Nine Heavens

Chapter 2028 Dragon River Star

"Wow! Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong is alright, then! Mother, give it to us quickly, they will leave soon!"

Lian'er's main spirit looked at the pure white fairy light bottle summoned from the palm of Niang Shuangtian, and saw the Longhe Star shining with various brilliant colors inside it and shouted.

"Okay! Mother will give it to you, but you must cherish it!

This is no ordinary Shenlongzhihe baby! It's not something that anyone can get. Your Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong loves you, so this is for you!

Do you know that Lian'er of any universe who owns a star that overlaps with the dragon river of the universe will encounter danger in the future.

Just call to the Star of Longhe, and your ninety-nine and eighty-one divine dragon uncles will immediately appear by your side to rescue you! "

Emperor Shuangtian, with azure blue celestial light all over his body, smiled and said...

"Is our choice right?"

Overlapping Zhoujun looked at the magnificent scene of 99,999 lotus seeds flying in the sky and gathered into a group, and asked the Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang and Qixiang Zhoujun who were flying closer and closer behind him.

"Yes! We are Langyuan Gaozun, destined to only make such a choice, we can truly become infinitely strong!

Although we enter here, it's okay to be patient and sneaky, but we are definitely not invincible powerhouses overlapping the universe!

Therefore, we can only constantly strengthen ourselves, go against the sky, kill demons when we see demons, and punish demons when we see demons!

When all the heavenly demons and cloud demons are killed, maybe we can really feel at ease! "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, floating on the white ancient handkerchief of refining incense, holding the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal in her left palm, said calmly.

"However, we have done great evil for Daren, even though it was our own celestial body that was killed, it still violated the principle of great good and great destiny that we wholeheartedly pursue!

To be honest with Sister Juan and Yuanfang, just now I almost touched Lian'er's fairy body for a moment just now, and I made Lian'er feel it!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, under Lian Er's hint, I gave up! "

Duo Zhoujun said with self-blame when he remembered the moment when he wanted to kill Lian'er's split spirit body.

"One thing, Qianlang must be clear, we are the ones who pay the pain in our pursuit of the Dao of Good Fate, but it may not be us who enjoy the beauty of the Dao of Good Fate!

In the end, we just make wedding dresses for others, we sacrifice countless, and what we get in return is not only not our own happiness, but maybe pain!

This is the way we have traveled in the past, and the way we will go in the future is even more so! "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang said flatly.

"It's better to think clearly from a distance. In this case, do you regret the path you have traveled, and will you stick to it in the future?"

In fact, on this point, no matter how evil the overlapping Zhou Jun is, he has already seen through it.

However, he will never forget the promise he made to Empress Nuwa when he was still the wave flower in Tianlinghe, so he is always persistent!

However, at the same time, he was also reflecting on guilt, because his obsession had hurt his beloved wife, brothers and sisters, as well as the entire Langyuan Xianmen!

There were many times that Zhou Jun Supreme wanted to confide his guilt to the entire immortal sect, but he never met the right opportunity.

This is the deep pain and self-blame in Zhou Jun's supreme and evil heart, and it is also one of the important reasons why he always wants to bear any difficulties alone!

He always thought that if he didn't tell the secret in his heart, no one would think of and understand it! In fact, he was wrong.

At this moment, the always taciturn brother Sirius Zhoujun said what he said, and said it directly.

This shocked the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie! asked a little excitedly.

"Do you know?"

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang did not answer immediately, but asked back.


Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai's face was resolute and condensed, and he replied without thinking.

"We are brothers, your persistence is a distant dream!

Whether it's a sweet dream or a nightmare, as long as the distance is alive, I will be indispensable in your dreams! "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, not many words! But the words are sonorous and powerful, looking deeply at the brothers.

"Thank you far away!"

Hearing the words of Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, he looked back and looked deeply, and the memory returned to his childhood:

The first human in the chaotic universe of ancient times, at the foot of Longyun Mountain, in front of the Emerald Mausoleum, and by the Crescent Lake, the scene where the two meet at night to visit the white-faced tiger king and talk!

The two didn't say anything more, but they had already understood everything about each other in their eye contact.

"Sister Juan seems destined to be a person who likes to stay out of happiness. It is enough to see the happiness of the universe and all spirits. If I am intoxicated by it, it seems that I am not used to it.

We are really like-minded brothers and sisters, your choice is exactly what Sister Juan likes! Lead the wave and go boldly!

Sister Juan believes that not only us, but also your wives and children, the eighty-one immortal swords, dragons, dragon balls, phoenix pills and other forces, as well as the entire Langyuan Xianmen fairy friends understand you and support you. "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan looked at the two younger brothers and said sincerely.

"Well! With your words! Qianlang has a bottom line in his heart!

However, I still think that, except for our five supreme beings, when people from other immortal sects appear in the meeting of immortals one after another in the future, unless they are voluntary, any disciples who overlap with Zhou Jun in parallel, let them exist!

What we have to do is to make the 99,999 parallel overlapping universes develop stably, so that there will be no accidents when the 99,999 epochs merge! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie learned many things from Lian Er, and also revised many views about the future.

"Huh? Why did you all leave all of a sudden, and play with me for a while?"

"Hee hee! See you next time at the Fairy Meeting!"

"Hehe... Thank you mother for giving me the Dragon River Star!"


Just as the three Supreme Beings of Langyuan were talking, they suddenly heard another shout from above the Gulingjing Orchard.

Then the five prodigal beings saw that Lian Er's ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ghosts flew up to the sky one after another on colorful silk.

They were all holding the Nine Colors Divine Lotus in one hand, and holding a gorgeous star bead in the other hand, smiling all over their faces, and then drifted away in all directions.

"Lian'er, let them go, otherwise when the time comes, they will be late and the fairy will be hurt!"

Emperor Shuangtian, who was more than ten thousand miles away, held Lian'er in his arms, looking up at Lian'er and waving his hands, and persuaded him.

"Mother! Lian'er understands. Lian'er just doesn't want them to leave. Lian'er is afraid that they will be in danger when they return to their own universe!"

Lian'er's eyes gleamed, and all the ghostly figures were shrouded in her pupils, and her eyes were full of worry.

"Hehe, don't worry, Lian'er, they all have the Star of Longhe in their hands, and they will be protected by you ninety-nine and eighty-one Long Bo!

How about giving the Star of the Dragon River in your hands a supernatural ability to observe the micro at any time now?

In the future, even if you don't come to the meeting of immortals, you can channel psychics at any time! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, seeing the pitiful and worried eyes of his beloved daughter, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for a while.

The psychic eyes flashed for a while, and shot out a pure white psychic light in an instant.

This psychic fairy light shot straight into the sky, and then split into a hundred thousand stars, chasing the sun like an arrow, and soon caught up with the 99,999 lotus fairy bodies already in the sky.

Of course, there was another star that shot into the Dragon River Star in Lian'er's hand below.


"Thank you Daddy!"

Seeing this, Lian'er smiled instantly, and waved happily to Jun Zhou.

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