also has long hair fluttering on his head, but his hair is a combination of red, blue, yellow, purple, and black.

On a cloud platform not far away, there are twelve men and women who are probably middle-aged.

Looking at it as a whole, those twelve people, all of whom were shining with celestial light, obviously had extremely high celestial abilities.

The people on the two cloud platforms were all looking up at the height of the Lingxiao Tower, their expressions were calm and full of reverence.

Judging by their appearance, it seems that they have been in such a state for a long time.

I don't know how long it has been, but the people on the two cloud platforms are flying and whirling along with the flowing clouds around Lingxiao Tower...

"Haha...boss, how many years have passed, and this kid is still alive, this is really beyond my thirteen's expectations!

It seems that my old thirteen underestimated the role of the life particle and the cosmic scroll mirage.

The cosmic volume mirage not only transformed into a cosmic domain, but also conceived the living particle to become the Nuwa empress.

And then...haha...I, Meng Lingtian, really didn't expect that! "

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