Nine Heavens

Chapter 2022 Observing the Cosmic Witch in Darkness

"Evil Monarch! It's not that the witch is too worried. This Qi Ai is full of tricks and duplicity. It's not a good thing!

Let him steal the time boat, even if he succeeds in stealing it, he may not give it to the evil king! "

In the sky, Qi Ai has long since disappeared, but Zhou Wu is still brooding about the scolding just now, with evil eyes and sarcasm.

"Haha... It's okay! It's okay! As long as the time boat leaves the place where the righteous spirits gather, this evil king can use the instant escape formation to reach him in an instant, kill him in one fell swoop, and win the time boat!"

Xu Xiao's eyes were full of emerald rainbows, she looked at the sky and laughed, not at all wary of Zhou Wu's existence, and said the real plan in her heart.

"Well! High! High! The evil king is really clever! After using his greed to steal the time boat, he killed him. He not only got the time boat, but also eliminated an opponent in the dark three universes' hegemony!

However, the Xuquan Zhouwu is a little puzzled, why the evil king cares about the place where the five spirits of righteous spirits gather! ? "

After Zhou Wu heard Xu Xiao's true intentions towards Qi Ai, his heart was shocked, and he immediately praised repeatedly, then he paused, and asked a question that embarrassed Xu Xiao.


Xu Xiao was at a loss for words for a while, regretting that she had exposed her shortcomings inadvertently, but if the other party asked, if she didn't answer, it would obviously make the other party feel that she didn't trust him.

To say or not to say, Xu Xiao hesitated for a while, then laughed loudly:

"Forget it! You and I are of one heart and one mind, so naturally this evil king shouldn't have any secrets to hide from Zhou Wu!

Zhou Wu should know that the ten square bells are the real bells and dead gods of life and universe. He is a righteous fairy god, so the cultivation of ten square bells must require the ability of righteous spirits and immortals!

And we are all the existence of the evil spirits of the dark three universes, so in order to practice the Ten Fangzhong Divine Art, this evil lord had to swallow a large number of dead spirits of ancient spirits, immortals and gods.

But in this way, I have the disadvantage of not daring to confront a large number of righteous spirits and gods before I have successfully practiced the Ten Fangzhong Divine Art.

Otherwise, the demon body of the evil king will be in danger of being flooded by the essence of the righteous spirit. At the least, the essence and wisdom will be confused, and at the worst, the essence of good and evil will annihilate each other and die!

This is also the reason why this evil lord has not been able to directly attack Langyuan Xianmen and the domain of the four directions of the universe and the galaxy like the son of death! "


"Unexpectedly, the evil monarch would have such scruples, which made the witches of this universe really unexpected.

In the past, the witches of this universe always thought that since the holy war of the ancient spirits, the evil king never tried to fight for supremacy in the universe, and even seldom went out of the heavenly evil palace. "

Zhou Wu heard Xu Xiao's words, his expression was very strange, he frowned and thought about it for a while, and said with a pity for Xu Xiao.

"Haha... Zhou Wu doesn't need to worry about this evil king! Everything is arranged freely in the dark. Just when I was anxious, Zhou Wu and Qi Ai arrived one after another!

Zhou Wu can help this evil king to defeat forces such as the son of death and Sheng Zhou Langyuan Xianmen, and Qi Ai can steal the time boat for this evil king! This is really a beautiful thing that this evil monarch even dreamed of! "

Xu Xiao thinks about how many hours ago she was still in trouble, but now her dream is about to come true, do you think Xu Xiao can be unhappy.

Therefore, while talking and laughing, his face was full of joy, and he was a little bit flustered.

"However, Xiejun! What if Qi Ai can't come back for a while, and the Tianjie Tiangong or Langyuan Xianmen attack us, so what! Xiejun is inconvenient to lead an army to fight!"

Just when Xu Xiao was laughing triumphantly, Zhou Wu suddenly asked.

"Haha... so what's the matter, isn't there Zhou Wu you? If it is an attack with too strong aura of righteous spirits, this evil king can't face it. Lao Zhou Wu will replace this evil king and lead the forces of the eight worlds of demons to dispatch at will. that is!"

Xu Xiao laughed loudly, looked down and gestured to Zhou Wu to see the terrifying power of the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms below Longya.

"Thank you, Evil Monarch, for your trust! Evil Monarch, don't worry, since the witches of this universe have surrendered to Evil Monarch Zhou, they will be so heartbroken that they will fight forever for the future of the Evil Palace in the Heaven Realm!"

Zhou Wu floated down to Xu Xiao's side, bent his body, and said in a sharp voice.

"Well! Thanks to Zhou Wu for being so willing to share the worries of this evil king, I am really grateful!

It's time for this evil lord to practice again, so I'll leave it to you for the time being, and I'll take care of Zhou Wu! "

When Xu Xiao was talking to Zhou Wu, he suddenly looked in the direction of the bounded ice sea and said.

"Okay! Xie Jun can rest assured to practice, I have Zhou Wu here, so don't worry about everything!

If there is an attacker from the universe, the wizard of the universe will naturally notify the evil king! "

When Zhou Wu heard that Xu Xiao was about to leave, his expression immediately became more mysterious, and he responded sharply.

"Ha ha……"

"All the armies of the Heavenly Evil Palace, the Heavenly Devils and the Eight Realms obey orders, and this evil king immediately retreats to practice, and the matter of the heavenly battle and the heavenly training, everything is at the discretion of the Void Cosmic Witch!

Obey the order, and punish those who disobey the order! "

After listening to Zhou Wu's words, Xu Xiao laughed heartily, then visited the whole army, and trained the whole army on the spot.

"I would like to obey the order of the evil king! I respectfully send the evil king to enter the pass!"

Around the Heavenly Evil Palace, countless Heavenly Demon forces from the Eight Realms of Heavenly Demons echoed in unison, and the sound shook the entire universe.

Xu Xiao stared for a long time at the boundless phalanx formed by all the generals of the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms, and then suddenly shot towards the northern part of the Heavenly Evil Palace.

"All the evil palace armies of the Eight Realms of Heaven, Demons and Eight Realms listen to the order and immediately enter the realm of cultivation. Without an order, they are not allowed to stop their work without authorization!"

Seeing that Xu Xiao gradually disappeared, Zhou Wu fluttered above the point dragon cliff, and ordered in a loud voice.

"Yes! I will obey the order of the Xuliang Universe Sorcerer!"

As soon as the order of the Zhouwu army was issued, because of Xu Xiao's confession, they all obeyed, and all the armies of the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms took the order in unison.

Immediately, he saw that around the entire Heavenly Evil Palace, there were scenes of Heavenly Demons sitting cross-legged practicing cultivation.


Zhou Wu was very satisfied when he saw it, and then he also floated cross-legged on his pitch-black wand and entered the realm of cultivation.

She sits with a black wand, and the sun of the black magic rainbow bursts above her head.

Seen from a distance, the entire Zhou Wu's cultivation seems like a jet-black rainbow, dark and dense.

At a height of billions of billions of light, a man in a naked and flashing magic robe is looking down. His eyes never leave Zhou Wu, who is sitting cross-legged and meditating, the rickety and weird figure of Zhou Wu.

He hugged his hands and looked down intently, with a confused look on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

"Well, she should have come to help me sincerely! Otherwise, how could she be so considerate of me? Just now, he has just left, and he started to practice the evil soldiers of the heavens!"

The man said to himself.

"However, is the relationship between her and Qi Ai really like what they showed?

Ben Xiejun always felt that there was something wrong with the quarrels and fighting methods between them, what was wrong? "

The person in the magic robe fell into deep thought.

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