Nine Heavens

Chapter 2030 Death Black Lotus

On the east side of Yunzhou, Dongtai Demon Heavenly Palace.

Yaya and her husband Liu Yun are sitting in the boat of time, drifting in the sea of ​​clouds with nothing to do, letting the boat of traversal cruise among the clouds, chatting.

"Today is Daddy, Grand Master, the five supreme beings, and Lian'er's Fairy Meeting. I don't know what the result will be?"

Yaya knew her mentor since she was a child, so she knew the choice of overlapping Zhou Jun's supreme and evil choice, holding the Mitian snail in her hand, and said with a worried look on her face.

"Yaya, don't be too nervous, daddy and the others are always lucky, and everything turns bad into good luck! I was just worried that you were too worried about them, so I suggested the boat in the clouds.

You are so worried, Brother Yun really feels distressed in his eyes! Believe in Brother Yun, all the bad factors will pass, be happy, how about you and me playing a piece of "Going to the Immortal Journey" with the flute? "

Liu Yun sat on the bow of the time boat, looked at the girl at the tail of the boat, and proposed.

"Yeah! Okay, Yaya made Brother Yun worry."

Yaya stared into Yunhai's eyes, turned to her husband Liu Yun, and said apologetically.

Then, looking deeply at the sky snail in his hand for a moment, he slowly lifted it to his mouth and began to play it.

Seeing Liu Yun, he was naturally happy. When he raised his hands, there was an emerald green jade flute between his fingers, which echoed the melodious conch sound made by Yaya's Mitian snail.


"Lingling... gurgling..."

The heart of the snail is endlessly tossed and tossed, and the sound is far and long. In the sound of the snail and the flute, Yaya falls into the long dream that Erti has had since she met her mentor.

Liu Yun understood Yaya's heart knot, and tried to play every note as melodiously as possible, matching the painful and happy memories of his beloved wife.

The flute ensemble played very tacitly. Although they did not resonate with each other in their hearts, they were deeply grateful and understood each other, making this ensemble beautiful and breathtaking, and full of love.

The melodious spiral sound and the clear flute sound lasted for a long time, and they are still going on.

In a tacit understanding, the two got up spontaneously, walked to the middle of the time boat, and played while looking at each other.

One with whirling eyes, the other with deep concern.

It seems that the surrounding world does not exist, only the heartbeat and music of each other.

Suddenly, a ghostly figure that was pale but braided with a black rainbow suddenly shot down from a distant position towards their time universe!

This phantom was hidden under the time boat, and it was speeding at the same speed as the time boat. On the one-eyed ferocious face, there was an evil smirk.

When he landed under the time boat, his hands were already moving.

The pitch-black tower of death that he was holding in his hand suddenly gushed out a cloud of pitch-black smoke.

These pitch-black smoke clouds condensed into terrifying cloud lotuses at an extremely fast pace, and surrounded the entire time boat from bottom to top, soundlessly.


Suddenly, the terrifying black lotus made a dull sound, and it closed suddenly, enveloping the entire time boat, Yaya and Liu Yun in it!

"Not good! Yaya, we are besieged by the evil spirit of death! Hurry up and break through!"

The beautiful sound of fairy music played by the flute ensemble came to an abrupt end, and then Liu Yun's startled voice came out of the pitch-black black lotus!

"Oh croak! croak..."

A burst of crow-like howling and laughing sounded into the ears of Yaya and Liu Yun from below the time boat.

"Hmph! It's him!"

"Doo! Doo—"

After distinguishing for a while, Yaya recognized that the laughter under the time boat belonged to Hewu, snorted coldly, and blew the divine sound of the sky snail again!

However, this time the conch sound is no longer beautiful, it sounds cold and dizzy! The sound waves oscillated, like the sea rushing, and the sky fell, impacting the black lotus surrounding with infinite and terrifying force.

The sound of Liu Yun's flute was no longer melodious, it was as loud as thunder, and it was obviously invisible sound waves rippling around, but it was mixed with thunder and lightning.


The beautiful flute-changing device, the terrifying counter-offensive power, the vast and powerful, kept hitting the closed encirclement of the surrounding black lotus of death! There were bursts of terrifying roaring sounds.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Two little bastards of Langyuan Xianmen, save your energy! This is not in your hidden overlapping Zhoujun, this is in Dongtai Monster Land! You will be dead now, huh, huh, croak, Quack..."

Qi Ai didn't expect such a coincidence, just flying to the edge of Dongtai demon land, he ran into the person who owns the boat of time. I never thought it would be so easy to do it myself!

Not only did he bring the Time Boat into the Tower of Death, but he also captured two little immortals alive. Not only is it happy to jump wildly and croak in the clouds and mist.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he absorbed the dark death lotus into the death tower, and returned to the way he came from in an instant.

"Hmph! Dead bird! Where are you going! Give me back my daughter!"

Qi Ai was flying wildly on a dark cloud of death, when suddenly a towering mountain appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

Looking up, I found that it was the swollen fairy body of Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhan Zhoujun of Langyuan Xianmen, sitting cross-legged.

"Don't think about it!"

Qi Ai had already succeeded, so she snorted coldly, holding the tower of death, without any fear, shot directly at the sky above the head of Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhan Zhoujun, who was thousands of miles high.


How could Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi let him go, especially when he saw him accepting his daughter and son-in-law when he flew far away just now! He swung down his giant hand from the sky, without deflecting or slanting, just in time to smash Qi Ai on a huge cloud peak.


After flying mountains and rocks in the sky, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi caught the opponent in his huge palm without any effort.

"Give me back my daughter!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi roared furiously, staring at the five-colored eyes with black and white eyebrows twisted, the extremely terrifying eyes rainbow shrouded Qi Ai and screamed.

"Uh croak! croak! Do you think this is called the young master of Nengzhou who caught the original Aiqi! You cheap immortals of the Langyuan Xianmen are so naive!

I am an evil spirit of how can Zhou how can be dark, and my body can be divided and combined at any time, so you can make a noise here! How can the young master leave! "

Unexpectedly, Qi Ai had no intention of fear at all, her pale body suddenly faded away, and in the next second she appeared outside the huge palm of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi.

Then, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi actually watched him flying away, no matter how much he smashed and scratched, it was like grabbing the air, the opponent's teacher was always flying wildly in sight, and he was helpless.


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi shouted anxiously to his daughter, hoarse.

"Doo! Doo—"

Qi Ai galloped and the speed was extremely fast, and before Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi collected his huge body to catch up, the opponent had disappeared.

But at this time, Yaya's melodious conch sound calling for help came to her ears from the sky.

"Yaya! Just wait, Daddy will save you right now!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi suddenly received the huge fairy body, stepped on the star sword, and was about to chase after it.

However, at this moment, a melodious flute sounded, and then a voice laughed:

"Haha, don't be impatient with the sword occupying the universe! The arrest of Yaya and Liu Yun may not necessarily be a bad thing!"

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