Nine Heavens

Chapter 2024 Determined to Kill Himself

"I can't say it, but I always have a feeling that Xiannan seems to be very clear about everything we have done along the way!

Even the accuracy of his foresight can sometimes be compared with Brother Zhen!

However, he is not proficient in divination, everything is based on intuition! This is really against common sense! "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang said in silence for a moment.

"I have noticed what you said, and I have asked Fengmei many times.

According to Fengmei, apart from being fond of fairy flutes and songs, fairy men have no other hobbies.

No matter what happened, when the fairy song was over, he would tell the answer, answering every question accurately.

But he has never done divination, let alone a divination artifact.

Fengmei also asked him why he could understand everything by playing the flute. He just said that everything is in the sound of the flute. "

Hearing the two Zhou brothers discussing Wu Xiannan, Qixiang Zhou Jun Liujuan thought of many things and said.

"Although there are some strange things about the fairy boy, there is no need to doubt his spirit of righteousness, let's ignore it for now, maybe it will become clear in the future.

Let's talk about the Fairy Meeting now. I read almost all the fairy scrolls on the top of the Lingxiao Tower and found a lot of things about overlapping Zhou Jun, including this Fairy Fairy Conference.

At first, I thought that the so-called meeting of immortals was the gathering of the 99,999 universe masters of this superimposed universe, but this is not the case! "


"That's not the case. Could it be that there are other tricks!?"

Hearing the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme and then talking here, Qi Xiang Zhou Jun Liu Juan and Sirius Zhou Jun Cheng Yuanfang were both taken aback and sighed.

"The so-called meeting of immortals is to meet yourself!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun's supreme and evil look, with a somewhat mysterious look, he looked around Qixiang Zhou Jun Liu Juan and Sirius Zhou Jun Cheng Yuanfang, and smiled.

"Haha... Qianlang! What are you talking about, we are here by ourselves, can there be others that we can't do?"

Sirius Zhou Jun Cheng Yuanfang has always been very serious, serious and unsmiling.

Except for his younger sister Shifeng and his four beloved wives, even a smile is hard to see. But at this moment, he was actually amused by Zhou Jun's supreme and evil words.

"Yes! And everyone has ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine selves.

During the meeting of immortals, anyone who has entered the overlapping universe will see ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine of them.

The so-called encountering immortals is meeting oneself, these selves and each self from the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine universes meet each other.

The Immortal Meeting will start on time at the three quarters of the first half of the moon, the year of the blue cloud, and the flower moon.

What we have to do, apart from entertaining them with the ancient spirit fruits from the ancient spirit garden, is to connect with each other, practice some mastery of Dafa, so as to maintain the eternal connection of essence.

If we don't do this, with the non-stop thoughts of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spiritual universes, these selves in our overlapping universe will keep getting lost, and we will never see each other again! "


Hearing the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme and talking here again, Qi Xiang Zhou Jun Liujuan Liujuan, and Sirius Zhou Jun Cheng Yuanfang all exclaimed.

"Guanlang! Is there such a thing!?"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic eyes were swaying, with an expression of disbelief flashing.

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan also shook her head slightly, expressing her disbelief. But the words came from the mouth of his younger brother Zhou Jun, and he had to believe them.

Therefore, hearing Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang's question, the emerald green eyes also looked at overlapping Zhoujun Supreme Zaixie's younger brother, waiting for his next answer.

"Of course there is, although this is the best place for us to settle down in this overlapping universe, but it is full of infinite magic.

The scroll on the top of Lingxiao Pagoda probably only records a little. "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie nodded heavily and said.

"It's enough for us to have the selves we are today, why bother with those selves, it doesn't matter if we don't hold the Meeting of Immortals, it's better to let them go!

Otherwise, after ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine selves appear, I worry that the current me will not be able to tell who I am! "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan hadn't met her own 999999 and herself, and said with disgust when she thought about it.

"We have no choice!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme then shook his head evilly.


Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang obviously agreed with Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan's proposal, and sighed.

"Because the overlapping universe is the domain of mind, the reason why there are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine selves is entirely caused by our own thoughts!

Unless one day, we have the ability to kill those ourselves one by one, absorb their energy, double strengthen ourselves, and become a state of infinite concentration and persistence!

If we give up the meeting of immortals, it is tantamount to letting our own thoughts go, and sooner or later there will be a situation that is more dangerous than falling into the devil, and that is the collapse of immortality!

Once we have the phenomenon of immortal collapse, the 99,999 selves will each generate 99,999 selves.

And it goes on and on, to infinity, until the subject collapses, and everything disappears in an instant. "

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, said leisurely.

"So that's the case. This is probably what my mentor means by being distracted and never destined for immortality!"

Qixiang Zhou Jun raised his head and looked up at the distant eastern sky.

Looking at the Youlan East Flying Star transformed by his teacher Master Xukong, he sighed.

"Everyone, get ready! Tomorrow is the Enlightenment Conference! The reason why I asked everyone to strengthen their cultivation in this way is in the current situation of strength!

In addition to lamenting that he has no confidence to confront the forces of the dark universe head-on, there is also a reason for internal worries, and that is how to deal with the 99,999 selves in the future! "

Overlapping Zhoujun Supreme no matter how evil his face was, it seemed that he had already planned in his heart, reminding his sister Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan and brother Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, said.

"You want to challenge them this time!?"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang saw the brother's resolute eyes and knew the answer, and then asked.

"Yes! The sooner we eliminate them, the more concentrated our energy will be, and the more powerful our energy will be!

Otherwise, our ability to comprehend the divine power of the universe will encounter a bottleneck, and we will no longer be able to deeply comprehend the existence of more divine powers in the universe! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, he does not hide his plan, and said frankly.

"Based on the feeling of pulling the waves, how difficult is it?"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang asked again.

"I don't know, but there is no choice!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, and his eyes are deep.

Judging from his expression, there is nothing unusual, but what he said seems to have no confidence.

"If you attack some of them yourself, will the others attack you?"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang asked while thinking.

"Yes! If any one of them becomes murderous, the other selves will not only attack together, until they kill this self.

After the Xianfeng Conference, which only lasts for one day, those who are still alive will follow you at any time and try their best to kill you, either you or him! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai's evil sound was like thunder, trembling in the sky above Lingxiao Tower.

"I don't want Sirius Zhou, even if another self appears, tomorrow's Xianfeng meeting will be my killing battle! Sister Juan, how about you?"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang is very much in favor of overlapping Zhoujun's supreme and evil choice, expressing his opinion with emotion.

Then I asked Liu Juan, the Qixiang Zhou Jun who was beside me thousands of miles away.

"Hehe, when did we ever have contradictory choices?"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan asked back.

"Ha ha……"

"That's true! But, Brother Zhen and Sister Feng have already left, so what?"

Cheng Yuanfang, Sirius Zhou Jun, smiled and asked Zhou Jun, who is supreme and evil.

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