Nine Heavens

Chapter 2029 Daughter Taste

"Oh! Seeing the Star of Longhe, I feel really sad for Prince Jiebo He Xiying.

Because they knew that Yunzhou Yunjun was actually the death princess, they defected to our Langyuan Xianmen in a fit of anger, and went to Brother Huanfeng's Dragon Palace to the east of Xianhe to retreat. Yaolong River!

They used to be all-powerful fairy gods in the heavens, but now they are so indifferent, it is really amazing! "

Qixiang Zhoujun looked at the bright Longhe Star in Lianer's hand and sighed.

"They won't be like this forever, because the true teacher in their hearts is also the teacher of me and my fourth brother, the fairy spirit of the Demon Sword Ancestor. Where is it now, we still need to find it.

He can give up and ignore everything, but his mentor back then

He will not fail to avenge the revenge of being robbed by the son of death. Today, the reason why he sinks deep into the bottom of the Dragon River in the Dragon Palace and cultivates countless stars of great kindness and light in the Dragon River is just to sacrifice his life and atone for the sin of the dead son!

When he should show up, he and Xi Ying will show up naturally. I asked not to disturb them for the time being, but let them be quiet. "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme then pondered for a while, and said.

"If that's the case, I'm relieved!"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan, deeply convinced, nodded slightly.

"The three of us won't be disturbed by the Meeting of Immortals anymore. It's better to go back to Lingxiao Pagoda to practice on the Immortal Cloud Terrace, and get a sense of the situation in the two worlds of Yuntian!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xiehun Nianyin and his beloved wife Shuangtian Emperor said goodbye after a brief farewell, the figure has been separated, said.


Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang and Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan responded at the same time, and then they floated away hand in hand.

"Mother! Why are daddy and the others always sitting around the Lingxiao Pagoda to practice? It's been thousands of years.

Also, the son of death you mentioned, who is so vain and sad, isn't he very powerful, why is there no movement at all in Yunzhou and Tianzhou? "

Lian'er was laughing happily, seeing her father and Uncle Sirius, Aunt Qixiang left and didn't come to her and mother, said a little unhappy.

"Right now, the waves outside the overlapping universe are treacherous, and the quieter they are, the more terrifying they are. In order to deal with the greater threat of dark forces, your father and the others are constantly practicing the superimposed Zhoujun divine art.

The purpose is that when fighting them, our Langyuan Xianjun can stay in the overlapping universe and attack outside, so that our chances of winning will be even greater!

In addition, although the overlapping universe is mysterious, it is not eternal. Since we can enter, those dark forces may also enter sooner or later!

Your father and the others are so anxious because they want to defeat them before they discover the secret of Duo Zhoujun! "

Emperor Shuangtian naturally understood her husband's difficulties, looked at her husband's disappearing figure, encouraged her silently, then stroked Lian'er's small face and said.

"Since we are in a hurry, why don't we attack them now?"

Lian'er was a little puzzled and asked.

"There are three main reasons for this, one is because your elder sister Yaya and the people in the two arks of refuge haven't ensured their safety yet.

The second reason is that the whereabouts of your brother Qian'er and sister Xiao Luo, who you have never faced, are still missing.

The third reason is that we need to wait until we know everything about the three major dark forces before doing it!

As long as these three problems are solved, we will have nothing to worry about! "

Emperor Shuangtian patiently explained to his daughter.

"So what we are doing now is to practice hard so that we can beat bad guys in the future, right?"

Lian'er's eyes sparkled, and she said in a very well-behaved and sensible way.

When Emperor Shuangtian heard that Lian'er was really obedient this time, she even said such a thing, so she quickly said happily:

"Lian'er is really smart, that's the reason why, why don't you go to practice together with your mother, the other mothers are stepping up their cultivation, especially you, Shui'er and Yan'er's mothers, the celestial witch's magical skills are amazing!"

"Huh? No. I sealed Xiaobai and Xiaoliu in an ancient spirit fruit tree at the Fairy Meeting, and I still have to find them!

Also, tonight I made an appointment with Xiaobai and Xiaoliu. I will go to Fengyu to meet the little Phoenixes to play. For practicing, you can go to Tianling sisters.

Mother, hee hee! for you! This is the ancient spirit peach I gave you. After eating it, it will become more beautiful, and Daddy will like you even more! "

As soon as Lian Er heard that her mother wanted to practice kung fu by herself, she immediately pursed her lips, and when her expression changed, she summoned an ancient spirit peach from her palm to offer to her mother, then stepped on the silk and ran away, laughing.

"Hey! My little fairy! Then it's up to you! Remember, don't forget to review the Great Teleportation of the Universe taught by your father, or your father will be angry when he finds out that you haven't practiced when he asks you—— "

Emperor Shuangtian couldn't control his naughty daughter when he saw this, so he could only look up at his daughter who was flying far away and shouted.

"Hee hee! Mom, don't worry! Daddy can't bear to be angry with me, and besides, it's just a little mentality, what else to practice, just think about it!"

Lian Er giggled and gesticulated on the colorful silk, reminding her mother to eat ancient peaches.

Emperor Shuangtian understood, and while tasting the ancient spirit peaches given by his daughter, he waved his hand and smiled at Lian'er.

"Hee hee! Is it delicious? Mother! Lian'er has been staying for mother for a long time!"

Lian'er was already going around to the other side of the Shisanyu Old Palace, and her petite body quickly condensed into a rainbow dot.

However, this time, the smiling face of his beloved daughter appeared in front of Emperor Shuangtian and said with a phantom smile.


"This child!"

Emperor Shuangtian was stunned for a moment, and took a closer look. It turned out that it was his daughter's prank, the phantom of the seal deliberately placed on the ancient spirit peach, and he opened his mouth to bite the ancient spirit peach, and the seal was immediately released, and the scene just now would appear.

Although Lian Er is very naughty, she is kind and filial, but there is no fairy who does not sigh.

She is greedy for food, but she never forgets all the nobles in her heart, and gives them her favorite fairy vegetables and fruits from time to time.

She loves to play, but she never competes with the fairies in the fairy gate for the treasures she plays, and she is very generous, as long as any fairy likes her things, she will be willing to give them away.

Therefore, in Langyuan Xianmen, although Tian'er has no bottom line for being naughty, Wuxian doesn't like it.

Especially the elder Langyuan Immortal God, when being teased by Lian'er, he often looks very intoxicated.

Emperor Shuangtian stared at the face of his fleeting daughter, savoring the ancient spirit peach carefully.

The ancient spirit peaches given by his daughter were indeed sweet and fragrant, and Emperor Shuangtian was reluctant to finish eating them quickly, so he savored them slowly.

"Shuang'er, spend as much time with Lian'er as possible, she may not have much time with us!"


"Maybe she is Empress Nuwa who was reincarnated in our human world? When her celestial memory suddenly wakes up one day, she will instantly regain her divine body and leave us!"

"No! I can't bear Lian'er!"

"Shuang'er, I am also reluctant, but..."

These are some conversations that Emperor Frost Sky had with his husband Zhou Jun, and they are echoing in Emperor Frost Sky's ears at this moment.

"Lian'er, mother's good daughter, will you really leave mother for one day?"

Emperor Shuangtian carefully put half of the ancient spirit essence peach into the fairy light bottle to nourish it, and he couldn't bear to eat it anymore.

She was afraid that her daughter Lian'er would really leave her one day, and any other fairy fruits would no longer taste like her daughter.

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