Nine Heavens

Chapter 2017: The Emotion of the Universe

"Get out, you bastards who don't know what to do, why don't you steal a few ancient spirit essence and fragrant fruits, why are you so stingy, and still catch us!

How about it, you will be scared when you see my father, don't run away if you have the ability! "

Lian'er, Xiaobai and Xiaoliu were thrown to the earth by the departing Qilin beast, so the emperor's posture was naturally ugly.

Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie suddenly saw three divine lights of one gold, one white and one seven-colored color shot from the Qilin beast's hand. At first, he thought that the other party was going to attack him.

Therefore, out of instinct, the immortals all over the body can gather together, and when they raise their palms, they shoot out a blazing palm rainbow, and instantly lock onto the three rays of divine light that are shot.

But when he was about to exert his strength, he discovered that it was his beloved weather daughter Lian Er and her two friends who suddenly attacked and held them up.

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou recognized it was Lian'er, he was naturally happy, and was about to summon her, but when he saw her about to fall into his arms, he didn't look at him, but turned back to follow the direction where the Qilin beast and others left and shouted one after another.

"Hehe, Lian'er! Hugh is so rude and ate other people's things, why don't they let her go?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme contacted him back and forth, and generally knew what was going on, he reached out to catch his beloved daughter, and said with a smile.

"Daddy! It's not that Lian'er is being unreasonable! You didn't see how fierce they are, a lot of broken beasts, bullying me together, Xiaobai and Xiaoliu!"

Hearing Dijun's father's question, Lian Er turned her head to look at Di Zhou Dijun, and answered while still grumbling.

"They are all good people! It must have been a misunderstanding just now. The elders of Thirteen Valleys gave us the entire overlapping universe. From now on, this will be the home of our Langyuan Xianmen!

Their divine beasts are also infinitely tolerant and kind. If you think about it, if those demons from the past caught you, why would they argue with you? They would have been ruthless long ago! "

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou was, he knew that Lian Er was wrong, and was afraid that Lian Er would get angry, so he had no choice but to describe Lian Er's mistake as a misunderstanding.

"Oh! From what Dad said, they don't seem too bad, but they shouldn't catch us like that. It's so embarrassing to be caught by that Qilin beast!"

"That's right, Dijun! Miss Lian'er is still fine, but I was carried upside down by the Qilin beast, and I couldn't even breathe, so I almost fainted!"

Lian'er's eyes flashed, her angry face became calmer, and her words became weaker.

However, Xiao Bai, who was squatting on her shoulder, was still angry, and interrupted.

"Haha... Aren't you doing well? It will be fine in the future, they are all gone! You go and play, daddy still has something to do!"

Di Zhou Dijun is supreme and evil, raised his head and laughed for a while, and then said.

"Hee hee! It's good that they left, those ancient spirit orchards belong to us! Miss Lian'er, how about we go back and find other ancient spirit orchards now?"

As soon as he heard that he was free, Xiaobai immediately rolled his eyes and made a travel direction for Lianer.

"That's right! Xiaoliu, let's go back now! Daddy! Then you can do whatever you want, we're going to play, hehe..."

Lian Er immediately rejoiced as before, mobilized the colorful silk, took Xiao Bai and Xiao Liu, and shot into the overlapping sky again, laughing away.

"Hehe, the emperor is so blessed that even Empress Nuwa has entered the mortal world and was reborn under your knees!"

After Lian'er left, the fairy shadows on the two cloud platforms under the Lingxiao Pagoda floated to the earth and approached.

Among the people on the cloud platform with twelve fairy shadows floating, one of them was wearing a gray Taoist robe, a resolute and stalwart person, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, this junior has met the twelve senior peak masters! What the master of Bing Po said is right.

But this junior is secretly happy, but also worried, how should I face when all the memories in her world wake up in the future!

The first god in life and spiritual life became the daughter of the younger generation, the disciple and grandson of the peak masters, how would she face it? "

The emperor of the universe is supreme and meets the twelve peak masters of the first human Xuanling sect in the ancient chaotic universe in the overlapping universe, as well as the person on another cloud platform beside him, saluting and saying.

"Hehe, why should Qianlang care about these things? Since Empress Nuwa made such a choice back then, she naturally looked down on all of them.

Empress Nuwa's only wish is to give Shengzhou a perfect future.

As long as you uphold her wish, and finally you do it together, it will be the most perfect ending. As for the rest, nothing matters! "

After experiencing infinite life and death, and the transformation of the universe, the current twelve peak masters all have a peaceful mind, and their expressions are all in a state of calm.

Although Bing Po Daoist's body is full of immortal energy, it feels like bathing in the warmth of the morning sun, without any coldness.

Bingpo real person, at this moment, it should be called Nuanyang real person, which is actually more accurate.

"Thank you for your teaching! This junior knows how to do it!"

Emperor Di Zhou, no matter how evil he is, is still accustomed to the previous address, and nodded respectfully in reply.

"Dijun doesn't need to be so polite to us in the future, your strength has already surpassed ours, it stands to reason that we should also worship you.

Now that you have become the Lord of the Overlapping Universe, the superior Overlapping Zhou Lord, we should be even more so! "

The twelve peak masters felt gratified for the supreme and evil humility of the overlapping Zhou Jun at this moment, but they always felt a little disrespectful to the overlapping Zhou Jun's supreme and evil, so the Bing Po real person said.

"This is absolutely what it should be! Senior Peak Masters, have you ever thought about the reason why Qianlang's immortal journey has been able to persist so far?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, looks up at the sky, and asks the twelve peak masters.

"Hehe, can Mr. Zhou make it clear?"

Bing Po Daoist smiled, expressing that he didn't know.

"It is all the feelings that the younger generation had when they were in the world, the love of parents, the love of teachers, the love of brothers, the love of wives and daughters, and the virtue of friendship.

It is precisely because of these things that the younger generation has kept their promises that they will go all the way for the great good of the fairy fate, no matter how difficult it is, they will grit their teeth and resist the past, and come to today!

If there is no respect and love for the senior peak masters, and always be grateful for your teachings, junior Ya may have fallen into the devil countless times, either evil or perish, how could there be today!

Therefore, the respect for the peak masters is the motivation and expectation of the juniors to move forward. The teachings of the peak masters are the guidance for the benefit of all souls in the world, and the juniors will never forget them! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and then evil and impassioned.

"No wonder, the thirteen masters said that if there is a Nuwa empress in the fantasy universe, there will be a human soul from now on, and there will be small waves, and the future universe will be eternal!

Hearing Qianlang's words today, we finally realized it! It's ridiculous that we think we are detached, but in fact, Xianhui is still shallow!

Um! The future of the living universe overlaps with the king of Zhou, and its future. Even if we leave, we are relieved! "

Bing Po Daoist nodded slightly and said with emotion.

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