Nine Heavens

Chapter 2020 Argument Game

"Oh! Overlapping universes!? Sure enough!"

Xu Xiao almost turned a deaf ear to most of Qi Ai's words, but when he heard that Langyuan Xianmen had really entered the rumored overlapping universe, he immediately became confused and sighed suspiciously.

While Xu Xiao sighed suspiciously, her complexion also changed. This scene happened to be seen by the sharp-eyed Qi Ai, and Qi Ai couldn't help secretly happy, thinking that the alliance had a turning point.

"If it wasn't for such a drastic change in Langyuan Xianmen, Xu Xiao thought, would it be necessary for me, Qi Ai, to come to you?"

Seeing that Xu Xiao's mind was changing, Qi Ai's tone suddenly hardened.

"So what if they enter the overlapping universe! After all, they are the products of Empress Nuwa's humanity. Even if they exist forever, they will not be my opponents!

They entered the overlapping universe and hid, but Mr. Death, that is, the billions of cloud fairy puppets you once controlled, the forces of the four emperors of the universe did not enter.

Do you know that the biggest weakness of the Langyuan Xianmen is already in my Xuxiao's hands. "

"Weakness? What weakness?"

"Langyuan Dizhou's two major refuge arks and his most concerned disciple, Yaya!"

"Quack... The evil king is very interesting. Instead of seeking the way to eliminate the core strength of Langyuan Xianmen, he has the idea of ​​some low-energy Langyuan immortals. Isn't it a bit evasive!

Whether or not Langyuan's two refuge arks and a Langyuan Gaotu exist or not is not worth mentioning to Wang Yangdizhou Wanzhou, and it is not a threat to our three major dark forces, so let's ignore it!

If we work together to find the existence of overlapping universes and eliminate them, the two Arks of Refuge and that Yaya will naturally be annihilated in a long way, and there is really no need to pay attention to them. "

"Haha... Bah! I thought how sensitive your sense of smell is, and you thought that this evil king would be interested in some inferior human spirits protected by Langyuan!

no! What this evil lord is interested in is the ten square bells cultivating the energy time boat! "

"You mean time boat..."

"That's right! That abominable fairy Zhongshan is simply a tormented and undead living Zhou Xie Sui! It's really impossible to get the righteous spirit in him!

Therefore, if this evil lord wants to completely control the ten square clocks, the only way is to seize the time boat! Fortunately, the time boat is in the hands of the disciple Yaya, the emperor of Zhou Emperor Wushang Zaixie in Langyuan. "

"In this way, the evil lord wants to seize the clock of time first, then practice the magical art of time, and then deal with Shengzhou Langyuan Xianmen?"

"Then what do you think? If this evil lord succeeds in cultivating the ten-direction bell divine art, it means that everything in life is in my hands!

Why bother to go to the trouble of eradicating the Immortal Sect of Waves, as long as I activate the time change of the universe, then the universe from ancient times to the present, and any time node, will be manipulated by me at will.

How did Langyuan Xianmen appear, and how this evil king would make it go backwards, until it reversed time and died by itself!

There is also that holy war of the ancient spirits, this evil lord will also travel back, and lead my evil lords of the heavenly demons and eight realms, the servants of ten bells, to completely defeat all the ancestor gods of the universe!

Let the living universe that once appeared become an impossible dream! "

"Oh! If Xie Jun can really get the Time Clock as he wished, then our dream of restoring the Three Universes of Darkness is really not far away!

However, the four emperors of Yunzhou have now recovered the spirit of righteous spirits and are no longer the puppets of fairy gods in the past. If they want to defeat them, it will not be easy to seize the clock of time! "

"You are right! So for tens of thousands of years, this evil lord has been thinking about countermeasures!

I thought the best way was to go to Yunzhou Dongfang Dongtai Demon World to snatch the Time Clock in person.

However, the battle situation in Yuntian II is mysterious, and he is hiding in the Langyuan Xianmen of overlapping universes. Now this evil king can't figure out his strength.

Since the son of death in the Tianjie Tiangong returned from Yunzhou to the Tianjie Tiangong, he has also become confusing, and there is no sign of trouble in the entire Tianjie Tiangong.

They didn't move for a day, the more they were like this, the more uncertain this evil king was, so he didn't dare to leave the heavenly evil palace easily, so that he was anxious to this day.

Otherwise, any of them would suddenly attack my Heavenly Evil Palace. Before I get the time boat, if such a situation happens, then I will try to get the time boat, and the evil palace will be attacked again. Not a dilemma! "

"But now, this evil lord has a new plan to seize the time boat!

Whether you can succeed depends on whether you Qi Ai sincerely form an alliance with this evil king! "

At this point in the conversation between the two dark demons, Xu Xiao suddenly shot a blazing purple rainbow from his eyes, locked Qi Ai firmly, and said.

Qi Ai's heart trembled, she seemed to have guessed what the other party meant, and asked quickly:

"What plan!?"

"If you Qi Ai really want to form an alliance with my evil king, then you have to prove it to this evil king! And you Qi Ai personally stole the time boat for this evil king is the best proof!

I don't need to elaborate on the benefits of having a time boat for me, but it's also a good thing for you!

As soon as this evil lord succeeds in cultivating the Ten Fangzhong Divine Art, we will cooperate immediately to eliminate the Langyuan Xianmen and kill the dead son.

Then reverse time and space, return to the battlefield of ancient spirits, and complete our holy war of eternal existence in the dark three universes! I don't know how? "

"Well! That sounds good! But, how can I, Qi Ai, trust you? If you get the time boat, turn around and kill me, wouldn't I, Qi Ai, make a wedding dress for you for nothing!?"

"Haha... Could it be that at this moment, if this evil lord wants to kill you, can't you? You should know what role you Qi Ai is, right?

You have no choice, although you have the secret help of Zhou Wu, and the death magic power of the death tower as your foundation, but you still haven't counted as the son of death after all.

The death cloud egg in your death tower is totally fake, the real ancient spirit necromancer egg has always been in the hands of Mr. Death himself.

For countless years, you thought you were smart, lurking in front of Lord Death, in order to secretly manipulate all his forces, and take it for yourself at critical moments.

However, he is not stupid, he pretends to give you all the death cloud eggs that he germinated to refine the power of death tower demons, but secretly keeps the real death cloud eggs tightly.

However, you don't know all this, and you have single-mindedly refined the terrifying death tower death cloud bird demon and ancient spirit corpse forces.

Then, for the calculation in your heart, you have been working for it with this humble face. Almost all the universe in the past has perished under the influence of your mournful death tower!

However, the ridiculous thing is that Mr. Death has never really appreciated you, and he is always on guard against you, and finally discovered this.

Subsequently, you also began to betray your morals. Find a way out. Maybe you met by mistake and were destined to separate by mistake. In the massacre of waves tens of thousands of years ago, you each had your own calculations, but you all failed in the end.

You want to use them to counterattack Young Master Death immediately after the four Yunzhou Emperor puppet army wiped out the Langyuan Immortal Sect!

The second son of death has already made preparations, once the four Yun Zhou emperors win, he will destroy these fairy army puppets!

The ridiculous thing is that in the end, you all miscalculated. Not only did the Waves Fate Immortal Sect escape into the overlapping universe unscathed, but it also beat the four puppets of the Yunzhou Emperor's hundreds of millions of immortal soldiers into the sky and fled!

Next, you naturally parted ways, and of course this is what you want!

But you soon discovered that the so-called death source energy in the death tower is just a little bit of death energy from the real death cloud eggs of Mr. Death!

You can't help but feel extremely annoyed. Your plan that you thought you could use the Death Tower to prosper the world has failed, so you have to focus on seeking alliances. Am I right?

In your situation, besides agreeing to this evil king, do you have any other options? "

Facing Qi Ai's questioning, Xu Xiao said confidently!

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