Nine Heavens

Chapter 2018 Dongfei Star

"That's right! With Overlapping Zhou Jun here, the life of Zhou can be determined at the end!"

The other peak masters also nodded in admiration.

"What? The peak masters don't fight with us, let us work together to eliminate the three major dark forces!?"

Hearing the meaning of the twelve peak masters, overlapping Zhou Jun Wushang and then Xie on the cloud platform beside the sword Zhan Xuanzi, the black and white eyebrows twitched for a while, tears in the eyes, looking around the twelve peak masters, especially the teacher Huanmeng Really, said anxiously.

"Hehe, Zhen'er! Your Shisanyu teacher left us with a mission when he left.

It is said that there is an inexplicable universe beyond the number of overlapping nine poles, let us travel eternally to the east of the overlapping universe until we find it!

Since we are grateful to the thirteen mentors, your ancestors ordered the broadcast, so naturally we can't let them down, and we are also full of curiosity about the inexplicable universe, so we have already decided to go! "

We have come here specially to say goodbye to the thirteen Mentors who have left the customs! Maybe if we say goodbye today, it will be difficult to get together again, you all take care! "

After listening to Zhanxuanzi's words, the twelve peak masters were silent for a moment, and Master Huanmeng looked deeply at Zhanxuanzi and said.


Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, was so sad that thousands of words turned into a single cry!

Then both sides looked at each other deeply and stopped talking useless words.

Not long after, the twelve peak masters floated into the sky, turned into twelve twelve-color stars, and shot towards the due east of Lingxiao Pagoda.

"Qianlang, Zhen'er, Juan'er, True Monarch Lingyao, True Lord Sirius! A love affair will never be separated, even if we are separated and miss each other!

remember! We are all working hard for the great good of the universe, with the same ambition and the same good destiny. No matter how far apart we are, our hearts are not far away from each other!

Do not be sad! Don't cry! Seeing through the universe, everything is natural. Tears are also useless!

Children, we turn into twelve stars flying eastward, eternal in the sky, no matter where you fly out of the overlapping universe, our starlight will guide you forever!

Go out to see the east, go back to the east to see the east, we are here, you will never get lost! "

Bingpo Daoist's last sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the ears of the four superimposed universe new kings.

"Master! Huh..."

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan's complexion was pale, recalling the complicated look in her eyes when her mentor, Master Kongkong, turned away and left, she suddenly understood the real intention of the twelve peak masters leaving. She, who had never cried before, unexpectedly Cried for the first time.

Liu Juan was crying, and Zhan Xuanzi, the god of swords, stared at the stars and shouted loudly.

Although Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, was not a disciple of the ancient Xuanling sect, he also understood the painstaking efforts of the twelve peak masters, and was moved to tears.

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, with white hair flying wildly, and silver clothes mighty, he actually knew in his heart just now how the Twelve Peak Lord Huaxing led the way.

However, he stared deeply at the twelve peak master stars shining in the east, and did not shed tears.

Instead, he kept thinking about the last words left by the Bing Po real person in his heart: A love will never be separated, even if we are separated and miss each other...don't be sad! Don't shed tears...see through the universe...everything is natural!

"They didn't have to be like this! So what about longevity, they still chose silence!

Teacher! Why did he just look at Tuer at the end of parting, without leaving a single word, just looked at Tuer with a smile! "

Overlapping universe Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, remembering the last look that his teacher, Master Fufeng, looked at him, the smiling look, the sad and gratified look...

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, na na! Looking up at the sky, staring at the infinitely distant top of the Lingxiao Tower for a long time, sighed!

"From now on, this Lingxiao Pagoda will be our cultivation formation! Don't let down the hearts of the twelve senior Peak Masters! Let's join the formation right now, and each practice some magical skills. This should be a farewell to the thirteenth old man and them!"


There was a burst of Qingyue sword roars, and the superimposed universe Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixe took the lead in stepping on the overlapping fairy sword that combined the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and the Demon Holy Sword, with white hair flying wildly, and his divine robe dangling, and flew towards the top of the Lingxiao Tower.

So fast, it's gone in the blink of an eye.

"This is probably the saddest thing for the third brother! What he pursues wholeheartedly is to make everyone who has experienced it live forever!

The Lord of the Twelve Peaks was the one who spent a lot of effort on him to gather their scattered souls into one place, and finally revive them, but now they... Alas!

Sister Juan! Brother Yuanfang, Sister Feng! You say we have succeeded or failed!

After all, we still don't have the ability to destroy the hateful dark forces all at once, and twelve peak masters were sacrificed for us!

The third brother is hating himself for his incompetence! So do we, let's go, let's go to practice now! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, his eyes choked with tears, and the bloody unicorn under his feet also rose into the air.

Leaving these words made Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng echo in their ears, making them even more sad.

Not long after, the Lingxiao Pagoda that once surrounded the old Thirteen Valleys became five new Zhou Zun, three men and two women. They practiced day and night, as long as there was nothing to do.

Occasionally, when they raised their heads, they would take a deep look at the twelve divine stars shining in the east of the Lingxiao Tower.

The twelve divine stars have names, namely Changyang, Xuli, Zhenmeng, Lingfei, Fufeng, Aoyu, Huolong, Zixiao, Moqing, Suifeng, Wuya and Yuedi.

Among them, the asterisks of the three peak masters, Daoist Bingpo, Master Xukong, and Daomeng, were changed to Changyang, Xuli and Zhenmeng instead of overlapping the universe Zhoujun Supreme!

On this day, the five overlapping Universe Venerables were cultivating. Suddenly, Lian Er flew over again, riding around the Lingxiao Tower on a rainbow ribbon, and then looked at the twelve bright stars in the east and asked the five Venerables in surprise. :


"Why did the twelve peak master patriarchs go to those stars, it must be fun there!

Dad, Uncle Shenjun, Uncle Yuanfang, Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng, whoever help me, send me up there! "

When Lian Er was playing elsewhere, she suddenly discovered that twelve beautiful stars suddenly appeared in the east of the overlapping universe, and there was a fairy figure floating in the halo of each star.

After careful inspection, Lian'er discovered that those fairy shadows were actually the twelve master masters that her father had mentioned! Out of curiosity, I came to Lingxiao Pagoda to look for the five Zhou Zun.

"Hehe, Lian'er! The twelve peak master patriarchs above are just phantoms of your father's transformation. The real twelve peak master patriarchs have gone to a place where we can no longer find them. Because your father misses them , just did it!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi twitched his black and white eyebrows a few times, and said with a smile.

"Oh! That's right, why did the twelve peak master patriarchs go so far away?"

Lian'er tilted her head and asked curiously.

"For us, for Langyuan Xianmen, and for the eternity of the entire universe!"

Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi answered patiently.

"I don't understand!"

Lian Er frowned and said.

"Hehe, Lian'er is smart, she will understand in the future!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi raised his head, looked at the east, and comforted Lian'er with a voice full of reverence.

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