Nine Heavens

Chapter 2021 Hateful Cosmic Witch

"You know all of this?"

After hearing Xu Xiao's words, Qi Ai asked in astonishment.

" could he not know! All this was told by the witch of the universe!"

Suddenly, there was a sharp and hoarse laughing sound from the sky above Longya.

Qi Ai raised his head, and in his single-eyed rainbow, he immediately saw a hideous old woman with a bent figure, wrinkled face, and wearing a pitch-black witch robe.

The old woman spoke without opening her mouth or moving her face, but she could clearly hear the sound of his teeth gnashing.

She bent over like squatting on a dark magic wand, holding this weird dark magic sun in her hand.

"Zhou Wu! Didn't you go to retreat to explore the secrets of overlapping universes? Why did you appear here, and..."

Zhou Wu's sudden appearance, especially after hearing her words, made Qi Ai, who was originally confident in the three sects, instantly slumped, and the sharp words just now became faltering.

"Yeah! You're right! But it's not for you! Do you think the witch of this world will do anything for a fool with no future!

Your death tower's death force is at best a domineering force, compared to the evil king's ten-square clock, who do you think the witches of this universe will help! ? "

Looking down at Qi Ai in astonishment below, Zhou Wu, who just came out of the customs, said sharply with magic eyes that only had black pupils.

"Zhou Wu! You can't do this. When the ancient spirits are dark in the three universes, I, Qi Nengzhou, treat you well!"

Seeing Zhou Wu's aggressive face, Qi Ai felt infinitely annoyed, and asked with a trembling voice.

"Don't mention those useless pasts to me, Zhou Wu! How can I, Zhou Wu, be attached to anything in the past! What Zhou Wu wants is the present and the future. Whoever has the strength and the future will assist whoever!

Now in my eyes, the evil lord of the heavens is the majestic Eternal Venerable, and you are a waste, let the Eternal Venerable be unhelpful, let me help you, this waste! "

Zhou Wu heard the words, first he sneered sternly, and then criticized Qi Ai ruthlessly.


When Qi Ai heard Zhou Wu's words, she was extremely angry, her body trembled, her lips trembled, she laughed bitterly, and then said back:

"Hmph! Quack! I used to think that you are a powerful Zhou Wu, and you can breathe everything out with the magic sun of divination!

It turns out that the name is not worthy of the name, following the grand situation of the dark three universes, bluffing and deceiving! "


"You and the ruined idiot! Haven't you heard the decree of the evil king, get out of here quickly, and go steal the time boat for the evil king!"

When Wu Zhou heard Qi Ai mocking him so much, he immediately put out the fire! The pitch-black magic sun in his hand instantly shot out a jet-black magic rainbow, attacking Qi Ai!

"Bah! What a universe witch, it's a scumbag! You actually rebelled against the old master, go to hell!"

Qi Ai also suddenly appeared a rotating black tower in his palm, it was the evil tower of death, and suddenly sacrificed it to the sky.

Then I saw the evil tower of death, which kept making the sound of death and ghosts, like howling wolves, and screaming like infinite ghosts.

At the same time, from the bottom of the pitch-black tower, countless terrifying and ferocious death demon heads suddenly protruded, opened their huge mouths with white fangs, and swooped down towards Zhou Wu! Instantly devoured the pitch-black evil rainbow that Zhou Wu shot just now.


However, Zhou Wu didn't notice it at all, his crooked body suddenly became extremely agile and fierce, and he took the dark magic wand under him into his hands, and the dark magic sun turned into a magic weapon under his feet, whistling and soaring, without fear of the death tower's attack, He directly waved the black magic wand to meet him.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Aww! Aww!"

I saw that with a wave of Zhou Wu, he saw countless ferocious demon heads protruding from the death tower, and a large area was swept away in an instant.

The devil who wailed in the sky fell like rain.

However, Qi Ai was not at a disadvantage because of this, and he began to groan, and when he cast a spell with one hand, a hurricane suddenly roared around the death tower, which swelled tens of millions of times, and the bottom of the death tower, like a cave, was filled with endless demons of death Jumping around, screaming and screaming, it will pour down in the next second!

Seeing this, Xu Xiao, the evil lord of the heavenly world, was secretly overjoyed. If the other party disagrees, it can just confirm whether my doubts about them are correct.

The fact that the former Young Master Qi Neng Zhou and his close Zhou Wu Yuanzu turned against each other so far should be enough to prove that Zhou Wu is absolutely sincere in defecting to him!

In fact, Xu Xiao really needs the help of these two Zhoumos, and has never explicitly accepted Zhoumos, what is missing is the opportunity of verification in front of him.

Now such a verification opportunity has come, the facts have proved everything, Zhou Wu's sincerity is beyond doubt, as for whether Qi Ai is sincere or not, it doesn't matter at all.

My own strategy is to buy Zhou Wu, a wise demon, and it is enough for Qi Ai to steal the time boat back for him!

With such thoughts, Xu Xiao didn't want the opponent to continue fighting, so he suddenly laughed and said:

"You two are ancient spirits and evil spirits. They came to my Heavenly Evil Palace to help my Heavenly Evil Palace wholeheartedly. Speaking of which, we are still a party of demon friends after all. Hurry up and help! Aren't you embarrassing this evil king! "


In the evil palace of the heavens, pointing to the sky above Longya, Zhou Wu and Qi Ai were fighting fiercely. After hearing Xu Xiao's words, they naturally couldn't fight anymore, so they had to withdraw their formations angrily, and then both returned to their original places.

"Evil Monarch! This idiot only owns a death tower, why bother about his existence, according to the view of the witch of the universe, either kill him or drive him away, the witch of the universe is bored when he sees him!"

Zhou Wu shouted sharply.

"Damn! I think you are a disaster in the evil palace of the heavens. Since she can betray me, she may betray the evil king sometime soon!"

For this sake, Qi Ai was willing to go all out, he could say anything, and clamored without showing weakness.

"Haha... hey, hey! Don't be arguing, the problem is so serious as you say. After all, we are all the remaining spirits of the ancient spirit and the dark three universes! Our real opponent is the power of the living universe, not us each other!

Since both of you think that I, the evil lord of the heavens, have a bright future, you might as well listen to me, let's form a sincere alliance and seek the future together! "

Until this moment, the evil king of the heaven finally said the words of agreeing to form an alliance with Qi Ai.

Zhou Wu and Qi Ai heard the words and looked at each other for a while, Qi Ai took the lead in lowering his posture and saluted Xu Xiao:

"What the evil lord said is very true. You and I are both the young masters of the Demon Emperor of the Three Dark Universes. Naturally, we should take a long-term view, unlike some stalking spirit demons who go where there is benefit!"

"Sorrow! You idiot, be careful what you say, who are you saying is stalking others! Is this necessary with my Zhou Wu's ability? I think you are about the same!"

Qi Ai's words are provoking Zhou Wu openly and secretly, how can Zhou Wu be happy,

Immediately retorted.


"Did Zhou Wu have a demon spirit, did I talk to you? Why be alarmed!"


The two disagreed, and they quarreled again!

"Haha... two devil friends, enough is enough, you all heard what I said just now, I don't want to say anything more!

Having said that, I wonder if brother Qi Ai is willing to come here for this evil king and steal the time clock? "

Seeing Zhou Wu and Qi Ai bickering endlessly, Xu Xiao became more and more satisfied as he watched, and laughed loudly.


When Qi Ai heard Xu Xiao's words, she immediately looked embarrassed and couldn't speak.

But it was only for a moment, and then he said as if he had made up his mind:

"Okay! As Xie Jun said, in order to show the sincerity of my mourning alliance, no matter how difficult it is, I will run this time for Xie Jun! If I don't achieve my goal, I will never come back to see Xie Jun!"

"Haha! Good! Qi Ai really does not diminish the demeanor of the ancient spirit Qi Nengzhou royal family! This evil lord will immediately arrange a heavenly banquet for you and personally send it off!"

Xu Xiao didn't expect the most difficult thing for her, the other party readily agreed, and couldn't help laughing.

"No need! I, Qi Ai, am not a person who only talks nonsense and doesn't do practical things. My young master will go now!"

Qi Ai suddenly became blunt and quick, and after throwing this sentence, his body shook, and he shot towards the sky!

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