Nine Heavens

Chapter 2023 Questioning the Fairy Man

In the overlapping universe, around Lingxiao Tower.

The five superimposed Zhou Zun, this time of cultivation and enlightenment, took tens of thousands of years.

Today, they finished their work and were discussing their next move.

"Fourth brother, through these years of perception and deduction, I don't know how to look at the future situation of the struggle between life and death?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, with white hair fluttering, silver waves all over his body like the sea, and the fortitude and divine rainbow in his eyes.

Looking at the fourth younger brother Jian Zhan Zhoujun Zhan Xuanzi who was thousands of miles away, opposite the Lingxiao Tower, he asked.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi heard the words, and drew the trembling and whispering star sword on his head in his hand.

Gazing at the stars, sword sword, and the vast sea of ​​stars for a long, long time.

Then twisted the black and white eyebrows, Fang said:

"The righteous and spiritual paths are unified, and the evil spirits separate their paths!"

"In this way, the overall situation is in our favor! Now the universe's four-dimensional galaxy has firmly formed an alliance with us.

The two major refuges, Ark and Yaya, have also been found so far, and they were fortunate to meet the Four Emperors Alliance formed by the four Yunzhou Emperors of Yunzhou.

According to Yaya's report, the army of hundreds of millions of cloud immortals led by the four Yunzhou emperors also intends to ally with us.

The Overlapping Universe Meeting Immortal Conference we will hold soon can further strengthen our own strength, so that our righteous spirit power should not be small! "

Overlapping Zhoujun is supreme and evil, and heard that the fourth brother Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi made a concise summary of the situation facing Langyuan Xianmen, saying this.

"However, Qian'er and Xiao Luo went deep into the death tower, and the situation there is still unknown.

We'd better wait for a while, send someone to investigate, and rescue them.

We have now absorbed the overlapping fairy spirits of the infinite overlapping universe, and the whole family eats the ancient spirit essence and fragrant fruit, and our soul power has all evolved to the essence of the nine elephants.

No matter who goes looking for the Death Tower and enters it, it shouldn't be a problem to rescue Qian'er and Xiao Luo. "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan nodded slightly, and then mentioned Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo brothers and sisters who had been coming to Langyuan Xianmen in the future.

"Let me go! Today I have divination for Yaya and their brothers and sisters many times.

The hexagrams of the stars show that Qian'er and Xiao Luo are not worried, but Yaya has a catastrophe, and this catastrophe is already approaching her!

The Kalpa Elephant is a cloud of pale evil, coming from the direction of the evil palace in the heaven.

After repeated deduction, I found that the source of the disaster should be on the time boat that the third brother gave Yaya.

In other words, the opponent's target is the time boat in Yaya's hand! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun was deeply worried about his beloved daughter Yaya, so he proposed.

"How about this, Brother Zhen went to the Immortal Army of the Alliance of the Four Emperors of Yunzhou to secretly help Yaya.

And my sister-in-law Dong Luo and I went to search for the Tower of Death and rescued Qian'er and Luo'er, which saved my sister-in-law Dong Luo from worrying all day long! "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun with long fluttering blue hair, said in thought with azure blue eyes.

"Well! That's fine. From the looks of it now, Xu Xiao, the evil palace in the heavenly realm, the son of death in the heavenly heavenly palace, and Qi Ai, who has gone strangely, are three dark forces that are in the light, and we are in the dark!

They have no way of finding us, let alone attacking.

Therefore, it is the best opportunity for us to strengthen the union of righteous spirits and bring Yaya and Qianer back to the overlapping universe.

When we have no worries, we will look for opportunities to deal with the three dark forces! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme remained silent for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"However, we don't seem to be able to catch up with the meeting of immortals in the overlapping universes. It is important to save people, so we should leave immediately."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi, since divination to Yaya's danger, has been very anxious, wishing to set off immediately, twisting the black and white eyebrows, said anxiously.

"Hehe, go! Go! Seeing how anxious you are, it seems that you are not as calm as Yaya. You, father, need to strengthen your cultivation!"

Overlapping Zhoujun Supreme No matter how evil he is, seeing Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi's desperate appearance, he had something to say, so he had to save it, and said with a smile.

As Zhan Xuanzi was speaking, he had already called the bloody unicorn, and said loudly:

"Everyone take care!"

The sword Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi, beaming with joy, shot at the entrance and exit fairy array recently refined by the five Lang Yuan nobles in the overlapping universe.

I saw the sky tens of thousands of miles high, the gorgeous nine-color chaotic formation, and the nine-color divine light surging.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi was in the midst of laughing out loud.

"Hehe... Yaya is really lucky to have such a father as him, but I don't know how many jokes he will cause when he goes to save his daughter! Now that Brother Zhen has set off, so do I!"

Cheng Shifeng said with a smile.

"Sister Feng, don't make fun of your big brother Zhen, if you go, you should bring the fairy boy with you.

Look at your temperament, you are so big, and you still act like a naughty boy all day long! "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan no longer worried about the safety of the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, but was very worried about her mischievous character, and smiled.

"Hey, Sister Juan. Don't worry, I'm going to save people with Xiannan, and I'm not at home, so I won't mess around.

Come out, fairy man, here we go! "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, laughed coquettishly when he heard the words, and called out the misty fairy man in the blue crescent moon on his forehead.

Although countless years have passed, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, still has the face of seventeen or eighteen years old, as agile and graceful as Feng'er.

After the Wuxian male was summoned, one stepped on the white-faced tiger king, and the other stepped on the spirit bull, and floated up.

"Haha... the fairy man has met all the nobles!"

Above the rising spirit bull, wearing a white fairy robe, with a handsome face and habitually blowing an emerald green bamboo flute, the Wuxian man stopped playing the flute and laughed.

"Hehe, fairy man! You are calm and thoughtful, please accompany Fengmei and help him find the tower of death as soon as possible, and save Qian'er and Xiaoluo."

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, seeing Wu Xiannan floating out of the blue crescent moon on the forehead of his sister Shifeng, he said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Zhou Jun. Although the fairy man is not as good as Jianzhan Zhou Jun, he can also sense from the sound of the flute that this trip must be auspicious. All nobles, just wait for the good news!"

The Wuxian man has an elegant look, always smiling and unrestrained.

After talking a few words with several Langyuan Gaozun, he put the emerald green bamboo flute to his mouth, played a beautiful fairy song, and both disappeared into the nine-color chaotic formation with Cheng Shifeng.

"Xiannan is really the most comfortable fairy god, I have never seen the slightest sadness on his face!"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang thought about the elegant image of Wuxian just now, and said with deep meaning.

"Huh? There is something in Yuan Fang's words, please make it clear."

Cheng Yuanfang's words from Sirius Zhoujun immediately aroused the idea of ​​overlapping Zhoujun Supreme and evil, and overlapping Zhoujun Supreme then asked in deep thought.

Cheng Yuanfang didn't talk much, but once he said it, it carried weight, every sentence made Duo Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie attach great importance to it.

The same is true of this sentence, no matter how evilly he heard it, he felt the same.

There is always a feeling that Wu Xiannan seems to have many secrets in the depths of the misty fairy face.

But I can't see through him or figure him out. So this is the question.

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